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Rapid solidification mechanism of liquid quinary Ni-Zr-Ti-Al-Cu alloy investigated by high-speed cinematography

Xu Shan-Sen Chang Jian Wu Yu-Hao Sha Sha Wei Bing-Bo

Xu Shan-Sen, Chang Jian, Wu Yu-Hao, Sha Sha, Wei Bing-Bo. Rapid solidification mechanism of liquid quinary Ni-Zr-Ti-Al-Cu alloy investigated by high-speed cinematography. Acta Phys. Sin., 2019, 68(19): 196401. doi: 10.7498/aps.68.20190910
Citation: Xu Shan-Sen, Chang Jian, Wu Yu-Hao, Sha Sha, Wei Bing-Bo. Rapid solidification mechanism of liquid quinary Ni-Zr-Ti-Al-Cu alloy investigated by high-speed cinematography. Acta Phys. Sin., 2019, 68(19): 196401. doi: 10.7498/aps.68.20190910

Rapid solidification mechanism of liquid quinary Ni-Zr-Ti-Al-Cu alloy investigated by high-speed cinematography

Xu Shan-Sen, Chang Jian, Wu Yu-Hao, Sha Sha, Wei Bing-Bo
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  • The ability to undercool and solidification mechanism of liquid quinary Ni40Zr28.5Ti16.5Al10Cu5 alloy are investigated by electromagnetic levitation (EML) and drop tube (DT) technique. Under the EML condition, the maximum undercooling of levitated alloy can reach up to 290 K (0.21TL). Under the DT condition, the alloy achieves higher undercooling than EML, and solidifies finally into metallic glass. At lower undercooling, the solidification structure of the alloy is composed of primary Ni3Ti phase, secondary Ni10Zr7 phase and eutectic (Ni10Zr7+Ni21Zr8) phase. With the rise of undercooling, the solidification structure displays the following evolution events: phase morphology refinement, primary phase inhibition, phase number reduction, and amorphous phase formation. By using the high-speed cinematography technique, three nucleation modes are distinctly observed on the levitated alloy melt surface at the beginning of solidification, that is, single-point nucleation, multi-point nucleation and annular nucleation. The levitation state corresponding to single-point mode nucleation is relatively stable, and the alloy undercooling is also relatively low. The annular nucleation only occursin the case with high rotation speed, and the undercooling is greater than 208 K. The discrepancy between nucleation modes is due to the He gas flow for forced cooling. The theoretical calculations indicate that the alloy droplets achieve high undercoolingand large cooling rate under the DT condition. The experimental results show that when the droplet diameter decreases to 498 μm, the amorphous phase begins to appear in the alloy particles. It is noteworthy that the amorphous phase is preferentially formed inside the droplet, but not on the outer surface. The morphology of solidification structure reveals that different regions of the droplet have various local undercoolings, which result in the distribution characteristics of amorphous phase. The volume fraction of amorphous phase increases linearly with the decrease of particle diameter. When the droplet diameter decreases to 275 μm, the alloy droplets are completely frozen into glassy particles. The average eutecticspacing values are also measured at different alloy undercoolings. Compared with the classical binary eutectic growth model, the experimental eutectic growth law exhibits a large deviation in index. This indicates that the eutectic growth in multicomponent alloys displays more complex kinetic characteristics.
      Corresponding author: Wei Bing-Bo,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51771154, 51327901) and the Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi (Grant No. 2019GY-152)

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    1. 周杰,郑富. 用于磁力显微镜探针覆盖层的FePt-MgO薄膜的结构与磁性研究. 信息记录材料. 2024(08): 36-39 . 百度学术
    2. 杨真艳,杨文韬,祝昆. Si(001)基片上的FePt薄膜性质. 信息记录材料. 2023(04): 44-47 . 百度学术
    3. 游阿峰,应耀,车声雷. 隔离介质对Fe(Co)Pt薄膜结构和性能的影响研究进展. 磁性材料及器件. 2022(03): 96-103 . 百度学术


  • 图 1  五元Ni40Zr28.5Ti16.5Al10Cu5合金的相组成和相变特征 (a) X射线衍射图谱; (b) DSC热分析曲线; (c) 电磁悬浮状态下的冷却曲线

    Figure 1.  Phase constitution and transition characteristics of quinary Ni40Zr28.5Ti16.5Al10Cu5 alloy: (a) XRD pattern; (b) DSC thermogram; (c) cooling curve at levitated state.

