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Experimental observation and theoretical analysis of spontaneous magnetic moment of Rb atom clusters

Di Shu-Hong Zhang Yang Yang Hui-Jing San Xing-Yuan Liu Hui-Yuan Zhang Su-Heng Li Fan-Lin Tai Jun-Jun Zhou Chun-Li


Experimental observation and theoretical analysis of spontaneous magnetic moment of Rb atom clusters

Di Shu-Hong, Zhang Yang, Yang Hui-Jing, San Xing-Yuan, Liu Hui-Yuan, Zhang Su-Heng, Li Fan-Lin, Tai Jun-Jun, Zhou Chun-Li
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • For the magnetism of alkali metal clusters, it is difficult to determine the number of atoms and the magnetic moment of isolated atoms cluster. In this paper, we investigate the magnetic moment of single atomic molecule 87Rb1 and 14 kinds of cluster particles (87Rb)${}_{n'} $ ($n' $= 2, 3, 4, ···, 15) in a saturated rubidium vapor sample at about 328 K, by using optical magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The experimental results show that there is a relationship f${}_{n'} $ = f */$n' $ between the resonant frequencies f${}_{n'} $ of 14 kinds of cluster particles (87Rb)${}_{n'} $ and the resonant frequencies f * of 87Rb1. The magnetic moment and their resonance amplitudes show two different relationships with the ${n'} $ odevity. When the particles have an odd number of 5s electrons, they must have spontaneous magnetic moment, and the value of magnetic moment increases with n and decreases inverse proportionally with the combined angular momentum F of the cluster particles. The amplitude obtained from resonance spectrum complies with the variation law of magnetic moment value. On the other hand, for the cluster particles with n being even number, the magnetic moment value becomes 0 and the amplitude is also 0 in the most cases, except for the cluster particles 87Rb2 with n = 2 i.e. two 5s electrons, which is caused by the Jahn-Teller effect of the linear molecules, and the magnetic moment value is consistent with the calculation results of the odd number particles. When n > 2, the coupling effect between the magnetic moments of the Rb cluster shows a long-range ordered antiferromagnetic property with the increase of the number of 5s valence electrons n. The electron configuration and molecular state of the ground state and the lowest excited state of 14 kinds of 2—15 atoms cluster particles 87Rbn, as well as the stability of each molecular state and the possibility of visible Zeeman effect are obtained by using the molecular orbital-state theory analysis and constructing the 87Rbn–1 + 87Rbn atomic cluster model. Furthermore, based on the magnetic moment of diatomic molecules ruler, it is found that when n = ${n'} $, the magnetic moment of (87Rb)${}_{n'} $ and 87Rbn are in strict consistency (the average relative error is only 0.6765%), confirming the corresponding relationship between (87Rb)${}_{n'} $ and 87Rbn. This research will be of great value in the magnetic research of cluster particles.
      Corresponding author: Di Shu-Hong, ; Zhang Yang, ; Yang Hui-Jing,

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  • 图 1  实验测量的${n'} $ = 1—15的铷簇粒子共振光谱振幅及形态示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic illustration of the resonance spectral amplitudes and shape of the 1−15 kinds of Rb cluster particles derived from experiments.

    图 2  (a), (b)铷簇颗粒的TEM图片; (c), (d)铷元素分布图

    Figure 2.  (a), (b) TEM images of the Rb cluster particles; (c), (d) the distribution of rubidium by EDS mappings.

    图 3  实验测得的 (87Rb)${}_{n'} $的9种簇粒子的共振频率$\bar f$与磁场H0的关系曲线(${n'} $ = 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)

    Figure 3.  Magnetic field strength H0 dependence of resonance frequency $\bar f$ for the 9 kinds of Rb cluster particles (87Rb)${}_{n'} $ (${n'} $ = 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15).

    表 1  实验获得的(87Rb)${}_{n'} $各粒子的平均${\bar g_{n'}}$, $\bar \mu {}_{n'}$, ${\bar A_{n'}}$

    Table 1.  The ${\bar g_{n'}}$, $\bar \mu {}_{n'}$, ${\bar A_{n'}}$ of the 15 kinds of cluster particles (87Rb)${}_{n'} $.

