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谢玲玲 龚仁喜 卓浩泽 马献花



谢玲玲, 龚仁喜, 卓浩泽, 马献花

Investigation of tangent bifurcation in voltage mode controlled DCM boost converters

Xie Ling-Ling, Gong Ren-Xi, Zhuo Hao-Ze, Ma Xian-Hua
  • 电压模式控制boost变换器能产生多种分岔形式,对其分岔中的一类重要的切分岔现象进行了详细研究. 首先根据系统的一次离散迭代映射推导出其三次离散迭代映射模型,基于非线性系统理论中的切分岔定理, 从数学上推导出此类变换器产生切分岔现象的条件,并通过数值仿真研究了电路参数对这类变换器切分岔现象的影响.研究结果表明:当系统的反馈系数处在一定范围内时,该类变换器会出现切分岔和阵发混沌现象. 最后通过实验研究boost变换器中存在的这类不稳定非线性现象,验证了理论分析和数值仿真的正确性.
    The voltage mode controlled boost converters contain plenty of bifurcation phenomena. Tangent bifurcation is one of these phenomena. The investigation of the tangent bifurcation in voltage mode controlled boost converters operating in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) is performed. The third iterative map is derived according to the first iterative map. Based on the tangent bifurcation theorem, the conditions of producing the tangential bifurcation in the DCM boost converters are deduced mathematically. The computer simulations are performed to capture the effects of some chosen parameters on the tangent bifurcation behavior of the system. The results show that the variation of the feedback factor leads to tangent bifurcation and intermittent chaos phenomena. Experimental results show that the system does exhibit tangent bifurcation under the particular operating conditions, thus validating the theoretical analysis and the simulation results.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 60962008)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60962008).

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    Tse C K 1994 IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I 41 16


    Chan W C Y, Tse C K 1997 IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I44 1129


    Yang R, Zhang B, Chu L L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2770 (inChinese)[杨汝, 张波, 褚利丽 2008 物理学报 57 2770]


    di Bernardo M, Vasca F 2000 IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I47 130


    Zhou Y F, Chen J N 2005 Proceedings of the CSEE 25 23 (in Chi-nese) [周宇飞, 陈军宁 2005 中国电机工程学报 25 23]


    Qiao X H, Bao B C, Shun Y X 2009 Electrical Measurement &Instrumentation 46 5 (in Chinese) [乔晓华, 包伯成, 孙玉霞 2009 电测与仪表 46 5]


    Dai D, Ma X K, Li X F 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2371 (in Chinese) [戴栋, 马西奎, 李小峰 2003 物理学报 52 2371]


    Bao B C, Xue J P, Liu Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2949 (in Chinese) [包伯成, 许建平, 刘中 2009 物理学报 58 2949]


    Maity S, Tripathy D, Bhattacharya T K, Banerjee S 2007 IEEETrans. Circuits and Systems-I 54 1120


    Yue M, Tse C K, Kousaka T, Kawakami H 2005 IEEE Trans. Circuitsand Systems-II 52 581


    Basak B, Parui S 2010 IEEE Trans. Power Electronics 25 1556


    Cheng K W E, Liu M J, Ho Y L 2003 IEEE Power Electron. Lett.1 101


    Xie L L, Gong R X, Zhuo H Z, Wei J Q 2011 J. Elect. Eng. Tech.6 519


    Wang F Q, Zhang H, Ma X K 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2842 (inChinese) [王发强, 张浩, 马西奎 2008 物理学报 57 2842]


    Zhou G H, Xue J P, Bao B C 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2272 (inChinese) [周国华, 许建平, 包伯成 2010 物理学报 59 2272]


    Ei Aroudi A, Rodriguez E, Leyva R, Alarcon E 2010 IEEE Trans.Circuits Systems-II 57 218


    Hao B L 1993 Starring with Parabolas an Introduction to ChaoticDynamis (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technological EducationPublishing House) (in Chinese) [郝柏林 1993从抛物线谈起——-混沌动力学引论 (上海: 上海科技教育出版社)]


    Robinson R C 2004 An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: Continuousand Discrete (Northwestern University, Pearson PrenticeHall)

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  • 收稿日期:  2011-05-31
  • 修回日期:  2011-07-11
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