    图 2   初生 Ni3Ti相快速生长引起的再辉过程(a) 单点形核; (b) 多点形核; (c) 环区形核

    Figure 2.  Recalescence process caused by rapid growth of primary Ni3Ti phase(a) Single-point nucleation; (b) multi-point nucleation; (c) annular region nucleation.

    图 3  悬浮状态下合金液滴的旋转速率与过冷度关系

    Figure 3.  Rotation rateversus undercooling of levitated alloy droplet

    图 4  初生Ni3Ti相枝晶生长与组织特征  (a) 枝晶生长速度; (b) 最大尺寸和体积分数

    Figure 4.  Dendritic growth and microstructure of primary Ni3Ti phase: (a) Dendritic growth velocity; (b) maximum length and volume fraction.

    图 5  电磁悬浮条件下Ni40Zr28.5Ti16.5Al10Cu5合金的微观组织形态 (a)母合金; (b) ΔT=115 K; (c) ΔT=200 K; (d) ΔT=290 K

    Figure 5.  Solidification microstructures of electromagnetically levitated Ni40Zr28.5Ti16.5Al10Cu5 alloy. (a) Master alloy; (b) ΔT=115 K; (c) ΔT=200 K; (d) ΔT=290 K.

    图 6  合金液滴深过冷与共晶生长特征 (a)过冷度随液滴直径变化; (b) 共晶间距随过冷度变化

    Figure 6.  Liquid undercooling and eutectic growth of alloy droplets: (a) Estimated undercoolings of freely falling alloy droplets; (b) average eutectic spacing versus undercooling.

    图 7  合金液滴内部温度场随直径和位置的变化关系 (a) 温度分布; (b) 温度梯度; (c) 冷却速率

    Figure 7.  Internal temperature field of alloy droplet versus diameter and location (a) Temperature distribution; (b) temperature gradient; (c) cooling rate.

    图 8   自由落体条件下不同直径合金液滴的凝固组织形貌 (a) 957 μm直径; (b) A区放大; (c) B区放大(d) 428 μm直径; (e) C区放大; (f) D区放大

    Figure 8.  Microstructural morphology of solidified alloy droplets with different diameters.(a) 957 μm diameter; (b) Enlarged A in (a); (c) Enlarged B in (a)(d) 428 μm diameter; (b) Enlarged C in (d); (c) Enlarged D in (d)

    图 9  合金液滴凝固组织中非晶相分布规律

    Figure 9.  Amorphous phase distribution versus alloy droplet diameter

    图 10  合金凝固组织特征随液滴直径变化规律 (a) 非晶相体积分数; (b) 共晶相平均间距

    Figure 10.  Variation of solidification microstructures with alloy droplets diameter: (a) Typical structure parameters; (b) average eutectic spacing.

