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Simultaneous label-free autofluorescence-multiharmonic microscopy driven by femtosecond sources based on self-phase modulation enabled spectral selection

Wang Xiao-Ying Xing Yu-Ting Chen Run-Zhi Jia Xue-Qi Wu Ji-Hua Jiang Jin Li Lian-Yong Chang Guo-Qing


Simultaneous label-free autofluorescence-multiharmonic microscopy driven by femtosecond sources based on self-phase modulation enabled spectral selection

Wang Xiao-Ying, Xing Yu-Ting, Chen Run-Zhi, Jia Xue-Qi, Wu Ji-Hua, Jiang Jin, Li Lian-Yong, Chang Guo-Qing
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  • Nonlinear optical microscopy technique has unique advantages in tissue imaging, such as enhanced contrast, high resolution, and label-free deep optical sectioning capabilities. Nonlinear optical microscopy also has multiple imaging modalities, corresponding to various components in biological tissues. Unfortunately, its wide applications are hindered due to the lack of broadly tunable femtosecond sources designed for driving multimodalities simultaneously. To solve this challenge, we propose a new wavelength conversion approach—self-phase modulation (SPM) enabled spectral selection, dubbed as SESS. The SESS employs SPM to broaden the input spectrum in a short fiber, and the broadened spectrum features well-isolated spectral lobes. Using the suitable optical filters to select the outermost spectral lobes produces nearly transform-limited femtosecond pulses. In this work, we demonstrate a fiber-optic SESS source for multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy. Based on a 43-MHz Yb-fiber laser, this SESS source can emit 990-nm, 84-fs pulses with >5-nJ energy and ~84-fs pulse duration; it can also produce 1110-nm, 48-fs pulses with 15-nJ energy. The 990-nm pulses are used to drive two-photon excitation fluorescence of many important fluorophores and second-harmonic generation microscopy, which, combined with image splicing technology, enables us to obtain a large field of view image of the gastric tissue. We also employ the 1110-nm pulses to drive simultaneous label-free autofluorescence-multiharmonic microscopy for multimodal imaging of gastric tissue. Two-photon excitation fluorescence, three-photon excitation fluorescence, second-harmonic generation and third-harmonic generation signals of gastric tissue are simultaneously excited efficiently. Such a multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy driven by SESS sources becomes a powerful tool in biomedical imaging.
      Corresponding author: Wu Ji-Hua, ; Chang Guo-Qing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Strategic Support Force Medical Center Clinical Innovation Topics for Medicine and health, China (Grant No. 19ZX40), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11774234), and the Program of Development of a New Multiphoton Microscope for Large Depth and High Precision Imaging of Three-dimensional Biological Models, China (Grant No. YJKYYQ20190034)

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    Ji M, Lewis S, Camelo-Piragua S, Ramkissoon S H, Snuderl M, Venneti S, Fisher-Hubbard A, Garrard M, Fu D, Wang A C, Heth J A, Maher C O, Sanai N, Johnson T D, Freudiger C W, Sagher O, Xie X S, Orringer D A 2015 Sci. Transl. Med. 7 309ra163Google Scholar


    Georgakoudi I, Quinn K P 2012 Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 14 351Google Scholar


    Chang T, Zimmerley S, Quinn K P, Jouenne I L, Kaplan D L, Beaurepaire E, Georgakoudi I 2013 Biomaterials 34 8607Google Scholar


    Hou J, Wright H J, Chan N S K, Tran R D H, Razorenova O V, Potma E O, Tromberg B J 2016 J Biomed Opt. 21 060503Google Scholar


    Huang S H, Heikal A A, Webb W W 2002 Biophys. J. 82 2811Google Scholar


    Zoumi A, Yeh A, Tromberg B J 2002 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99 11014Google Scholar


    Zipfel W R, Williams R M, Christie R, Nikitin A Y, Hyman B T, Webb W W 2003 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 100 7075Google Scholar


    Chu S W, Chen I H, Liu T M, Chen P C, Sun C K, Lin B L 2001 Opt. Lett. 26 1909Google Scholar


    Xu C, Wise F W 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 875Google Scholar


    Lim H, Ilday F O, Buckley J, Chong A, Wise F W 2004 Electron. Lett. 40 1523Google Scholar


    Takayanagi J, Sugiura T, Yoshida M, Nishizawa N 2006 IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 18 2284Google Scholar


    Li K C, Huang L L H, Liang J H, Chang M C 2016 Biomed. Opt. Express 7 4803Google Scholar


