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Relativistic Hartree-Fock model of nuclear single-particle resonances based on real stabilization method

Yang Wei Ding Shi-Yuan Sun Bao-Yuan


Relativistic Hartree-Fock model of nuclear single-particle resonances based on real stabilization method

Yang Wei, Ding Shi-Yuan, Sun Bao-Yuan
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  • With the development of radioactive ion beam devices along with associated nuclear experimental detection technologies, the research areas in atomic nuclei have been further expanded, illustrating many new aspects of nuclear excitation as well as the physics of exotic nuclei far from the β-stability line. For weakly bound nuclei, the Fermi surface may lie near the continuum, which facilitates the easy scattering of valence nucleons into the continuum to occupy the resonance state. These continuum effects are of crucial importance in explaining the unusual structure of unstable nuclei. In this work, with the real stabilization method in coordinate space, nuclear structure model for single-particle resonances is developed within the framework of the relativistic Hartree-Fock (RHF) theory. In order to extract potential single-particle resonance structures, we study the evolution of single-particle states with box size in the continuum. To avoid the instability of nuclear binding energy, the pairing correlations are not taken into account in the calculation. As an important motivation, the roles of Fock terms in determining the energy, widths and spin-orbit splitting are discussed for low-lying neutron resonance states of $^{120}$Sn. By comparing with the relativistic mean field (RMF) model, it is found that the inclusion of exchange terms in the RHF model changes the in-medium balance of nuclear interactions and the equilibrium of nuclear dynamics, which in turn affects the description of the single-particle effective potential. For several neutron resonance states in $^{120}$Sn with finite resonant width, RHF model predicts lower resonant energy and smaller widths than RMF. For the single-particle states around the continuum threshold, the featured signals of resonance can depend sensitively on the effective interactions. In addition, for the spin-partner states $\nu {\mathrm{i}}_{13/2}$ and $\nu {\mathrm{i}}_{11/2}$ in resonance states, the effect of Fock terms on their spin-orbit splitting is analyzed. In comparison with the bound states, the wave functions of resonant spin-partner states can differ remarkably from each other, changing the effective potential and single-particle energies correspondingly. Thus, additional components in the single-particle effective potential may also contribute to the spin-orbit splitting of resonance states, aside from the spin-orbit interaction. In order to elucidate the mechanism of Fock term in single-particle resonance physics, in the subsequent study more numerical techniques that have been recently developed will be incorporated into the RHF methodology.
      Corresponding author: Sun Bao-Yuan,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. lzujbky-2022-sp02, lzujbky-2023-stlt01) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11875152).

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  • 图 1  $ ^{120}$Sn中子共振态的能量随坐标空间截断$ R_\mathrm{max} $的变化. 对$ \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{13/2}, \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{11/2} $和$ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $态, 主量子数n从左到右由$ n=1 $开始依次增加. 图中实线表示RHF有效相互作用 PKO3, 虚线表示RMF有效相互作用PKDD

    Figure 1.  Dependence of single-particle energies on the coordinate space cutoff $ R_\mathrm{max} $ for neutron resonance states of $ ^{120}$Sn. For $ \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{13/2},\; \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{11/2} $ and $ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $, the principal quantum numbers start from $ n=1 $ and increase from left to right. The solid lines in the figure is represented as the RHF effective interaction PKO3 and RMF’s PKDD with dashed lines are selected for comparison.

    图 2  不同主量子数n120Sn中子$ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $共振态的径向波函数, 有效相互作用选取为PKO3

    Figure 2.  Radial wave functions of $ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $ neutron resonance state in 120Sn with different principal quantum numbers n, the effective interaction is selected as PKO3.

    图 3  不同CDF有效相互作用下, $ ^{120} $Sn中子$ \nu {\mathrm{f}}_{5/2}, \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{13/2}, $$ \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{11/2} $和$ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $共振态的共振能量和宽度. 图中黑色、蓝色和绿色标记分别表示RHF, DDRMF和NLRMF有效相互作用的结果

    Figure 3.  Single-particle energies and widths of neutron $ \nu {\mathrm{f}}_{5/2}, \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{13/2}, \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{11/2} $ and $ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $ resonances in $ ^{120}\mathrm{Sn} $ with different CDF effective interactions. The black, blue and olive marks in the figure indicate the results with the effective interactions of RHF, DDRMF and NLRMF, respectively

    图 4  (a)不同CDF有效相互作用下$ ^{120} $Sn中子$ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $共振态的径向大分量波函数; (b)对中子$ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $共振态, PKO3与PKDD有效相互作用下类薛定谔方程中单粒子有效势和单粒子能级, 其中实线是总的势场, 虚线为直接项贡献, 阴影区域为交换项产生的影响

    Figure 4.  (a) Radial wave functions of large component of $ ^{120} $Sn neutron $ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $ resonance state with different CDF effective interactions; (b) for neutron $ \nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2} $ resonance state, effective potentials in Schrödinger-like equation and corresponding single-particle energies with PKO3 and PKDD effective interactions. Solid lines are the total potentials, dotted line is the contribution from the direct terms and shaded area comes from the exchange terms of RHF model.

