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闫佩佩 马彩文 折文集



闫佩佩, 马彩文, 折文集

Influence of earth's reflective radiation on space target for space based imaging

Yan Pei-Pei, Ma Cai-Wen, She Wen-Ji
  • 天基空间目标观测时, 在对空间目标的可见光特性提取的过程中, 随着其姿态的不断变化, 存在太阳光照射不到目标表面、或是在某一特定位置由于目标的强烈反射导致太阳光照度不均匀的情况. 针对这些问题, 分析了在可见光和近红外波段空间目标表面的光照特性, 提出了利用地表反照光作为天基空间目标成像辅助照明光源的思想, 给出了一种精确的建模方法. 基于漫反射模型建立了地表反照光在空间目标表面的照度计算方法, 借助satellite tool kit卫星工具软件获取太阳、目标的坐标, 省去了以往方法中烦琐的矩阵相乘和坐标转换过程; 对任意时刻的地表有效反照区域给出了判断, 引入对地球表面进行网格划分的方法, 对划分后的每一个面元均匀采样, 通过数值积分可计算出整个有效地表反照区域的地表反照辐射. 以某天基成像任务中的太阳同步轨道卫星为例, 就地表反照光对目标的光照情况进行仿真, 计算得出卫星在经过北极上空时可以利用地表反照光作为辅助光源这一重要结论. 仿真结果验证了建模方法的正确性.
    The space-based surveillance, which would mainly use the space-based visible, has great value for civil and military applications currently and for a fairly long future period. In space-based surveillance, the visible and near-infrared radiation characteristics of the space target are influenced by its attitude variation. This influence is especially prominent in space-based imaging. In some ways, solar radiation cannot arrive at the surface of the space target, or the arriving radiation is not uniformly distributed because of the space target's strong reflection at a particular position. In order to solve these problems, the visible and near-infrared illumination characteristics of the space target surface are analyzed. Moreover, a notion that earth's reflective radiation can be used as illumination for space target imaging is given, and an accurate modeling method is proposed. Firstly, based on diffuse reflectance model, a method of mathematically calculating the illumination at space target's position from earth's reflective radiation is established. And a formula for calculating illumination is derived. Secondly, the coordinates of sun and space target at any time can be obtained by the Satellite tool kit software, in which the complicated multiplying matrix and coordinate transformation algorithm introduced in some references are avoided. Thirdly, the method of estimating earth's reflective radiation region at arbitrary moment is introduced. The grid division method is generated and the uniform sampling is used in each small area. Fourthly, the position of a surface cell is transformed from the sphere reference frame into the J2000.0 inertial frame. The earth's reflective radiation can be calculated through numerical integration. Finally, the illumination from earth's reflective radiation to a sun synchronous orbit satellite in an imaging mission based on space is calculated by the given parameters. The results show that the earth's reflective radiation is luminous enough for space target imaging when the satellite passes through arctic. When the satellite moves on the orbit, we can obtain more detailed information about target satellites' bottom then the ground simulation imaging. The on-orbit imaging results demonstrate the validity of the modeling method, which could support the foundation of our space-based surveillance system theoretically and technically and could be used as a reference of space-based orbit measurement and determination in deep space exploration.

    Niu Z G, Yu X H 2006 J. Acad. Equip. Comm. Technol. 17 38 (in Chinese) [牛子刚, 于小红 2006 装备指挥技术学院学报 17 38]


    Zeng D X, Du X P 2008 J. Syst. Simul. 20 209 (in Chinese) [曾德贤, 杜小平 2008 系统仿真学报 20 209]


    Sun C M, Yuan Y, Zhang X B 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7523 (in Chinese) [孙成明, 袁艳, 张修宝 2010 物理学报 59 7523]


    Yuan Y, Sun C M, Huang F Z, Zhao H J, Wang Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 089501 (in Chinese) [袁艳, 孙成明, 黄锋振, 赵慧洁, 王潜 2011 物理学报 60 089501]


    Xia X L, Ai Q, Ren D P 2007 J. Infrared Millim. Waves. 26 174 (in Chinese) [夏新林, 艾青, 任德鹏 2007 红外与毫米波学报 26 174]


