The curved light-emitting diode (LED) array has so many advantages over conventional planar micro LED array such as wider viewing angles, and convenience in its actual applications:curved mobile phone screen, curved smart watch screen, and wide-angle communication illumination light source, etc. Irradiance uniformity is considered to be one of the momentous parameters for evaluating the degree of display or communication lighting devices. In order to improve the untilization of micro-curved LED array in display illumination, we focus on uniform irradiance of cylindrical and spherical micro-LED array by the method of ray-tracing. The calculation results show that the curved radius R and LED radiation parameter m are main factors affecting the uniform irradiance of the cylindrical array. We can improve the energy utilization efficiency by arranging the array pixel positions rationally. The simulation of 1010 cylindrical array with bending radius R=5 cm shows that the uniformity of maximum irradiance can reach 90.5% when detection distance z=300 cm and the detection area is defined as {(x, y)|-100 x 100, -100 y 100}. Furthermore, the irradiance distribution of spherical array is calculated and the results show that the irradiance uniformity of the single spherical array is unrelated to the number of pixels when it surpasses three. The main factors that affect the irradiance distribution of the multi-ring LED array are the ring distribution coefficient K, the normal angle 0, and the luminous flux ratio of each ring . Also the two-ring LED array model is calculated when the pixel number of the first ring is set to be 6 and the second ring is assumed to be 12. And the simulation results show that the maximum irradiance uniformity of the two-ring LED array can reach 94.8% in which the value of 0 is set to be 20, the ring distribution coefficient K=0.5 and the two ring pixel unit luminous flux ratio =20. Experimentally, we adopt the approach of the two micro LEDs to confirm the accuracy of the theory. And the results show that the irradiance distributions of two LEDs with the values of angle =13, 15 and 17 are consistent with the theoretical calculations. Thus, the theoretical and the experimental results in the paper can offer references for curved-LED display and multi-mode intelligent illumination.
- micro /
- light-emitting diode array /
- curve /
- irradiance uniformity
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[1] Jiang H X, Lin J Y 2013 Opt. Express 21 A475
[2] Bao X Z, Liang J Q, Liang Z Z, Qin Y X, L J G, Wang W B 2016 Chin. J. Lumin. 37 1399 (in Chinese) [包兴臻, 梁静秋, 梁中翥, 秦余欣, 吕金光, 王维彪 2016 发光学报 37 1399]
[3] Xue B, Yang H, Yu F, Wang X T, Liu L L, Pei Y R, Lu P Z, Xie H Z, Kong Q F, Li J, Yi X Y, Wang J X, Li J M 2014 Optoelectronic Devices and Integration V (Beijing: Spie Press) p9270
[4] Herrnsdorf J, McKendry J J D, Zhang S, Xie E, Ferreira R, Massoubre D, Zuhdi A M, Henderson R K, Ian U, Scott W, Kelly Anthony E, Gu E, Dawson M D 2015 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 62 1918
[5] Ban Z, Liang Z, Liang J, Wang W, L J, Qin Y 2017 Curr. Opt. Photon. 1 143
[6] Chen H W, Wen S S, Ma B X, Fu M, Xie Y 2017 Acta Opt. Sin. 37 0222001 (in Chinese) [陈浩伟, 文尚胜, 马丙戌, 符民, 谢雅 2017 光学学报 37 0222001]
[7] Chai Y B 2012 M. S. Dissertation (Shanghai: Fudan University) (in Chinese) [柴颖斌 2012 硕士学位论文 (上海: 复旦大学)]
[8] Mckendry J J D, Massoubre D, Zhang S, Rae B R, Green R P, Gu E, Henderson R K, Kelly A E, Dawson M D 2011 J. Lightwave Technol. 30 61
[9] Tian P, Mckendry J J, Gu E, Chen Z, Sun Y, Zhang G, Dawson M D, Liu R 2016 Opt. Express 24 699
[10] Day J, Li J, Lie D Y C, Bradford C, Lin J Y, Jiang H X 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 031116
[11] Liu Z J, Chong W C, Wong K M, Tam K H, Lau K M 2013 IEEE Photon. Tech. L. 25 2267
[12] Rajbhandari S, Chun H, Faulkner G, Cameron K, Jalajakumari A V N, Henderson R, Tsonev D, Ijaz M, Chen Z, Haas H, Xie E, McKendry J J D, Herrnsdorf J, Gu E, Dawson M D, OBrien D 2015 IEEE J. Sel. Area. Comm. 33 1750
[13] O'Brien D, Haas H, Rajbhandari S, Chun H, Faulkner G, Cameron K, Jalajakumari A V N, Henderson R, Tsonev D, Ijaz M, Chen Z, Xie E, McKendry J J D, Herrnsdorf J, Gu E, Dawson M D 2015 Broadband Access Communication Technologies IX (Beijing: Spie Press) p9387
[14] Gao D, Wang W, Liang Z, Liang J, Qin Y, L J 2016 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 405108
[15] Fang S W 2017 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [方士伟 2017 博士学位论文 (北京: 中国科学院大学)]
[16] Liu H J, Lan T, Ni G Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 238503 (in Chinese) [刘浩杰, 蓝天, 倪国强 2014 物理学报 63 238503]
[17] Shi C Y, Wen S S, Chen Y C 2015 Chin. J. Lumin. 36 348 (in Chinese) [史晨阳, 文尚胜, 陈颖聪 2015 发光学报 36 348]
[18] Moreno I, Avendao M, Tzonchev R I 2006 Appl. Opt. 45 2265
[19] Zhu Z, Ma D, Hu Q, Tang Y, Liang R 2018 Opt. Express 26 A54
[20] Zhao Z, Zhang H, Zheng H, Liu S 2018 Opt. Commun. 410 123
[21] Tian P, Mckendry J J D, Gong Z, Guilhabert B, Watson I M, Gu Erdan, Chen Z, Zhang G, Dawson M D 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 2217
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