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Establishment of ionospheric model containing sporadic E and its applications in target height measurement

Luo Huan Xiao Hui


Establishment of ionospheric model containing sporadic E and its applications in target height measurement

Luo Huan, Xiao Hui
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  • Ionosperic sporadic-E layer (Es layer) is the irregular structure in ionosphere which often occurs in summer of China, but the current model of height estimation with high frequency rays does not consider the Es layer, which often makes a large error in the estimation of the target height. In this paper, the parameters of the actual ionosphere are analyzed by using the measured data of the ionospheric vertical measurement station and the information about the variation of the ionosphere in southeastern China which was obtained in recent years. The measured data indicate that the probability of occurrence of Es in China is relatively high, especially in summer. When Es appears in summer, the probability of its cut-off frequency greater than 4.5 MHz reaches up to 83.6%, therefore, it is necessary to study the target height measurement model and algorithm when the ionosphere contains Es. Firstly, on the basis of the quasi-parabolic segments ionosphere model and real ionosphere parameters, the ionosphere model containing the Es layer is established. In this model, Es layer and its connection layer with the E layer are represented by parabola and reverse parabola respectively. Then, the high frequency transmission characteristics of the target micro multipath are analyzed based on Es model. The simulation shows that 4 multipath echoes can be simulated by the characteristics of different slant ranges and Doppler frequencies in the multiple echoes of the target. By matching the simulated 4 multipath echoes with the actual high frequency echo of the target, when the matching degree reaches a maximum value, the estimated height value can be obtained. Finally, based on the micro multipath difference between high frequency rays and the ionospheric model with Es layer, a height estimation method using matched-field processing and hill climbing search algorithm is proposed. This method can greatly reduce the search time for obtaining the real height value. Through theoretical analysis and experimental verification, the relationships between the ionospheric plasma frequency and height, between the transmission path of high frequency rays and the elevation angle/transmitting frequency, and between the micro path characteristics of high frequency rays and the height of target are obtained. Ionospheric model with the Es layer and the new target height measurement method based on the matched-field processing can accurately estimate the height of the target and have a faster calculation speed.
      Corresponding author: Luo Huan,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51309232).

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    Forbes J M, Palo S E, Zhang X 2000 J. Atmosph. Solar -Terr. Phys. 62 685


    vauli P, Bourdillon A 2008 J. Atmosph. Solar -Terr. Phys. 70 1904


    Han Y M, Hu J, Kong Q Y, Fan J M 2009 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 24 929 (in Chinese) [韩彦明, 胡进, 孔庆颜, 凡俊梅 2009 电波科学学报 24 929]


    Hao S J, Zhang W C, Zhang Y B, Yang J T, Ma G L 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 119401 (in Chinese) [郝书吉, 张文超, 张雅彬, 杨巨涛, 马广林 2017 物理学报 66 119401]


    Croft T A, Hoogasian H 1968 Radio Sci. 3 69


    Dyson P L, Bennett J A 1988 J. Atmosph. Solar -Terr. Phys. 50 251


    Norman R J 1997 Radio Sci. 32 397


    Bilitza D 2001 Radio Sci. 36 261


    Reinisch B W, Huang X Q 2000 Adv. Space Res. 25 81


    Scotto C 2009 Adv. Space Res. 44 756


    Papazoglou M, Krolik J L 1999 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 47 966


    Papazoglou M 1998 Ph. D. Dissertation (Durham: Duke University)


    Smith L G, Mechtly E A 1972 Radio Sci. 7 367


    Whitehead J D 1961 Nature 20 49


    Whitehead J D 1989 J. Atmosph. Solar -Terr. Phys. 51 401


    Nie M, Tang S R, Yang G, Zhang M L, Pei C X 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 070302 (in Chinese) [聂敏, 唐守荣, 杨光, 张美玲, 裴昌幸 2017 物理学报 66 070302]


    Sun L F, Zhao B Q, Yue X A, Mao T 2014 Chin. J. Geophys. –CH. 57 3625


    Norman R J, Dyson P L, Bennett J A 1998 S-RAMP Proceedings of the AIP Congress Australia, September, 1998 p147


    Tan H 2004 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuhan: Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [谭辉 2004 博士学位论文 (武汉: 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所)]


    Li H, Che H Q, Wu J, Wu J, Xu B 2011 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 26 311 (in Chinese) [李辉, 车海琴, 吴健, 吴军, 徐彬 2011 电波科学学报 26 311]


    Wu X, Chen J W, Bao Z, Guo D Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 119401 (in Chinese) [吴瑕, 陈建文, 鲍拯, 郭德阳 2014 物理学报 63 119401]


    Hinson J M, Staddon J E R 1983 J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 40 321


    Anderson C W, Green S D, Kingsley S P 1996 IEE Proc. -Radar, Sonar Navig. 143 281

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  • Received Date:  03 December 2017
  • Accepted Date:  02 January 2018
  • Published Online:  05 April 2018

