Ultra-high strength maraging stainless steels possess many important applications such as in aircraft landing gears owing to their excellent strength and good process ability. However, traditional ultra-high strength maraging stainless steels are facing the challenge of balancing strength and ductility while pursuing ultra-high strength. This is mainly due to the semi-coherent or non-coherent relationship between the precipitated nanoparticles and the body-centered cubic (BCC) martensitic matrix. In this work, a novel ultra-high strength maraging stainless steel (Fe-7.95Cr-13.47Ni-3.10Al-1.83Mo-0.03C-0.23Nb, weight percent, %) is designed using a cluster formula approach. Alloy ingots are prepared by vacuum induction melting under an argon atmosphere, followed by hot rolling at 950 ℃ and multiple passes of cold rolling. Finally, the alloy is aged at 500 ℃ for 288 h. Microstructural characterizations of the alloy in different aging states are performed using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). As a result, the martensitic structure of the alloy is fragmented and elongated, with high-density dislocations (~1.8×10–3 nm–2) and a large number of coherent B2-NiAl nanoparticles (<5 nm) observed in the BCC martensitic matrix after cold rolling and aging. In terms of mechanical properties, the alloy exhibits significant age-hardening, with a peak-aged hardness of 651 HV after ageing treatment. It also demonstrates an extraordinarily high yield strength (σYS = 2.3 GPa) and a decent elongation (El = 3.6%), indicating a well-balanced strength-ductility property. Finally, the origins of the ultra-high strength in the novel alloy are discussed in depth, showing that the ultra-high strength of this stainless steel comes from the strengthening effect of different microstructures. This study provides valuable guidance for designing high-performance ultra-high strength maraging stainless steels.
- maraging stainless steel /
- ultra-high strength /
- coherent precipitation /
- strengthening mechanisms
[1] 杨柯, 牛梦超, 田家龙, 王威 2018 金属学报 54 1567
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[32] Zhou B C, Liu S F, Wu H H, Luan J H, Guo J M, Yang T, Jiao Z B 2023 Mater. Des. 234 112341
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[33] Liang Y J, Wang L J, Wen Y R, Cheng B Y, Wu Q L, Cao T Q, Xiao Q, Xue Y F, Sha G, Wang Y D, Ren Y, Li X Y, Wang L, Wang F C, Cai H N 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 4063
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[34] Hong H L, Wang Q, Dong C, Liaw P K 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 7065
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[40] Wen D H, Wang Q, Jiang B B, Zhang C, Li X N, Chen G Q, Tang R, Zhang R Q, Dong C, P. K. Liaw 2018 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 719 27
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[44] Leitner H, Schober M, Schnitzer R 2010 Acta Mater. 58 1261
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[45] 毕正绪 2014 特钢技术 20 11
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Bi Z X 2014 Special Steel Technol. 20 11
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[47] Galindo-Nava E I, Rainforth W M, Rivera-Díaz-del-Castillo P E J 2016 Acta Mater. 117 270
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图 2 合金冷轧态(CR)的EBSD反极图(IPF)和相分布图(a), (b); 冷轧态合金TEM明场像及其对应的SAED花样(c); HRTEM图像及其对应的FTT图像(d)
Figure 2. EBSD IPF image and phase image of the designed alloy after cold-rolling (CR) treatment (a), (b); TEM bright-field (BF) image and corresponding SAED patterns (c) and High-resolution TEM image and its FTT pattern (d) of CR.
图 3 12 h时效后CRA合金的微观结构 合金冷轧+时效态(CRA)的EBSD反极图(IPF)和相分布图(a), (b); CRA合金TEM明场、暗场像及其对应的SAED花样(c), (d); CRA合金HRTEM图像及其对应的FTT图像(e), (e1), (e2), 以及衍射环图像(f)
Figure 3. Microstructures of 12 h-aged CRA alloys: EBSD IPF image and phase image of the CRA alloy (a), (b); TEM bright-field (BF) image and corresponding SAED patterns (c), TEM DF image (d); HRTEM image and its FTT patterns (e), (e1), (e2), and diffraction ring (f) of the CRA alloy.
图 7 CRA合金在500 ℃时效时显微硬度随时效时间的变化(a), 不同热处理状态下合金在室温拉伸下的工程应力-应变曲线(b)和室温三点弯曲下的载荷-位移曲线(c)
Figure 7. Variation tendency of microhardness of the CRA alloy with aging time at 500℃ (a), room-temperature engineering stress-strain tensile curves of the current alloy at different heat-treated (b), and 3-points bending test of the current alloy at different heat-treated (c).
表 1 不同热处理状态下设计合金以及18 Ni(300)[45]的H, σYS, σUTS, El, 极限弯曲载荷(FB), 及极限弯曲角度(θB)
Table 1. Mechanical properties of the current stainless steel at different heat-treated states and the 18 Ni(300) steel[45], including microhardness (H), yield strength (σYS), ultimate tensile strength (σUTS), elongation to fracture (El), ultimate bending force (FB), and ultimate bending angle (θB).
States H/HV σYS/MPa σUTS/MPa El/% FB/kN θB/(°) HR 326±10 787 1100 9.3 8.5 35.5 CR 404±5 1408 1432 4.4 9.7 14.9 HRA: 5 h-aged 573±6 1704 1940 3.9 10.1 9.7 CRA: 5 h-aged 645±6 2326 2344 3.6 22.2 15.4 CRA: 12 h-aged 641±8 2254 2324 3.0 18.2 17.9 18 Ni(300) — 2000 2050 7.0 — — -
[1] 杨柯, 牛梦超, 田家龙, 王威 2018 金属学报 54 1567
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Yang K, Niu M C, Tian J L, Wang W 2018 Acta. Metall. Sin. 54 1567
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Luo H W, Shen G H 2020 Acta. Metall. Sin. 56 494
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[4] Morris Jr J W 2017 Nat. Mater. 16 787
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[5] Yang J R, Yu T H, Wang C H 2006 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 438 276
[6] Shi X H, Zeng W D, Zhao Q Y, Peng W W, Kang C 2016 J. Alloys. Compd. 679 184
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[7] Wert D E, DiSabella R P 2006 Adv. Mater. Process. 164 34
[8] Ifergane S, Pinkas M, Barkayc Z, Brosh E, Ezersky V, Beeri O, Eliaz N 2017 Mater. Charact. 127 129
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[9] Floreen S 1968 Metall. Rev. 13 115
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[12] Qi L, Jin Y C, Zhao Y H, Yang X M, Zhao H, Han P D 2015 J. Alloys. Compd. 621 383
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[13] Moshka O, Pinkas M., Brosh E, Ezersky V, Meshi L 2015 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 638 232
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[15] Hättestrand M, Nilsson J O, Stiller K, Liu P, Andersson M 2004 Acta Mater. 52 1023
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[37] Calderon H A, Fine M E, Weertman J R 1987 Metall. Trans. A 19 1135
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[40] Wen D H, Wang Q, Jiang B B, Zhang C, Li X N, Chen G Q, Tang R, Zhang R Q, Dong C, P. K. Liaw 2018 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 719 27
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Bi Z X 2014 Special Steel Technol. 20 11
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[51] Morito S, Yoshida H, Maki T, Huang X 2006 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 438 237
[52] Su J, Raabe D, Li Z M 2019 Acta Mater. 163 40
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[56] Argon A 2007 Strengthening Mechanisms in Crystal Plasticity (Oxford: Oxford University Press) p74
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