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郑亮 马寿峰 贾宁



郑亮, 马寿峰, 贾宁

The cellular automaton model of traffic flow based on the driving behavior

Zheng Liang, Ma Shou-Feng, Jia Ning
科大讯飞翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 从研究驾驶员行为入手,分析了驾驶员行为作用机理,并结合元胞自动机(CA)模型,将与车辆自身速度、相对速度、车间距和安全车间距有关的驾驶员行为作用机理引入CA模型(简称ACA).并利用ACA模型进行微观交通仿真观察到亚稳态、相分离和回滞现象,并将ACA模型与只考虑车辆自身速度和车间距的CA模型(简称BCA)的仿真结果进行比较可得:宏观方面,从最大车流量、稳定性和堵塞消溶效率三方面进行对比,ACA模型的仿真结果显示有更高并更接近实测数据的最大流量值,有更强的稳定性,堵塞消溶的效率更高;微观方面,从车辆速度波动
    On the basis of the research of driving behavior, by analyzing the mechanism of driving behavior and using the cellular automaton (CA) model, we introduce the mechanism of driving behavior, which is associated with the vehicle’s own speed, the relative speed, the vehicle spacing, and the safety vehicle spacing, into the CA model (ACA). We observe the metastability, phase-separation and hysteresis phenomena when taking advantage of ACA model to conduct the microscopic traffic simulation and compare the simulation results of ACA model with the simulation results of the CA model (BCA) which only considers the vehicle’s own speed and the vehicle spacing. The results show that, in the macro level, from the maximum traffic flow, stability and the efficiency in dissolving congestions, the simulation results of ACA model exhibit a larger maximum value of flow which is also closer to the actual measured data, stronger stability and higher efficiency of dissolving jam; in the micro level, from the fluctuations of the vehicles’ speed and the vehicles’ headway-distance, the simulation results of ACA model exhibit that the vehicles do not accelerate or decelerate suddenly, the vehicles can be relatively and evenly distributed on the road. All these results illustrate that the relative speed and safety vehicle spacing have a significant impact on the driving behavior and also explain that the ACA model is in better consistence with the actual situation and has some practical significance.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:70671073)资助的课题.

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-09-14
  • 修回日期:  2009-10-27
  • 刊出日期:  2010-07-15