    表 1  理论计算用热物性参数[23]

    Table 1.  Physical parameters used in calculations

    物理参数 数值
    初始温度, T0/K 1500
    环境温度, Ti/K 298
    热导率, κ/W·m–1·K–1 65.4
    液相线温度, TL/K 1400
    Stefan-Boltzmann常数, σSB/W·m–1·K–1 5.67 × 10–8
    熔体密度, ρ/kg·m–3 6.15 × 103
    位置参数, r/r0 0.1—1.0
    熔体热辐射系数, εh 0.2
    熔体比热, Cp, /J·kg–1·K–1 601
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    Zhao P, Heinrich J C, Poirier D R 2005 Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 49 233Google Scholar


    Sánchez Lamazares J L, Sanchez T, Santos J D, Pérez M J, Sanchez M L, Hernando B 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 4358


    Wu M, Liu T, Dong M, Sun J M, Dong S L, Qiang W 2017 J. Appl. Phys. 121 064901Google Scholar


    Lü P, Wang H P 2017 Scr. Mater. 137 31Google Scholar


    Chen F, Zhang T Q, Wang J, Zhang L T, Zhou G F 2015 J. Alloy. Compd. 640 375


    翟秋亚, 杨扬, 徐锦锋, 郭学锋 2007 物理学报 56 6118Google Scholar

    Zhai Q Y, Yang Y, Xu J F, Guo X F 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6118Google Scholar


    Haein C Y, Xu D H, William L J 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 1030Google Scholar


    Duwez P, Willens R H, Klement J W 1960 J. Appl. Phys. 31 1137


    沙莎, 王伟丽, 吴宇昊, 魏炳波 2018 物理学报 67 046402Google Scholar

    Sha S, Wang W L, Wu Y H, Wei B 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 046402Google Scholar


    Greaves G N, Wilding M C, Fearn S, Langstaff D, Kargl F, Cox S, Vu Van Q, Majérus O, Benmore C J, Weber R, Martin C M, Hennet L 2008 Science 322 566Google Scholar


    Kavouras A, Krammer G 2003 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 4468Google Scholar


    Baer S, Andrade M A, Esen C, Adamowski J C, Schweiger G, Ostendorf A 2011 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82 105111Google Scholar


    Wall J J, Weber R, Kim J, Liaw P K, Choo H 2007 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 445 219


    Skinner L B, Benmore C J, Weber J K R, Du J, Neuefeind J, Tumber S K, Parise1 J B 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 157801Google Scholar


    Lan S, Blodgett M, Kelton K F, Ma J L, Fan J, Wang X L 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 831


    杨尚京, 王伟丽, 魏炳波 2015 物理学报 64 056401Google Scholar

    Yang S J, Wang W L, Wei B 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 056401Google Scholar


    Royer Z L, Tackes C, Lesar R, Napolitano R E 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 113 214901Google Scholar


    Lee J, Rodriguez J E, Hyers R W, Matson D M 2015 Metall. Mater. Trans. B 46 2470Google Scholar


    Cao L, Cochrane R F, Mullis A M 2015 Intermetallics 60 33Google Scholar


    Xu D, Duan G, Johnson W L, Garland C 2004 Acta Mater. 52 3493Google Scholar


    Lee E S, Ahn S 1994 Acta Metall. Mater. 42 3231Google Scholar


    Wang W L, Li Z Q, Wei B 2011 Acta Mater. 59 5482Google Scholar


    Alford T L, Gale W F, Totemeir T C 2015 Smithells Metals Reference Book (Elsevier) 8−2


    Inoue A 2000 Acta Mater. 48 279Google Scholar


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  • 期刊类型引用(3)

    1. 周杰,郑富. 用于磁力显微镜探针覆盖层的FePt-MgO薄膜的结构与磁性研究. 信息记录材料. 2024(08): 36-39 . 百度学术
    2. 杨真艳,杨文韬,祝昆. Si(001)基片上的FePt薄膜性质. 信息记录材料. 2023(04): 44-47 . 百度学术
    3. 游阿峰,应耀,车声雷. 隔离介质对Fe(Co)Pt薄膜结构和性能的影响研究进展. 磁性材料及器件. 2022(03): 96-103 . 百度学术


  • Abstract views:  10314
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  • Cited By: 3
Publishing process
  • Received Date:  13 June 2019
  • Accepted Date:  10 July 2019
  • Available Online:  01 October 2019
  • Published Online:  05 October 2019