    ${n'} $为奇数粒子${n'} $${\bar g_{n'}}$$\bar \mu {}_{n'}$/μB${\bar A_{n'}}$/mV${n'} $为偶数粒子${n'} $${\bar g_{n'}}$$\bar \mu {}_{n'}$/μB${\bar A_{n'}}$/mV
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    表 2  15种原子簇分子87Rbn的基态和最低激发态的电子组态和分子态项型表

    Table 2.  Electron configuration and molecular state of the ground state and the lowest excited state of 15 kinds of cluster particles 87Rbn.

    团簇分子, 参考分子基态电子组态和分子态及$ {\lambda }_{\text{合}}$和S最低激发电子组态及其$ {\lambda }_{\text{合}}$和S (Hund(a)
    情形跃迁规则$\Delta \lambda =0, \pm 1$, $g\;\, \leftrightarrow u$,
    $ \Delta n = 0, \;\; \pm 1, ~\Delta S = 0$
    稳定性比较${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}}$
    87Rb1$ {\rm{KLMN}}_{\rm{spd}}(\sigma {}_{\rm{g}}\rm{5}\rm{s})$
    ${}^2{\Sigma _{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = 1/2$
    $ {\rm{KLMN}}_{\rm{spd}}({\text{π}}{}_{\rm{u}}{4}{\rm{d}})$
    ${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 1/2$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 1/2$
    ${({\rm{\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }5{\rm{s} })^2},$ ${}^1{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ +,$ ${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = {{0}}$或
    [${\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5s} })({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} } ,$ ${}^3{ {\Sigma } }_{\rm{u} }^{ + },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0 ,$$S = {{1}}$]
    ${\rm{(\sigma }}{}_{\rm{g}}{\rm{5 s}})({{\text{π}}_{\rm{u}}}{\rm{4 d)}},$ ${}^1{{\Pi}_{\rm{u}}},$$ {\lambda }_{\text{合}}=1,$$S = {{0}}$或
    [${\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{u} }{\rm{5s} })({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} },$${}^3{{\Pi}_{\rm{g}}},$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = {{1}}$]
    X: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 1 - 0 = 1$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 1 - 0 = 1$
    [X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 1/2 - 1/2 = { {0} }$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 1/2 - 1/2 = { {0} }$]
    87Rb3${({\rm{\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^{ {2} } }({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} } ,$
    ${}^2{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{u} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = 1/2$
    ${\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)(} }{ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)(} }{ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} },$
    ${}^2{ {\Pi}_{\rm{g} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 1 - 1/2 = 1/2$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 1 - 1/2 = 1/2$
    87Rb4${({\rm{\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)} }^{ {2} } }{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^{ {2} } },$
    ${}^1{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = {{0}}$
    ${\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)(} }{ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s} }{ {\rm{)} }^{ {2} } }{\rm{(\pi } }{}_{\rm{u} }{\rm{4 d)} },$
    ${}^1{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = {{0}}$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 1 - 1 = 0$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 1 - 1 = 0$
    87Rb5${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} } ,$
    ${}^2{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ + ,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = 1/2$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^1},$
    ${}^2{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 1\frac{1}{2} - 1 = 1/2$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 1\frac{1}{2} - 1 = 1/2$
    87Rb6${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2},$
    ${}^1{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = {{0}}$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)(} }{ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} },$
    ${}^1{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } } ,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = {{0}}$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 2 - 1 = 1$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 2 - 1 = 1$
    87Rb7${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} },$
    ${}^2{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$
    ${({\rm{\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^1}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2} ,$
    ${}^2{ {\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = 1/2$; ${}^2{ { {\Delta } }_{\rm{g} } },$ ${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=2, S =1/2$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 2\frac{1}{2} - 1 = 1\frac{1}{2}$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 2\frac{1}{2} - 1 = 1\frac{1}{2}$
    87Rb8${({\rm{\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2},$
    ${}^1{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = {{0}}$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^1}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^3},$
    ${}^1{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = {{0}}$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 3 - 1 = 2$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 3 - 1 = 2$
    87Rb9${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^3},$
    ${}^2{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } } ,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^1}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4},$
    ${}^2{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ + ,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = 1/2$; ${}^2{ { {\Delta } }_{\rm{g} } },$ ${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=2, S = 1/2$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 3\frac{1}{2} - 1 = 2\frac{1}{2}$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 3\frac{1}{2} - 1 = 2\frac{1}{2}$
    87Rb10${({\rm{\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4},$
    ${}^1{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = {{0}}$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^1}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^1},$
    ${}^1{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = {{0}}$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 4 - 1 = 3$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = {\rm{4 - 1}} = {\rm{3}}$
    87Rb11${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^1},$
    ${}^2{ {\Pi}_{\rm{g} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^1}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2},$
    ${}^2{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{u} }^ + ,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = 1/2$; ${}^2{ { {\Delta } }_{\rm{g} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=2,$ $S = 1/2$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 4 - 1\frac{1}{2} = 2\frac{1}{2}$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 4 - 1\frac{1}{2} = 2\frac{1}{2}$
    87Rb12${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2} ,$
    ${}^1{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = {{0}}$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^1}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^3},$
    ${}^1{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = {{0}}$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 4 - 2 = 2$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = {\rm{4 - 2}} = {{2}}$
    87Rb13${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^3},$
    ${}^2{ {\Pi}_{\rm{g} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^1}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4},$
    ${}^2{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } } ,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 4 - 2\frac{1}{2} = 1\frac{1}{2}$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 4 - 2\frac{1}{2} = 1\frac{1}{2}$
    87Rb14${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4},$
    ${}^1{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{g} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = {{0}}$
    ${ {\rm{(\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^3} ({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} },$
    ${}^1{ {\Pi}_{\rm{u} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = {{0}}$
    X: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 4 - 3 = 1$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a}}} - {P_{\rm{b}}} = 4 - 3 = 1$
    87Rb15${({\rm{\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} },$
    ${}^2{{\Sigma } }_{\rm{u} }^ +,$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=0,$$S = 1/2$
    ${({\rm{\sigma } }{}_{\rm{g} }{\rm{5 s} })^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{5 s)} }^2}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^4}{({ {\text{π} }_{\rm{g} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^3}{({ {\rm{\sigma } }_{\rm{u} } }{\rm{4 d)} }^2},$${}^2{ {\Pi}_{\rm{g} } },$${\lambda }_{\text{合} }=1,$$S = 1/2$X: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 4-3\frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{2}$
    A: ${P_{\rm{a} } } - {P_{\rm{b} } } = 4-3\frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{2}$
    注: 表中电子组态仅87Rb1的基态和激发态标出了闭壳层KLMNspd, 其他粒子没有重复标出闭壳层KLMNspd.
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    表 3  87Rbn簇的磁距${\bar \mu _n}$和朗德因子${\bar g_{{n}}}$的理论计算结果

