利用传输矩阵法,研究单势垒和双重势垒一维光子晶体量子阱结构的光传输特性. 结果表明: 垒层折射率总和大的单势垒光量子阱的透射峰更加精细,内部局域电场更加强; 双重势垒光量子阱的透射峰比单势垒光量子阱的透射峰精细, 内部局域电场也比单势垒光量子阱的强;随着垒层光子晶体周期数增大,双重势垒光量子阱内部局域电场增强,而且垒、阱层折射率总和之比越大,双重势垒光量子阱的内部局域电场增强速度越快,当双重垒层光子晶体周期数同时增大时,双重势垒量子阱内部局域电场增强速度最快,透射峰越加精细.随着阱层光子晶体周期数的增大,单势垒或双重势垒光量子阱的内部局域电场强度均下降,但透射峰的透射率不随之改变.该特性为设计新型可调高品质的量子光学器件提供指导.The light transfer characteristics of one-dimensional photonic crystal with single and double-barrier quantum well are studied by transfer matrix method. The results show that when the refractive index of the barrier layer is high, the transmission peaks in single-barrier quantum well of photonic crystal will be narrower and the inner localized field will be stronger, that the peak in the double-barrier is narrower than the one in the single-barrier, and also the inner localized field is stronger in the double-barrier, that with the number of period layer in the photonic crystal increasing, the inner localized field in the double-barrier well is enhanced, furthermore, the bigger the refractive index ratio between barrier and dielectric layers of well, the stronger the inner localized field in the photonic crystal quantum well is. In addition, when the periodicity of the barrier layer in the photonic crystal with a thicker refractive index increases, the inner localized field will strengthen faster, and accordingly, the transmittance of the transmission peak will decrease more quickly. Both of the strengthening and decreasing will work at the top speed when all periods in different barriers increase at the same time. While the period number of the photonic crystal in well layers increases, the inner localized fields in both single and double-barrier will increase, but their transmittances of the transmission peak will keep the same. The characteristics above can provide guidance for designing new high-quality quantum optical devices.
- photonic crystal /
- double barrier /
- quantum well /
- propagation characteristics
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[23] Gao Y J, Wang Y L, Huang C G, Chen H B, Wang N 2007 Phys. Scr. T129 349
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