    Joseph C L 1997 Proc. SPIE 2999 244


    Cox R J, Strickland D J, Evans J S, Wright K C, Paxton L J 1994 Proc. SPIE 2282 261


    Mende S B, Fuselier S A 1993 Opt. Eng. 32 3139


    Schuehle U H, Hochedez J E, Pau J L, Rivera C, Munoz E 2004 Proc. SPIE 5171 231


    Sun C M, Zhao F, Yuan Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 034202 (in Chinese) [孙成明, 赵飞, 袁艳 2015 物理学报 64 034202]


    Sun X 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Xi'an: Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of The Chinese Academy of Science) (in Chinese) [孙鑫 2010 博士学位论文 (西安: 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所)]


    Yu J H, Su Z L 2006 J. Spacecraft TT & C Tech. 25 52 (in Chinese) [余建慧, 苏增立 2006 飞行器测控学报 25 52]


    Chen R L, Han L, Che C C, Ma Z, Fan X W 2005 Acta Photon. Sin. 34 1438 (in Chinese) [陈荣利, 韩乐, 车驰骋, 马臻, 樊学武 2005 光子学报 34 1438]


    Peng H F, Chen J, Zhang B 2006 Opto-Electronic Eng. 33 9 (in Chinese) [彭华锋, 陈鲸, 张彬 2006 光电工程 33 9]


    Xiao X G, Wang Z H, Bai J G, Liu X B 2009 Acta Photon. Sin. 38 375 (in Chinese) [肖相国, 王忠厚, 白加光, 刘学斌 2009 光子学报 38 375]


    Hossein R, Edwin R H 2002 IEEE Trans. ICIP 2 553


    Jan J K, Andrea J D 2001 Proc. SPIE 4299 312


    Stokcs G H, Viggh H E, Kent P J 1996 Int. Telem. Con. 32 477


    Wu Y, Yang L, Fan J Y, Wang Y, Wu Y, Wang C J 2009 J. HUST 14 82 (in Chinese) [吴英, 杨玲, 范剑英, 王洋, 吴岩, 王长劲 2009 哈尔滨理工大学学报 14 82]


    Wang H Y, Zhang W, Wang Z L 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 593 (in Chinese) [汪洪源, 张伟, 王治乐 2008 光学学报 28 593]


    Zhang W, Wang H Y, Wang Z L, Sun C M 2008 Acta Photon. Sin. 37 2462 (in Chinese) [张伟, 汪洪源, 王治乐, 孙成明 2008 光子学报 37 2462]


    Sun C M, Zhang W, Wang Z L 2008 Opt. Tech. 34 750 (in Chinese) [孙成明, 张伟, 王治乐 2008 光学技术 34 750]


    Flatley T W, Moore W A 1994 NASA Technical Memorandum 104596 31


    Vermote E, Tanré D, Deuzé J L, Herman M, Morcrette J J, Kotchenova S Y 1997 6S User Guide Version 2 (France: Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique) p41


    Xi X N, Wang W, Gao Y D 2003 Fundamentals of Near-Earth Spacecraft Orbit (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology Press) p11 (in Chinese) [郗晓宁, 王威, 高玉东 2003 近地航天器轨道基础 (长沙: 国防科学技术大学出版社) 第11页]


    Wang F G, Zhang W, Wang H Y 2011 Opto-Electronic Eng. 38 6 (in Chinese) [王付刚, 张伟, 汪洪源 2011 光电工程 38 6]


    Zhang Q, Ye X, Fang W 2011 J. GUCAS 28 310 (in Chinese) [张乾, 叶新, 方伟 2011中国科学院研究生院学报 28 310]


    Jiang X 2006 J. Glaciol. Geocryol. 28 728 (in Chinese) [蒋熹 2006 冰川冻土 28 728]

  • [1]

    Niu Z G, Yu X H 2006 J. Acad. Equip. Comm. Technol. 17 38 (in Chinese) [牛子刚, 于小红 2006 装备指挥技术学院学报 17 38]


    Zeng D X, Du X P 2008 J. Syst. Simul. 20 209 (in Chinese) [曾德贤, 杜小平 2008 系统仿真学报 20 209]


    Sun C M, Yuan Y, Zhang X B 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7523 (in Chinese) [孙成明, 袁艳, 张修宝 2010 物理学报 59 7523]


