基于量子力学的叠加和纠缠等性质, 量子计算具备超越经典计算机的强大计算能力. 光子作为一种高效信息载体, 具有传输速度快、操控性高及相干时间长的优点, 是实现量子计算的一个理想物理平台. 集成光量子技术, 使得我们在微型结构上便能够稳定地实现光量子态的产生、处理和探测. 近年来, 随着新兴的集成光量子技术的快速发展, 集成光量子计算的实验复杂度和规模在不断提高, 并成功模拟和解决了复杂的物理和计算问题. 为此, 本综述总结了近年来集成光量子计算的技术进展, 包括各类集成光量子实验平台, 并讨论了基于集成光量子平台实现的量子行走实验范例. 最后, 我们亦简述了基于光量子行走而实现的量子算法和量子模拟的方案.
Quantum computing, based on the inherent superposition and entanglement properties of quantum states, can break through the limits of classical computing power. However, under the present technical conditions, the number of qubits that can be manipulated is still limited. In addition, the preparation of high-precision quantum gates and additional quantum error correction systems requires more auxiliary bits, which leads to extra cost. Therefore, it seems to be a long-term goal to realize a universal fault-tolerant quantum computer. The development of analog quantum computing is a transition path that can be used to simulate many-body physics problems. Quantum walk, as the quantum counterpart of classical random walks, is a research hotspot in analog quantum computing. Owing to the unique quantum superposition characteristics, quantum walk exhibits the ballistic transport properties of outward diffusion, so quantum walk provides acceleration in computing power for various algorithms. Based on quantum walk, different computing models are derived to deal with practical physical problems in different fields, such as biology, physics, economics, and computer science. A large number of technical routes are devoted to the experiments on realizing quantum walk, including optical fiber networks, superconducting systems, nuclear magnetic resonance systems, and trapped ion atom systems. Among these routes, photons are considered as the reliable information carriers in the experiments on quantum walking due to their controllability, long coherence time. and fast speed. Therefore, in this review, we focus on different quantum walk theories and experimental implementations in optical versions, such as traditional optical platforms, optical fiber platforms, and integrated optical quantum platform. In recent years, the rapid development of integrated optical quantum platforms has driven the experiments on quantum walk to move towards the stage of integration and miniaturization, and at the same time, the experimental scale and the number of qubits have gradually increased. To this end, we summarize the technological progress of integrated optical quantum computing, including various integrated optical quantum experimental platforms and their applications. Secondly, we specifically discuss the experiment on quantum walk and practical applications based on integrated optical quantum platforms. Finally, we briefly describe other quantum algorithms and corresponding experimental implementations. These quantum computing schemes provide computational speedups for specific physical problems. In the future, with the further development of integrated optical quantum technology, along with the increase in the number of controllable qubits and the realization of the supporting quantum error correction system, a larger-scale many-body physical system can be constructed to further expand these algorithms and move towards the field of optical quantum computing, a new stage. -
- integrated optical quantum computing /
- quantum walks /
- quantum algorithms /
- quantum advantage
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图 2 不同的集成光量子平台 (a)硅基平台, 图片来自文献[40]; (b)硅基二氧化硅平台, 图片来自文献[41]; (c)飞秒激光直写平台, 图片来自文献[42]; (d) UV直写平台, 图片来自文献[43]
Fig. 2. Different integrated optical quantum platforms: (a) Silicon-on-insulator platform, the picture is reproduced from the Ref. [40]; (b) silica-on-silicon platform, the picture is reproduced from the Ref. [41]; (c) femtosecond laser direct writing platform, the picture is reproduced from the Ref. [42]; (d) UV direct writing platform, the picture is reproduced from the Ref. [43].
图 3 不同波导结构图 (a) 一维波导阵列, 图来自文献[53]; (b) 椭圆型波导阵列, 图来自文献[55]; (c) 三维波导结构, 图来自文献[56]; (d) “十字”波导阵列, 图来自文献[57].
Fig. 3. Different waveguide structures: (a) One-dimensional waveguide array, the picture is reproduced from the Ref. [53]; (b) elliptical waveguide array, the picture is reproduced from the Ref. [55]; (c) three-dimensional waveguide structure, the picture is reproduced from the Ref. [56]; (d) “cross” waveguide array, the picture is reproduced from the Ref. [57].
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