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王兆军 吕国梁 朱春花 霍文生



王兆军, 吕国梁, 朱春花, 霍文生

Magnetization of degenerate and relativistic electron gas

Wang Zhao-Jun, Zhu Chun-Hua, Huo Wen-Sheng,
  • 中子星内部的致密电子是高度简并的相对论气体, 其输运性质与中子星磁或热的观测现象密切相关, 被认为是中子星磁场的主要载体. 外磁场中电子的朗道能级是分立的且高度简并的, 与无外场时的能量差决定 了系统的磁化程度, 用量子统计的方法可计算理想相对论电子气体的磁化率. 结果表明弱场条件下的磁化率在数量级上接近白矮星的10-3. 强磁场下的磁化呈现出类似在某些低温金属中出现的de Haas-van Alphen 震荡效应, 高次谐频的震荡幅度有可能超出临界磁化时的磁化率. 表明中子星内部有可能存在非稳定的磁化过程, 发生类似气液转化的一级相变过程, 出现两种磁化共存的稳定态或过冷磁化的亚稳态(若不同磁化态间存在表面能). 从亚稳态向稳定态的突然转化可能与磁星的辐射有关, 可以解释在磁星巨闪过程中观测到的额外辐射问题.
    The dense electron gas interior neutron star is high degenerate and relativistic. The observation of neutron star about its thermal and magnetic effects depends on transport properties of the electron gas which is thought as the magnetic carrier. Its Landau levels in magnetic field are quantized and highly degenerate. The energy difference of an electron gas between in and not in magnetic field determines the magnetization of the gas, and the corresponding susceptipilities can be obtained through the thermodynamic calculation. When the magnetic field is weak, the susceptipility is 10-3 having similar order as in white dwarf. While in strong field the magnetization has the de Haas-van Alphen fluctuant effect like in microtherm metals. The differential susceptipilities can equal or exceed critical for high order harmonic frequency. Correspondingly, there is probably the phase-instability occuring in dense electron gas and the stable state is consisted of two different magnetization phases similar as the first-order phase transition of water. But if, there is a surface energy at the boundary then there is metastable state of homogeneous magnetization. The phase transition of interior neutron star can be observed through its electromagnetic radiation.This electromagnetic radiation may provide the extra energy in starquake model which was proposed to explain the giant flash of a magnetar.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 10963003, 10763001, 11063002); 新疆自然科学基金(批准号: 2009211B01, 2010211B05);霍英东基金(批准号: 121107) 和新疆大学博士启动基金(批准号: BS110108)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural science Foundation of China(Grant Nos. 10963003, 10763001, 11063002), the Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang (Grant Nos. 2009211B01, 2010211B05), the Foundation of Huoyingdong (Grant No. 121107), and the Dr start-up Foundation of Xinjiang University (Grant No. BS110108).

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    Lee H J, Canuto V, Chiu H Y, Chiuderi C 1969 Phys. Rev. Lett. 23 390


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    Wang Z J, Lü G L, Zhu C H, Zhang J 2011 Acta Physica Sinica 60 049702 (in Chinese)


    Shoenberg D 1962 Phil. Trans. Roy.Soc. 255 85


    Liang Z X, Zhang Z D, Liu W M 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 050402


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  • 收稿日期:  2012-04-10
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