We have employed ab-initio plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory to calculate the equilibrium lattice parameters, elastic constants, under the hydrostatic pressures from 0 to 100 GPa for P1 -IrB with Pnma space group and P5 -IrB2 with Pmmn structures. Results show that the P1 -IrB structure is stable, and the incompressibility is enhanced with the increase of pressure. And the elastic constants, bulk modulus, shear modulus for P5 -IrB2 structure exhibit the regular changes under the hydrostatic pressures from 0 to 100 GPa. But when the pressure becomes 50 GPa, the Young's modulus and the lattice constant in the direction b for P5 -IrB2 structure will change exceptionally. Results show that both are not of obvious band gaps in P1 -IrB and P5 -IrB2 electronic structures under zero pressure, because of the covalent effect between Ir and B atoms. The analysis of band structure and the figure of density of states for P1 -IrB and P5 -IrB2 indicate that the two kinds of structure have metal properties.
- P1-IrB /
- P5-IrB2 /
- first-principles /
- mechanical properties
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[1] Teter D M 1998 MRS Bull. 23 22
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[41] [42] Alessandro L, Julietta V Rau, Roberto T, Amanda G, Valerio R A 2010 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2 581
[43] [44] Zhao W J, Wang Y X J 2009 Solid State Chem. 182 2880
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[51] [52] [53] Gui L J, Liu Y L, Wang W T, Zhang Y, Lv G H, Yao J E 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 106109
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