    Yuan Y, Sun C M, Huang F Z, Zhao H J, Wang Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 089501 (in Chinese) [袁艳, 孙成明, 黄锋振, 赵慧洁, 王潜 2011 物理学报 60 089501]


    Xia X L, Ai Q, Ren D P 2007 J. Infrared Millim. Waves. 26 174 (in Chinese) [夏新林, 艾青, 任德鹏 2007 红外与毫米波学报 26 174]


    Joseph C L 1997 Proc. SPIE 2999 244


    Cox R J, Strickland D J, Evans J S, Wright K C, Paxton L J 1994 Proc. SPIE 2282 261


    Mende S B, Fuselier S A 1993 Opt. Eng. 32 3139


    Schuehle U H, Hochedez J E, Pau J L, Rivera C, Munoz E 2004 Proc. SPIE 5171 231


    Sun C M, Zhao F, Yuan Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 034202 (in Chinese) [孙成明, 赵飞, 袁艳 2015 物理学报 64 034202]


    Sun X 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Xi'an: Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of The Chinese Academy of Science) (in Chinese) [孙鑫 2010 博士学位论文 (西安: 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所)]


    Yu J H, Su Z L 2006 J. Spacecraft TT & C Tech. 25 52 (in Chinese) [余建慧, 苏增立 2006 飞行器测控学报 25 52]


    Chen R L, Han L, Che C C, Ma Z, Fan X W 2005 Acta Photon. Sin. 34 1438 (in Chinese) [陈荣利, 韩乐, 车驰骋, 马臻, 樊学武 2005 光子学报 34 1438]


    Peng H F, Chen J, Zhang B 2006 Opto-Electronic Eng. 33 9 (in Chinese) [彭华锋, 陈鲸, 张彬 2006 光电工程 33 9]


    Xiao X G, Wang Z H, Bai J G, Liu X B 2009 Acta Photon. Sin. 38 375 (in Chinese) [肖相国, 王忠厚, 白加光, 刘学斌 2009 光子学报 38 375]


    Hossein R, Edwin R H 2002 IEEE Trans. ICIP 2 553


    Jan J K, Andrea J D 2001 Proc. SPIE 4299 312


    Stokcs G H, Viggh H E, Kent P J 1996 Int. Telem. Con. 32 477


    Wu Y, Yang L, Fan J Y, Wang Y, Wu Y, Wang C J 2009 J. HUST 14 82 (in Chinese) [吴英, 杨玲, 范剑英, 王洋, 吴岩, 王长劲 2009 哈尔滨理工大学学报 14 82]


    Wang H Y, Zhang W, Wang Z L 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 593 (in Chinese) [汪洪源, 张伟, 王治乐 2008 光学学报 28 593]


    Zhang W, Wang H Y, Wang Z L, Sun C M 2008 Acta Photon. Sin. 37 2462 (in Chinese) [张伟, 汪洪源, 王治乐, 孙成明 2008 光子学报 37 2462]


    Sun C M, Zhang W, Wang Z L 2008 Opt. Tech. 34 750 (in Chinese) [孙成明, 张伟, 王治乐 2008 光学技术 34 750]


    Flatley T W, Moore W A 1994 NASA Technical Memorandum 104596 31


    Vermote E, Tanré D, Deuzé J L, Herman M, Morcrette J J, Kotchenova S Y 1997 6S User Guide Version 2 (France: Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique) p41


    Xi X N, Wang W, Gao Y D 2003 Fundamentals of Near-Earth Spacecraft Orbit (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology Press) p11 (in Chinese) [郗晓宁, 王威, 高玉东 2003 近地航天器轨道基础 (长沙: 国防科学技术大学出版社) 第11页]


    Wang F G, Zhang W, Wang H Y 2011 Opto-Electronic Eng. 38 6 (in Chinese) [王付刚, 张伟, 汪洪源 2011 光电工程 38 6]


    Zhang Q, Ye X, Fang W 2011 J. GUCAS 28 310 (in Chinese) [张乾, 叶新, 方伟 2011中国科学院研究生院学报 28 310]


    Jiang X 2006 J. Glaciol. Geocryol. 28 728 (in Chinese) [蒋熹 2006 冰川冻土 28 728]

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-02-10
  • 修回日期:  2015-04-08
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