Higher harmonics of tapping-mode atomic force microscope carries information about the mechanical properties of the sample on a nanometer scale. Unfortunately, the vibration amplitudes of traditional atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever at higher harmonics are too small for practical AFM imaging. Ritz method demonstrates that specific cutout on the cantilever can realize internal resonance to enhance higher harmonics. In this paper, by COMSOL finite element simulation, the laws for fundamental frequency, second resonance frequency and their ratio each as a function of the size of the cutout and the position of the cutout on the cantilever are achieved. Using focused ion beam to hole the cantilever makes the second resonance frequency close to 6 times that of the fundamental frequency and also the 6th harmonic enhanced. Moreover, we obtain the image of the 6th harmonic on our home-made higher harmonic system.
- tapping-mode atomic force microscope /
- the shape of probe cantilever /
- higher harmonics /
- focused ion beam fabrication
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[1] Binnig G, Quate C F, Gerber C 1986 Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 930
[2] Stephen A J, Houston J E 1990 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 62 710
[3] Maivald P, Butt H J, Gould S A C, Prater C B, Drake B, Grake B, Gurley J A, Elings V B, Hansma P K 1991 Nanotechnology 2 103
[4] Heuberger M, Dietler G, Schlapbach L 1994 Nanotechnology 5 12
[5] Yamanaka K, Ogiso H, Kosolov O 1994 Appl. Phys. Lett. 64 178
[6] Fukuma T, Ichii T, Kobayashi K, Yamada H, Matsushige K 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 034103
[7] Zhong Q, Inniss D, Kjoller K, Elings V B 1993 Surf. Sci. Lett. 290 L688
[8] Fukuma T, Kilpatrick J I, Jarvis S P 2006 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 123703
[9] Stark R, Heckl W 2000 Surf. Sci. 457 219
[10] Hillenbrand R, Stark M, Guckenberger R 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 3478
[11] Sahin O, Yaralioglu G, Grow R, Zappe S F, Atalar A, Quate C, Solgaard O 2004 Sens. Actuat. A: Phys. 114 183
[12] Rodríguez T R, García R 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 449
[13] Sahin O, Magonov S, Su C, Quate C F, Solgaard O 2007 Nat. Nano-technol. 2 507
[14] Ribeiro P, Petyt M 1999 J. Sound. Vibr. 224 591
[15] Sadewasser S, Villanueva G, Plaza J A 2006 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 073703
[16] Felts J R, King W P 2009 J. Micromech. Microengin. 19 115008
[17] Bhat R B 1985 J. Sound. Vibr. 102 493
[18] Zou J X 1996 Structural Dynamics (Haerbin: Harbin Institute of Technology Press) p93 (in Chinese) [邹经湘 1996 结构动力学(哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社) 第93页]
[19] Li Y,Qian J Q,Li Y Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 050701
[20] Qian J Q, Wang X, Li Y Z, Wang W, Chen Z L, Yang R 2011 (Chinese Patent) ZL201110358206.8 (in Chinese) [钱建强, 王曦, 李英姿, 王伟, 陈注里, 阳睿 2011 中国发明专利 ZL201110358206.8]
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