Based on Fresnel diffraction theory and complex Gaussian function expansion of hard-edged aperture, the optical field formula of Bessel beam propagating through an elliptical annular aperture is derived, and the transverse intensity distribution of the beam is numerically simulated. The changes of the optical field and the propagation process of the diffracted beam behind the elliptical annular aperture are studied. In the experiment for the first time, a quasi non-diffracting beam is generated by an axicon and the patterns that are due to the beam diffraction by an elliptical annular aperture at different propagation distances are observed with a charge-coupled device camera. The theoretical analysis and experimental results both show that Bessel beam passing through an elliptical annular aperture can generate a hollow beam.
- Bessel beam /
- elliptical annular aperture /
- hollow beam /
- diffraction theory
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[1] Durnin J 1987 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 4 651
[2] Sokolovskii G S 2014 Tech. Phys. Lett. 40 475
[3] Wang Z Y, Li M 2009 Acta Opt. Sin. 29 2984 (in Chinese) [王中宇, 李萌 2009 光学学报 29 2984]
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[5] He X, Wu F T, Li P, Chen Z Y 2014 Sci.China: Phys. Mech. Astron. 44 705 (in Chinese) [何西, 吴逢铁, 李攀, 陈姿言 2014 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 44 705]
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[8] Wang X F, Kang Z J, Pan Z W, Lian F Q, Huang K, Yu J 2011 Chin. J. Lasers 38 0402006 (in Chinese) [王小发, 康治军, 樊仲维, 连富强, 黄科, 余锦 2011 中国激光 38 0402006]
[9] Zhou G Q 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 1853
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[11] Ji X L, L B D 2004 Chin. J. Lasers 31 681 (in Chinese) [季小玲, 吕百达 2004 中国激光 31 681]
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[14] Lockyear M J, Hibbins A P, Sambles J R, Lawrence C R 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 193902
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[19] Wen J J, Breazeale M A 1988 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83 1752
[20] Wen W, Lu X Y, Zhao C L, Cai Y J 2014 Opt. Commun. 313 350
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