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SM4 key scheme algorithm based on chaotic system

Wang Chuan-Fu Ding Qun


SM4 key scheme algorithm based on chaotic system

Wang Chuan-Fu, Ding Qun
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  • Block cipher is a widely used encryption method. In order to improve the security of information in the network data encryption systems, the initial key should be guaranteed to be large enough. In order to overcome the threat of quantum computer to short initial keys, a key scheme based on chaotic map is proposed. The chaotic map is introduced into the original SM4 key scheme, which effectively increases the initial key space and greatly improves the resistance to key scheme attacks.#br#Due to the limited logic resources in hardware implementation, a logistic map is chosen as a chaotic system in this paper. Although the logistic map has many excellent properties of chaotic system, such as initial value sensitivity, randomness, ergodic, etc, there are still a lot of problems that we need to pay attention to. The parameter μ is the system parameter in the logistic map. The value of μ controls chaotic characteristics in the logistic map. When μ is equal to 4, the dynamic characteristics of logistic map are best. The values of data transmitted in the network are all quantified as 0 and 1. In order to implement the logistic map in a digital circuit, the digital quantization is needed. The bit sequence design quantization is very simple and saves resource consumption. Compared with other quantization methods, bit sequence design quantization can be implemented in hardware parallelly. United States National Institute of Standards and Technology launched the test program package to test the random numbers. The test program package includes frequency detection, block frequency detection, run test, etc. Those tests are used to detect the randomness in binary sequence of arbitrary length. The test program package proves that the sequence generated by the logistic map has a great randomness characteristic. After the security analysis of logistic map, the hardware implementation of logistic map is carried out in this paper. Based on the theoretical analysis and hardware implementation in the logistic map, a new SM4 key scheme combined with the logistic map is proposed. The proposed key scheme has less hardware resource consumption, larger key space and higher security than other key schemes combined with chaotic systems. The output of key scheme in this paper is tested by the test program package. The results show that the random number produced by new key scheme is larger. In the end, a key scheme attack is introduced in this paper. It is proved that the new key scheme in this paper can effectively resist existing key scheme attacks.
      Corresponding author: Ding Qun,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61471158) and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20132301110004).

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  • [1]

    Shen C X, Zhamg H G, Feng D G, Chao Z F, Huang J W 2007 Sci. China Ser. E 37 129 (in Chinese)[沈昌祥, 张焕国, 冯登国, 曹珍富, 黄继武2007中国科学37 129]


    Wu G C, Baleanu D 2014 Signal Process. 102 96


    Wang E F, Wang Z, Jing M A, Ding Q 2011 J. Net. 6 1025


    Liu H, Kadir A 2015 Signal Process. 113 104


    Tang S, Chen H F, Hwang S K, Liu J M 2002 IEEE T. Circuits-I. 49 163


    Quan A J, Jiang G P, Zuo T, Chen T 2005 J. Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications 25 80 (in Chinese)[权安静, 蒋国平, 左涛, 陈婷2005南京邮电大学学报25 80]


    Zhao R, Wang Q S, Wen H P 2006 Network Security Technology & Application 3 69 (in Chinese)[胡祥义, 刘彤2006网络安全技术与应用3 69]


    Jiang J Y, Liu T, Hu X Y 2008 Network Security Technology & Application 9 92 (in Chinese)[蒋继娅, 刘彤, 胡祥义2008网络安全技术与应用9 92]


    Zhou S Y, P M M, Xiao X H 2011 Microelectronics & Computer 28 86 (in Chinese)[周术洋, 彭蔓蔓, 肖小欢2011微电子学与计算机28 86]


    Pan J, Qi N, Xue B B, Ding Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 180504 (in Chinese)[潘晶, 齐娜, 薛兵兵, 丁群2012物理学报61 180504]


    Zhao G, Zheng D L, Dong J Y 2001 J. University of Science and Technology Beijing 23 173 (in Chinese)[赵耿, 郑德玲, 董冀媛2001北京科技大学学报23 173]


    Dong B H, Zhou J Y, Huang J Y 2009 Information Security and Communications Privacy 8 327 (in Chinese)[董斌辉, 周健勇, 黄金源2009信息安全与通信保密8 327]


    Cermak J, Kisela T, Nechvatal L 2013 Appl. Math. Comput. 219 7012


    Ding Q, Wang L 2011 Chinese J. Scientific Instrument 32 231 6 (in Chinese)[丁群, 王路2011仪器仪表学报231 6]


    Yu N, Ding Q, Chen H 2007 J. Communs. 28 73 (in Chinese)[于娜, 丁群, 陈红2007通信学报28 73]


    Zhang Y H, Sun X M, Wang B W 2016 China Commun. 13 16


    Gu B, Sheng V S 2016 IEEE T. Neur. Net. Lear. 1 1


    Li W, Wu D G 2008 J. Communs. 29 135 (in Chinese)[李玮, 谷大武2008通信学报29 135]


    Sheng L Y, Wen J, Cao L L, Xiao Y Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 78 (in Chinese)[盛利元, 闻姜, 曹莉凌, 肖燕予2007物理学报56 78]


    Fu Z, Ren K, Shu J, Sun X 2016 IEEE T. Parall. Distr. 27 2546


    Fu Z J, Wu X L, Guan C W, Sun X M, Ren K 2016 IEEE T. Inf. Foren. Sec. 11 2706

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  • Received Date:  21 August 2016
  • Accepted Date:  06 November 2016
  • Published Online:  20 January 2017

