本文将稳定噪声与双稳随机共振系统相结合, 研究了不同稳定噪声环境下高低频(均为多频)微弱信号检测的参数诱导随机共振现象, 探究了稳定噪声的特征指数(0 2)和对称参数 (-1 1)及随机共振系统参数a, b对共振输出效应的作用规律. 研究结果表明, 在不同分布的稳定噪声环境下, 通过调节系统参数a和b均可诱导随机共振来实现多个高、低频微弱信号的检测, 且存在多个a, b参数区间均可诱导随机共振, 这些区间不随或的变化而变化; 在高、低频微弱信号检测中, 或对随机共振输出效应的作用规律相同. 本研究结果将有助于稳定噪声环境下参数诱导随机共振现象中系统参数的合理选取, 进而可为实现基于随机共振的多频微弱信号检测方法的工程应用奠定基础.In this paper we combine stable noise with bistable stochastic resonance to investigate the parameter-induced stochastic resonance in the high-and low-frequency (both for multi-frequency) weak signal detection with different stable noise, and explore the action laws between the stability index (0 2) and skewness parameter (-1 1) of stable noise, and the resonance system parameters a, b on the resonant output effect. Results show that for different distribution of stable noise, the high- and low-frequency weak signal detection can be realized by tuning the system parameters a and b. The intervals of a and b which can induce stochastic resonances are multiple, and do not change with or . Moreover, while detecting the high- and low-frequency weak signal, the action laws of the resonant output effect which are affected by or are the same. These results will contribute to realize a reasonable selection of parameter-induced stochastic resonance system parameters under stable noise, and lay the foundation for a practical engineering application of multi-frequency weak signal detection based on the stochastic resonance.
- stochastic resonance /
- stable noise /
- multi-frequency weak signal detection /
- mean of signal-to-noise ratio gain
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[1] Hu N Q 2012 Stochastic Resonance Weak Characteristic Signal Detection Theory and Methods (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p60 (in Chinese) [胡茑庆 2012 随机共振微弱特征信号检测理论与方法 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第60页]
[2] Basso M, Dahleh M, Mezic I, Salapaka M V 1999 Proceedings of the American Control Conference San Diego, California, June, 1999 p3774
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[5] Wang L Y, Yin C S, Cai W S, Pan Z X 2001 Chem. J. Chin. U. 22 762 (in Chinese) [王利亚, 蔡文生, 印春生, 潘忠孝 2001 高等学校化学学报 22 762]
[6] Cardo P, Timothy Inglis J, Verschueren S, Collins J J, Merfeld D M, Rosenblum S, Buckley S, Moss F 1996 Nature 383 769
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[8] Anishchenko V S, Safonova M A, Chua L O 1993 Journal of Circuit, System and Computer 3 553
[9] Anishchenko V S, Safonova M A, Chua L O 1992 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 2 397
[10] Xu B H, Duan F B, Bao R H, Li J L 2002 Chaos, Solitons and fractals 13 633
[11] Xu B H, Li J L, Duan F B, Zheng J Y 2003 Chaos, Solitons and fractals 16 93
[12] Jiang S Q, Hou M J, Jia C H, He J R, Gu T X 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2667
[13] Li J L, Xu B H 2006 Chin. Phys. 15 2867
[14] Li J L 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5196
[15] Leng Y G 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5196 (in Chinese) [冷永刚 2009 物理学报 58 5196]
[16] Qiu T S, Zhang X X, Li X B, Sun Y M 2004 Statistical Signal Processing-Non-Gaussian Signal Processing and its Applications (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p140 (in Chinese) [邱天爽, 张旭秀, 李小兵, 孙永梅 2004 统计信号处理–非高斯信号处理及其应用 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第140页]
[17] Dybiec B, Gudowska-Nowak E 2006 Acta Phys. Pol. B 37 1479
[18] Srokowski T 2012 The European Physical Journal B 85 1
[19] Zhang W Y, Wang Z L, Zhang W D 2009 Control Engineering of China 16 638 (in Chinese) [张文英, 王自力, 张卫东 2009 控制工程 16 638]
[20] Zhang G L, L X L, Kang Y M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 040501 (in Chinese) [张广丽, 吕希路, 康艳梅 2012 物理学报 61 040501]
[21] Zeng L Z, Bao R H, Xu B H 2007 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 7175
[22] Zeng L Z, Xu B H 2010 Journal of Physics A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 22 5128
[23] Li J L, Xu B H 2006 Phys. A 361 11
[24] Jiao S B, He T 2013 Computer Engineering and Applications (in Chinese) [焦尚彬, 何童 2013 计算机工程与应用]
[25] Leccardi M 2005 ENOC’O5(Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference), Mini Symposium on Fractional Derivatives and Their Applications Eindhoven, The Netherland 2005
[26] Nolan J P 1999 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 29 229
[27] Tang Y, Zou W, Lu J Q, Kurths J 2012 Phys. Rev. E 85 1539
[28] Liang Y J, Chen W 2013 Signal Processing 93 242
[29] Mitaim S, Kosko B l998 Process of The IEEE 86 2152
[30] Weron R 1996 Statist. Prob. Lett. 28 165
[31] Gong D C, Qin G R, Hu G, Wen X D 1992 Sci. China A 8 828(in Chinese) [龚德纯, 秦光戎, 胡岗, 温孝东 1992 中国科学A辑 8 828]
[32] Wan P, Zhan Y J, Li X C, Wang Y H 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 040502 (in Chinese) [万频, 詹宜巨, 李学聪, 王永华 2011 物理学报 60 040502]
[33] Leng Y G, Wang T Y 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2432 (in Chinese) [冷永刚, 王太勇 2003 物理学报 52 2432]
[34] Leng Y G, Wang T Y, Guo Y, Wu Z Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 30 (in Chinese) [冷永刚, 王太勇, 郭焱, 吴振勇 2007 物理学报 56 30]
[35] Leng Y G, Wang T Y, Qin X D, Li R X, Guo Y 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 0717 (in Chinese) [冷永刚, 王太勇, 秦旭达, 李瑞欣, 郭焱 2004 物理学报 53 0717]
[36] Yang D X, Hu Z, Yang Y M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 080501 (in Chinese) [杨定新, 胡政, 杨拥民 2012 物理学报 61 080501]
[37] Lin M, Huang Y M 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3277 (in Chinese) [林敏, 黄咏梅 2006 物理学报 55 3277]
[38] L Y, Wang C Y, Tian Y, Hou B 2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House 8 40 (in Chinese) [吕运, 王长悦, 田野, 侯彪 2010 机械与电子 8 40]
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