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陈建宏 郑小平 张正荣 吴学勇



陈建宏, 郑小平, 张正荣, 吴学勇

Interference effect in the photodetachment from H- ion in a few-cycle laser pulse

Chen Jian-Hong, Zheng Xiao-Ping, Zhang Zheng-Rong, Wu Xue-Yong
  • 本文利用强场近似理论研究了氢负离子在少周期激光场中的解离过程. 在计算中采用了数值积分和鞍点近似两种计算方法并得到了一致的结果. 更为重要的是, 利用鞍点法对激光脉冲中不同时刻解离产生的电子波包之间的干涉效应进行了研究, 发现光电子动量谱的主要结构是电子波包间的周期间干涉和周期内干涉共同作用的结果, 并分析了周期内和周期间干涉效应对光电子能量谱的影响. 最后, 讨论了激光脉宽对周期内和周期间干涉效应的影响. 本文的工作对进一步了解负离子光解离过程中的量子干涉效应和利用光场对其进行调控方面的研究具有意义.
    We theoretically study the electron detachment of negative hydrogen ions in a three-cycle linearly polarized laser field with a wavelength of 2150 nm in the context of the strong field approximation (SFA). The numerical integration and the saddle-point (SP) methods are both used in our calculations. The results show that both the energy spectra and the momentum spectra of the photoelectrons detached from negative hydrogen ions, obtained from these two methods, accord very well with each other for the laser intensities of 1.31011 W/cm2 and 6.51011 W/cm2, respectively. It is found that there is an obvious stripe-like structure along the vertical direction of the momentum spectra when the laser intensity is 6.51011 W/cm2. To explore the main origin which leads to the specific structures of the momentum spectra, we divide the interferences of the electronic wave packets emitted at different times during the laser pulse into the intra-cycle interference and the inter-cycle interference based on the SP method. Inter-cycle interference arises from the coherent superposition of electron wave packets released at complex times during different optical cycles, whereas intra-cycle interference comes from the coherent superposition of electron packets released in the same optical cycle. It is found that when only considering the inter-cycle interference, the main structures of the momentum spectra accord well with the above-threshold detachment (ATD) rings, which indicates that the inter-cycle interference corresponds to ATD rings of the photoelectron spectrum. But when only considering the intra-cycle interference, there are stripe-like structures with left-right asymmetry along the vertical direction of the momentum spectra. So the main structures of the momentum spectra of the photoelectrons are attributed to the interplay of the intra-and inter-cycle interferences. In addition, to intuitively explain the reason why the momentum spectra depend on the intensity of the laser field, we analyze the influence of the intensity of the laser field on the inter-cycle interference of quantum wave packets. It is found that the phase difference of the inter-cycle interference depends on the intensity of the laser field, which may lead to the difference among the momentum spectra of the photoelectrons at different laser intensities. Moreover, the influences of the intra-and inter-cycle interferences on the energy spectrum of the photoelectrons are also analyzed. It is found that the main oscillatory patterns and the peak positions of the energy spectra are mainly determined by the inter-cycle interference. Finally, the effects of the duration of laser pulse on the intra-and inter-cycle interferences are discussed. It seems that the main structures of the momentum spectra accord well with the ATD rings in multi-cycle laser pulses. So it is concluded that in multi-cycle laser pulses, the inter-cycle interference dominates while the intra-cycle interference is suppressed. The work in this paper is meaningful for further understanding the quantum interference effect and the optical control of the laser-induced photodetachment of negative ions.
      通信作者: 陈建宏, chenyuwen1982@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11264036, 11465016, 11164012, 11464026)、兰州市科技计划(计划编号: 2012-2-105)和兰州城市学院博士科研启动基金资助课题.
      Corresponding author: Chen Jian-Hong, chenyuwen1982@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11264036, 11465016, 11164012, 11464026), the Science and Technology Project of Lanzhou Science and Technology of Bureau, China (Grant No. 2012-2-105), and the Doctoral Scientific Research Foundation of Lanzhou City University, China.

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    Hao X L, Li W D, Liu J, Chen J 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 083304


    Lindner F, Schatzel M G, Walther H, Baltuka A, Goulielmakis E, Krausz F, Miloević D B, Bauer D, Becker W, Paulus G G 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 040401


    Xie X, Roither S, Kartashov D, Persson E, Arb D G, Zhang L, Grfe S, Schffler M S, Burgdrfer J, Baltuka A, Kitzler M 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 193004


    Gopal R, Simeonidis K, Moshammer R, Ergler T, Drr M, Kurka M, Khnel K U, Tschuch S, Schrter C D, Bauer D, Ullrich J, Rudenko A, Herrwerth O, Uphues T, Schultze M, Goulielmakis E, Uiberacker M, Lezius M, Kling M F 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 053001


    Arbo D G, Ishikawa K L, Schiessl K, Persson E, Burgdorfer J 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 021403


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    Song L W, Li C, Wang D, Xu C H, Leng Y X, Li R X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 093204 (in Chinese) [宋立伟, 李闯, 王丁, 许灿华, 冷雨欣, 李儒新 2011 物理学报 60 093204]


    Ge Y C, He H P 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 074207


    Diao H H, Zheng Y H, Zhong Y, Zeng Z N, Ge X C, Li C, Li R X, Xu Z Z 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 104210


    Reichle R, Helm H, Kiyan I Y 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 243001


    Kiyan I Y, Helm H 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 183001


    Bergues B, Ansari Z, Hanstorp D, Kiyan I Y 2007 Phys. Rev. A 75 063415


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    Zhou X X, Chen Z J, Morishita T, Le A T, Lin C D 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 053410


    Gribakin G F, Kuchiev M Y 1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 3760


    Shearer S F C, Smyth M C, Gribakin G F 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 033409


    Shearer S F C, Addis C R J 2012 Phys. Rev. A 85 063409


    Shearer S F C, Monteith M R 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 033415


    Morishita T, Le A T, Chen Z J, Lin C D 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 013903


    Huismans Y, Rouźee A, Gijsbertsen A, Logman P S W M, Lpine F, Cauchy C, Zamith S, Stodolna A S, Jungmann J H, Bakker J M, Berden G, Redlich B, van der Meer A F G, Schafer K J, Vrakking M J J 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 033413


    Landau L D, Lifshitz E M 1965 Quantum Mechanics. Nonrelativistic Theory (Oxford: Pergamon Press) pp297-299


    Yan T M, Bauer D 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 053403


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