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刘学 冉宪文 徐志宏 汤文辉



刘学, 冉宪文, 徐志宏, 汤文辉

Equivalence of energy deposition profile in target between electron beam of multi-energy composite spectrum and X-ray

Liu Xue, Ran Xian-Wen, Xu Zhi-Hong, Tang Wen-Hui
  • 以模拟等效核爆X射线热-力学效应为目标,从能量沉积剖面着手,对给定多能复合谱电子束的入射角度进行了设计计算.给出了不同靶材、不同温度黑体谱X射线的等效设计计算结果.对比表明,该设计方法适用于多种靶材、多种目标X射线的等效设计,并且设计后的电子束能够提高模拟目标X射线的热-力学效应的逼真度.
    It has great significance to study the thermal-mechanical effects of X-ray in assessing the viability of space-crafts, the penetration ability of missiles and testing the effectiveness of the anti-nuclear reinforcement measures. However, it is rather difficult to construct a suitable X-ray source in laboratory. During recent decades, pulsed electron beam with multi-energy composite spectrum has become a most important simulation source of X-ray to study its thermal-mechanical effects. And energy deposition profile in target material is the basis for studying the thermo-mechanical effects. However, under the same incident conditions, the energy deposition profile of pulsed electron beam with multi-energy composite spectrum in target material is extremely different from X-ray's, and the equivalence between the two beams is quite low. Thus, it is very important to adjust the energy spectrum and the incident mode of pulsed electron beam so as to improve their equivalence. In this paper, we use the energy deposition profiles of electron beam and X-ray in different kinds of material. MCNP is used to calculate their energy deposition profiles in target materials. Two kinds of blackbody X-rays with the equivalent temperatures of 3 and 5 keV and energy density of 200 J/cm2 are chosen for an optimization target. Aluminum, copper and titaniumare chosen as the target materials. Based on the change law of electron beam's energy deposition profile when the electron beam hits the target material at different incident angles, a theoretical model is established. Then, taking advantage of simulated annealing algorithm, we use the MATLAB to carry out numerical calculation and finally the numerical optimization results about the incident angle spectrum and energy density of electron beam are obtained. After optimization, the energy deposition of pulsed electron beam with multi-energy composite spectrum is well adjusted. The peak energy deposition and change of gradient of electron beam are of wonderful consistency with X-ray's. The equivalence of pulsed electron beam with multi-energy composite spectrum in simulating X-ray is also effectively improved. However, the energy density of adjusted pulsed electron beam should be much higher than 200 J/cm2. Electron beam designed by this paper can be used to better simulate the thermal-mechanical effects of X-ray in different kinds of materials.
      通信作者: 汤文辉, 18175121477@163.com
    • 基金项目: 武器装备预研项目(批准号:51311020201)和长沙理工大学近地空间电磁环境监测与建模湖南省普通高校重点实验室开放基金(批准号:20150104)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Tang Wen-Hui, 18175121477@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Chinese Defense Advance Research Program of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. 51311020201) and Monitoring and Modeling of Electromagnetic Environment in Near Space of Institutes of Technology of Changsha Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of General Colleges and Universities of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 20150104).

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    Qiao D J 2012 Pulsed X-ray Thermal-mechanical Effects and Fundament of Nuclear Hardening Techniques(Beijing:National Defense Industry Press) p1(in Chinese)[乔登江2012脉冲X射线热力学效应及加固技术基础(北京:国防工业出版社)第1页]


    Tang W H, Zhang R Q 1997 J. Phys. C3 623


    Tang W H, Zhang R Q 1997 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 9 618(in Chinese)[汤文辉, 张若棋1997强激光与粒子束9 618]


    Qiu A C 2000 Eng. Sci. 2 24 (in Chinese)[邱爱慈2000中国工程科学2 24]


    Yang H L, Qiu A C, Zhang J S, Huang J J, Sun J F 2002 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 14 778(in Chinese)[杨海亮, 邱爱慈, 张嘉生, 黄建军, 孙剑锋2002强激光与粒子束14 778]


    Hu Y, Yang H L, Sun J F, Sun J, Zhang P F 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 245203 (in Chinese)[胡杨, 杨海亮, 孙剑锋, 孙江, 张鹏飞2015物理学报64 245203]


    Gan Y A, Tian F, Li W Z, Li M S, Chen B Z, Zhen D B, Hu Y Q, Gu J F, Guo Y H, Qian S D, Xue H C 1999 Operational Research (Beijing:Tsinghua University Press) p174(in Chinese)[甘应爱, 田丰, 李维铮, 李梅生, 陈秉正, 郑大本, 胡运权, 顾基发, 郭耀煌, 钱颂迪, 薛华成1999运筹学(北京:清华大学出版社)第174页]


    Tang W H, Zhang R Q, Zhao G M 1995 Chinese J. High Pressure Physics 9 107 (in Chinese)[汤文辉, 张若棋, 赵国民1995高压物理学报9 107]

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-05-13
  • 修回日期:  2016-10-17
  • 刊出日期:  2017-01-20