    图 5  120Sn核中共振态$ (\nu {\mathrm{i}}_{13/2}, \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{11/2}) $和束缚态$ (\nu 1 {\mathrm{g}}_{9/2}, $$ \nu 1 {\mathrm{g}}_{7/2}) $自旋伙伴态对应的径向大分量波函数, 选取RHF有效相互作用PKO3计算得到

    Figure 5.  Radial wave functions of large component of resonance states $ (\nu {\mathrm{i}}_{13/2}, \nu {\mathrm{i}}_{11/2}) $ and bound states $ (\nu 1 {\mathrm{g}}_{9/2}, $$ \nu 1 {\mathrm{g}}_{7/2}) $, given by the RHF effective interaction PKO3.

    表 1  根据$^{120}$Sn 中子$\nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2}$共振态在不同主量子数n下的$E {\text{-}} R_\mathrm{max}$曲线得到对应的拐点大小$\bar{R}_\mathrm{max}$, 共振能量$E_{\gamma}$以及宽度 Γ. 以RHF有效相互作用PKO3结果为例

    Table 1.  Resonant energies $E_{\gamma}$, widths Γ and inflection points $\bar{R}_\mathrm{max}$ derived from $E {\text{-}} R_\mathrm{max}$ curves with different principal quantum numbers n for the neutron resonance state $\nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2}$ of $^{120}$Sn, illustrated by the RHF effective interaction PKO3.

    n $\bar{R}_\mathrm{max}$/fm $E_{\gamma}$/MeV Γ/MeV
    1 12.000 12.457 0.518
    2 17.731 12.377 0.653
    3 22.396 12.368 0.703
    4 26.825 12.365 0.738
    5 31.145 12.360 0.755
    6 35.393 12.358 0.767
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  采取不同的CDF有效相互作用给出的120Sn中子共振态的能量和宽度, 表中“\”表示无法提取相关信息. 所有单位均为MeV

    Table 2.  Single-particle energies and widths of neutron resonances in 120Sn with different CDF effective interactions, “\” in table means that the relevant information could not be calculated. All units are in MeV

    $\nu 3 {\mathrm{p}}_{1/2}$ $\nu 1 {\mathrm{h}}_{9/2}$ $\nu {\mathrm{f}}_{5/2}$ $\nu {\mathrm{i}}_{13/2}$ $\nu {\mathrm{i}}_{11/2}$ $\nu {\mathrm{j}}_{15/2}$
    $E_{\gamma}$ Γ $E_{\gamma}$ Γ $E_{\gamma}$ Γ $E_{\gamma}$ Γ $E_{\gamma}$ Γ $E_{\gamma}$ Γ
    PKO1 –0.071 \ 0.262 $\sim$0.000 0.675 0.028 2.802 0.001 9.763 1.152 11.963 0.705
    PKO2 –0.096 \ 0.491 $\sim$0.000 1.150 0.127 2.516 0.001 10.171 1.161 11.882 0.586
    PKO3 0.028 0.013 0.312 $\sim$0.000 0.834 0.049 3.084 0.002 9.963 1.206 12.358 0.767
    DD-LZ1 –0.326 \ 1.437 $6\times 10^{-4}$ 0.268 0.001 4.221 0.016 10.370 1.895 13.277 1.387
    PKDD \ \ 1.054 $1\times 10^{-4}$ 1.173 0.153 3.874 0.009 10.737 1.953 13.313 1.279
    DD-ME2 –0.057 \ 0.949 $6\times 10^{-5}$ 0.787 0.047 4.038 0.012 10.541 1.874 13.329 1.366
    NL3 –0.015 \ \ \ 0.673 0.029 3.263 0.004 9.559 1.205 12.561 0.973
    PK1 0.046 0.034 0.250 $\sim$0.000 0.870 0.063 3.468 0.005 9.808 1.274 12.875 1.036
    PK1(RMF-GF) 0.050 0.033 0.251 $8\times 10^{-8}$ 0.871 0.065 3.469 0.005 9.854 1.283 12.893 1.065
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  120Sn核中$\nu {\rm i}$共振态和$\nu 1 {\rm g}$束缚态的自旋-轨道劈裂$\Delta \varepsilon$, 以及利用类薛定谔方程(9)得到各部分的贡献. 所有单位均为 MeV

    Table 3.  Spin-orbit splitting of resonance states $\nu {\rm i}$ and bound spin partners $\nu 1 {\rm g}$ in 120Sn, as well as their contributions from various components according to the Schrodinger-like Eq. (9). All units are in MeV

    $l=4$ $l=6$ $l=4$ $l=6$
    $G''$ –0.856 –1.093 –0.994 –0.434
    $\varSigma_+$ 0.297 23.228 0.319 22.183
    $V_{{\mathrm{CB}}}$ 0.473 –16.907 0.452 –20.589
    $V^{\mathrm{D}}$ 4.362 4.086 7.069 5.703
    $V^{\mathrm{E}}$ 1.800 –2.436 0.000 0.000
    $\Delta \varepsilon$ 6.074 6.878 6.846 6.863
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

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  • Received Date:  10 October 2023
  • Accepted Date:  18 December 2023
  • Available Online:  03 January 2024
  • Published Online:  20 March 2024