    Chen H W, Haider Z, Lim J, Xu S, Yang Z, Kärtner F X, Chang G, 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 4927Google Scholar


    Chan M C, Lien C H, Lu J Y, Lyu B H 2014 Opt. Express 22 9498Google Scholar


    Tauser F, Adler F, Leitenstorfer A 2004 Opt. Lett. 29 516Google Scholar


    Tu H, Lægsgaard J, Zhang R, Tong S, Liu Y, Boppart S A 2013 Opt. Express 21 23188Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Tu H, Benalcazar W A, Chaney E J, Boppart S A 2012 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 18 1209Google Scholar


    Gottschall T, Meyer T, Schmitt M, Popp J, Limpert J, Tünnermann A 2015 Opt. Express 23 23968Google Scholar


    Liu W, Li C, Zhang Z, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2016 Opt. Express 24 15328Google Scholar


    Liu W, Chia S H, Chung H Y, Greinert R, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2017 Opt. Express 25 6822Google Scholar


    Chung H Y, Liu W, Cao Q, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2017 Opt. Express 25 15760Google Scholar


    Chung H Y, Liu W, Cao Q, Song L W, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2018 Opt. Express 26 3684Google Scholar


    Chung H Y, Liu W, Cao Q, Greinert R, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2019 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron 25 6800708Google Scholar


    Chung H Y, Greinert R, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2019 Biomed. Opt. Express 10 514Google Scholar


    Herz J, Siffrin V, Hauser A E, Brandt A U, Leuenberger T, Radbruch H, Zipp F, Niesne R A 2010 Biophys. J. 98 715Google Scholar


    Bissell M J, Radisky D 2001 Nat. Rev. Cancer 1 46Google Scholar

  • 图 1  基于SESS的非线性光学显微镜实验装置. ISO: 隔离器, LD: 二极管泵浦激光源, WDM: 波分复用器, Amp: 光纤放大器, HWP: 半波片, PBS: 偏振分束器, L: 透镜, LPF: 长通滤波器, NLOM: 非线性光学显微镜

    Figure 1.  Schematic setup of the nonlinear optical microscopy driven by SESS. ISO: isolator, LD: laser diode, WDM: wavelength-division multiplexing, Amp: amplifier, HWP: half-wave plate, PBS: polarization beam splitter, L: lens, LPF: long pass filter, NLOM: nonlinear optical microscopy.

    图 2  放大脉冲的光谱和自相关轨迹 (a)光谱; (b)自相关轨迹. 红色曲线: 测量得到的自相关轨迹, 黑色曲线: 通过光谱计算得到的变换极限脉冲的自相关轨迹

    Figure 2.  Spectrum and autocorrelation trace of the amplified pulse: (a) Spectrum; (b) autocorrelation trace. Red curve: measured autocorrelation trace. Black curve: calculated from the transform-limited pulses allowed by the amplified pulse spectrum.

    图 3  当耦合到光纤里的能量为44 nJ时输出的展宽光谱以及990 nm处滤波得到的脉冲光谱和自相关轨迹 (a)展宽光谱; (b)自相关轨迹. 红色曲线: 测量得到的自相关轨迹, 黑色曲线: 通过光谱计算得到的变换极限脉冲的自相关轨迹. 插图: 990 nm处滤波得到的脉冲光谱

    Figure 3.  Spectrum broadening with coupled energy of 44 nJ, spectrum and autocorrelation trace of the filtered pulses at 990 nm: (a) Broadened spectrum; (b) autocorrelation trace. Red curve: measured autocorrelation trace. Black curve: calculated from the transform-limited pulses allowed by the spectrum at 990 nm. Inset: filtered spectrum at 990 nm.

    图 4  当耦合到光纤里的能量为50 nJ时输出的展宽光谱以及1110 nm处滤波得到的脉冲光谱和自相关曲线 (a)展宽光谱; (b)自相关轨迹. 红色曲线: 测量得到的自相关轨迹, 黑色曲线: 通过光谱计算得到的变换极限脉冲的自相关轨迹, 插图: 1110 nm处滤波得到的脉冲光谱

    Figure 4.  Spectrum broadening with coupled energy of 50 nJ, spectrum and autocorrelation trace of the filtered pulses at 1110 nm: (a) Broadened spectrum; (b) autocorrelation trace. Red curve: measured autocorrelation trace. Black curve: calculated from the transform-limited pulses allowed by the spectrum at 1110 nm. Inset: filtered spectrum at 1110 nm.

