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Gibbons-Maeda dilaton黑洞的全息熵

谢志堃 余国祥 刘成周


Gibbons-Maeda dilaton黑洞的全息熵

谢志堃, 余国祥, 刘成周

Holographic entropy of Gibbons-Maeda dilaton black hole

Xie Zhi-Kun, Yu Guo-Xiang, Liu Cheng-Zhou
  • 依据全息原理,通过计算Gibbons-Maeda dilaton黑洞事件视界上量子场的统计熵,得到了该黑洞的全息熵和Bekenstein-Hawking熵.计算中利用非对易量子场论,克服了普通量子场论中态密度在视界上的发散困难,避免了黑洞熵热气体方法中紫外截断的引入.用留数定理克服了计算中的积分困难,所得的结果定量成立.研究表明,黑洞熵可以视为其视界上量子场的熵;通过计算视界上量子态的统计熵可以得到黑洞熵,计算中可以且应该避免视界外量子态的影响.
    In accordance with the holographic principle, by calculating the entropy of the quantum field just on the event horizon of the Gibbons-Maeda dilaton black hole, the holographic entropy and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black hole are obtained. By using the non-commutative quantum field theory, the divergence of the state density near the event horizon in usual quantum field theory is removed and the ultraviolet cutoff in the heat gas method of black hole entropy is avoided.Using the residue theorem, the integral difficulty in the calculation is overcome and the results here are obtained quantitatively. The results show that black hole entropy is identical with the statistical entropy of the quantum states at the horizon. Black hole entropy may be obtained by calculating the quantum states only at the event horizon, and in the calculation the influences of quantum states outside the horizon should be avoided.
    • 基金项目: 浙江省自然科学基金(批准号:Y6090739)、山东省自然科学基金(批准号:Y2008A33)和山东省教育厅科研发展计划(批准号: J08LI51) 资助的课题.

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-09-18
  • 修回日期:  2009-12-24
  • 刊出日期:  2010-03-05

