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陈吴玉婷 韩鹏昱 Kuo Mei-Ling Lin Shawn-Yu 张希成



陈吴玉婷, 韩鹏昱, Kuo Mei-Ling, Lin Shawn-Yu, 张希成

Terahertz broadband antireflection photonic device with graded refractive indices

Chen Yu-Ting-Wu, Han Peng-Yu, Kuo Mei-Ling, Lin Shawn-Yu, Zhang Xi-Cheng
  • 用高阻硅制作的光学元件是太赫兹系统里常用的器件, 但是其高达3.42的相对折射率所引起的阻抗失配严重影响了太赫兹系统的功率, 因此研究人员尝试了各种各样的方式在高阻硅表面镀上有效的增透膜. 在太赫兹波段, 缺乏合适的材料是增透研究中亟需解决的一个重要问题. 介绍一种结构新颖的硅材料增透器件三维光子倒置光栅. 与普通高阻硅片相比, 当结构周期为15 m时, 该器件在0.27.3 THz范围内对太赫兹波具有明显的增透作用, 且覆盖了大部分太赫兹波段. 此外, 该器件的使用不受太赫兹偏振方向限制, 适用于大入射角情形, 并具有高达116.3%的相对3 dB带宽.
    High resistivity silicon is a very common optical component in a terahertz system. However, its high relative refractive index of 3.42 causes a large impedance mismatch at the silicon-to-air interface. This severely reduces the available power in a terahertz system which motivates researchers to find a good anti-reflection solution. In the terahertz region, the lack of proper materials for broadband anti-reflection severely hinders such a research development. A photonic grating with graded refractive indices is demonstrated on silicon. Compared wich the case of planar silicon wafer, the transmission is observed to increase from 0.2 THz to over 7.3 THz for a device with 15 m period, which covers most of the terahertz band. With a striking relative 3 dB bandwidth of 116.3%, the device is polarization-independent and can be used under a wide incidence angle.
    • 基金项目: 美国国家科学基金(批准号: 033314)和美国能源部(批准号: DE-FG02-06ER46347)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Science Foundation of United States (Grant No. 0333314) and the United States Department of Energy Service (Grant No. DE-FG02-06ER46347).

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    Englert C R, Birk M, Maurer H 1999 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 37 1997


    Gatesman A J, Waldman J, Ji M, Musante C, Yngvesson S 2000 IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett. 10 264


    Mcknight S W, Stewart K P, Drew H D, Moorjani K 1987 Infrared Phys. 27 327


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    Dobrowolski J A 2005 Proc. SPIE 5963 596303


    Schallenberg U B 2006 Appl. Opt. 45 1507


    Bruckner C, Pradarutti B, Stenzel O, Steinkopf R, Riehemann S, Notni G, Tunnermann A 2007 Opt. Express 15 779


    Kuroo S, Shiraishi K, Sasho H, Yoda H, Muro K 2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Conference on Photonic Applications Systems and Technologies (San Jose: Optical Society of America) CThD7


    Chen Y W, Han P Y, Zhang X C 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 041106


    Huang Y, Chattopadhyay S, Jen Y, Peng C, Liu T, Hsu Y, Pan C, Lo H, Hsu C, Chang Y, Lee C, Chen K, Chen L 2007 Nature Nanotech. 2 770


    Zhang J, Ade P A R, Mauskopf P, Moncelsi L, Savini G, Whitehouse N 2009 Appl. Opt. 48 6635


    Chen H T, Zhou J, O'Hara J F, Chen F, Azad A K, Taylor A J 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 073901


    Poitras D, Dobrowolski J A 2004 Appl. Opt. 43 1286


    Hosako I 2005 Appl. Opt. 44 3769


    Chen M H, Chang H, Chang A S P, Lin S, Xi J Q, Schubert E F 2007 Appl. Opt. 46 6533


    Chen Y W, Han P Y, Zhang X C, Kuo M L, Lin S Y 2010 Opt. Lett. 35 3159


    Kadlec C, Kadlec F, Kuzel P, Blary K, Mounaix P 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 2275


    Karpowicz N, Dai J, Lu X, Chen Y, Yamaguchi M, Zhao H, Zhang X C, Zhang L, Zhang C, Price-Gallagher M, Fletcher C, Mamer O, Lesimple A, Johnson K 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 011131


    Ho I C, Guo X, Zhang X C 2010 Opt. Express 18 2872


    Saleh B E A, Teich M C 2007 Fundamentals of Photonics (New Jersey: Wiley) p1138


    Bruckner C, Kasebier T, Pradarutti B, Riehemann S, Notni G, Kley E, Tunnermann A 2009 Opt. Express 17 3063

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