    图 5  离体人体胃组织的2PEF/SHG图像 (a) 2PEF图像; (b) SHG图像; (c) 2PEF和SHG的叠加图像. 白色箭头: 上皮细胞; 黄色箭头: 胶原蛋白. 比例尺: 100 μm

    Figure 5.  2PEF/SHG images of ex vivo human gastric tissue: (a) 2PEF image; (b) SHG image; (c) merging of 2PEF and SHG images. White arrow: epithelial cells; yellow arrow: collagen. Scale bar: 100 μm.

    图 6  离体人体胃组织的2PEF/SHG/3PEF/THG图像 (a) 2PEF图像; (b) SHG图像; (c) 3PEF图像; (d) THG图像; (e) 2PEF/SHG/3PEF/THG的叠加图像. 粉色箭头: 弹力纤维; 黄色箭头: 胶原纤维; 白色箭头: 脂肪细胞. 比例尺: 100 μm.

    Figure 6.  2PEF/SHG/3PEF/THG images of ex vivo human gastric tissue: (a) 2PEF image; (b) SHG image; (c) 3PEF image; (d) THG image; (e) merging of 2PEF/SHG/3PEF/THG images. Pink arrow: elastic; yellow arrow: collagen; white arrow: adipocyte. Scale bar: 100 μm.

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    Ji M, Lewis S, Camelo-Piragua S, Ramkissoon S H, Snuderl M, Venneti S, Fisher-Hubbard A, Garrard M, Fu D, Wang A C, Heth J A, Maher C O, Sanai N, Johnson T D, Freudiger C W, Sagher O, Xie X S, Orringer D A 2015 Sci. Transl. Med. 7 309ra163Google Scholar


    Georgakoudi I, Quinn K P 2012 Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 14 351Google Scholar


    Chang T, Zimmerley S, Quinn K P, Jouenne I L, Kaplan D L, Beaurepaire E, Georgakoudi I 2013 Biomaterials 34 8607Google Scholar


    Hou J, Wright H J, Chan N S K, Tran R D H, Razorenova O V, Potma E O, Tromberg B J 2016 J Biomed Opt. 21 060503Google Scholar


    Huang S H, Heikal A A, Webb W W 2002 Biophys. J. 82 2811Google Scholar


    Zoumi A, Yeh A, Tromberg B J 2002 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99 11014Google Scholar


    Zipfel W R, Williams R M, Christie R, Nikitin A Y, Hyman B T, Webb W W 2003 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 100 7075Google Scholar


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    Xu C, Wise F W 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 875Google Scholar


    Lim H, Ilday F O, Buckley J, Chong A, Wise F W 2004 Electron. Lett. 40 1523Google Scholar


    Takayanagi J, Sugiura T, Yoshida M, Nishizawa N 2006 IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 18 2284Google Scholar


    Li K C, Huang L L H, Liang J H, Chang M C 2016 Biomed. Opt. Express 7 4803Google Scholar


    Chen H W, Haider Z, Lim J, Xu S, Yang Z, Kärtner F X, Chang G, 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 4927Google Scholar


    Chan M C, Lien C H, Lu J Y, Lyu B H 2014 Opt. Express 22 9498Google Scholar


    Tauser F, Adler F, Leitenstorfer A 2004 Opt. Lett. 29 516Google Scholar


    Tu H, Lægsgaard J, Zhang R, Tong S, Liu Y, Boppart S A 2013 Opt. Express 21 23188Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Tu H, Benalcazar W A, Chaney E J, Boppart S A 2012 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 18 1209Google Scholar


    Gottschall T, Meyer T, Schmitt M, Popp J, Limpert J, Tünnermann A 2015 Opt. Express 23 23968Google Scholar


    Liu W, Li C, Zhang Z, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2016 Opt. Express 24 15328Google Scholar


    Liu W, Chia S H, Chung H Y, Greinert R, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2017 Opt. Express 25 6822Google Scholar


    Chung H Y, Liu W, Cao Q, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2017 Opt. Express 25 15760Google Scholar


    Chung H Y, Liu W, Cao Q, Song L W, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2018 Opt. Express 26 3684Google Scholar


    Chung H Y, Liu W, Cao Q, Greinert R, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2019 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron 25 6800708Google Scholar


    Chung H Y, Greinert R, Kärtner F X, Chang G Q 2019 Biomed. Opt. Express 10 514Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  09 December 2021
  • Accepted Date:  12 January 2022
  • Available Online:  10 February 2022
  • Published Online:  20 May 2022

