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肖迪 谢沂均



肖迪, 谢沂均

A joint compression and encryption scheme for color JPEG image

Xiao Di, Xie Yi-Jun
  • 为了研究针对联合图像专家小组压缩标准(joint photographic experts group,JPEG)彩色图像特点的加密算法,综合选择加密和在编码过程中加密两种思路,提出了一种空域和频域结合的加密算法. 首先在空域对8×8分块进行扩散置乱,然后利用边缘检测手段找出包含细节信息较多的重要分块,先加密所有分块中的直流(direct current,DC)系数,再选择重要分块中的一部分交流(alternating current,AC)系数进行加密,最后将分块重要性标记信息嵌入AC系数中进行传输. 通过理论分析和大量实验证明,算法格式兼容,密文图像视觉效果好、色彩分布均匀;算法密钥空间大,密钥敏感性强,安全性良好.
    To research the encryption algorithm for color joint photographic expert group (JPEG) image, by comprehensively choosing the selective encryption and the joint compression and encryption, an encryption algorithm combining with spatial domain and frequent domain for color JPEG image is proposed. The 8×8 blocks are first diffused on spatial domain, then the edge-detection method is utilized to find out the significant blocks containing abundant details. After encrypting all the direct current coefficients, part of alternating current (AC) coefficients in significant blocks are chosen to be encrypted. Finally the information about marking the significance of the blocks is embedded into AC coefficients for transmission. Theoretical analyses and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is compatible with JPEG format. The cipher image has good visual quality and uniform color distribution. The algorithm possesses huge key space, strong key-sensitivity and good security.
    • 基金项目: 重庆市杰出青年科学基金(批准号:CSTC2011JJJQ40001)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, China (Grant No. CSTC2011JJJQ40001).

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    Wu C P, Kuo C C J 2005 IEEE Trans. Multimedia 7 828


    Yuen C H, Wong K W 2011 Appl. Soft. Comput. 11 5092


    Ge X, Liu F, Lu B, Wang W, Chen J 2010 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. Information Management and Engineering (ICIME) Chengdu, China, April 16–18, 2010 267


    Yang H Q, Liao X F, Wong K W, Zhang W, Wei P C 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 040505 (in Chinese) [杨华千, 廖晓峰, Wong Kwok-Wo, 张伟, 韦鹏程 2012 物理学报 61 040505]


    Lian S 2009 Chaos Soliton. Fract. 40 2509


    Yuen C H, Wong K W 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 010502


    Lian S, Sun J, Wang Z 2004 8th IEEE Int. Conf. Information Visualisation London, UK, July 14–16, 2004 217


    Deng J X, Deng H T 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 094202


    Xu P, Zhao J, Wang D A 2011 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN) Xi’an, China, May 27–29, 2011 376


    Krikor L, Baba S, Arif T, Shaaban Z 2009 Eur. J. Sci. Res. 32 47


    Luo Y, Du M, Liu D 2012 5th IEEE Int. Work. Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA) Dalian, China, October 18–21, 2012 191


    Liu Q, Fang J Q, Zhao G, Li Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 130508 (in Chinese) [刘强, 方锦清, 赵耿, 李永 2012 物理学报 61 130508]


    Bhatnagar G, Wu Q M J 2012 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 61 876


    Canny J 1986 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 8 679


    Wang Z, Bovik A C, Sheikh H R, Simoncelli E P 2004 IEEE Trans. Image Process 13 600


    Mao Y, Wu M 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP’04) Singapore, Singapore, October 24–27, 2004 569


    Wen C C, Wang Q, Huang F M, Liu X H, Chen X Z 2012 J. Comput.-Aided Design Comput. Graph. 24 500 (in Chinese) [文昌辞, 王沁, 黄付敏, 刘向宏, 陈新中 2012 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 24 500]


    Gonzalez R C, Woods R E (translated by Ruan Q Q, Ruan Y Z) 2007 Digital Image Processing, (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) (in Chinese) p88 [R C 冈萨雷斯, R E 伍德著 (阮秋琦, 阮宇智译) 2007 数字图像处理(第二版) (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第88页]


    Zhao L, Liao X F, Xiang T, Xiao D 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 1507 (in Chinese) [赵亮, 廖晓峰, 向涛, 肖迪 2010 物理学报 59 1507]

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-07-24
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  • 刊出日期:  2013-12-05