    Table 3.  Theoretical calculation results of $\bar \mu {}_n$ and ${\bar g_n}$ of Rb clusters87Rbn.

    $\bar \mu {}_n$/μB${\bar g_n}$n为偶数
    $\bar \mu {}_n$/μB${\bar g_n}$
    87Rb1${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$1$1/2$$1/2$87Rb2${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{g}}}$2$1/4$$1/4$
    87Rb3${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{g}}}$3$1/6$$1/6$87Rb4${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$400
    87Rb5${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$5$1/10$$1/10$87Rb6${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$600
    87Rb7${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$7$1/14$$1/14$87Rb8${}^1{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$800
    87Rb9${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$9$1/18$$1/18$87Rb10${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$1000
    87Rb11${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{g}}}$11$1/22$$1/22$87Rb12${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$1200
    87Rb13${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{g}}}$13$1/26$$1/26$87Rb14${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{u}}}$1400
    87Rb15${}^2{\Pi _{\rm{g}}}$15$1/30$$1/30$
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    表 4  87Rbn与 (87Rb)${}_{n'} $的平均磁矩和振幅值的对比

    Table 4.  Comparison of average magnetic moment and amplitude of 87Rbn and (87Rb)${}_{n'} $

    n$\bar \mu {}_n$/μB团簇
    (87Rb)${}_{n'} $
    $n'$$\bar \mu {}_{n'}$/μB磁矩的相对误差%${\bar A_{n'} }$/mV${\bar A_{n'}}$与${\bar A_n}$
    15种簇粒子(87Rb)${}_{n'} $与87Rbn的磁矩相对误差均值为: 0.6765%
    9种磁矩不为0的簇粒子(87Rb)${}_{n'} $与87Rbn的磁矩相对误差均值为: 1.1275%
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  • Received Date:  06 January 2021
  • Accepted Date:  25 January 2021
  • Available Online:  17 June 2021
  • Published Online:  20 June 2021

