The outgassing mass spectrum property with intense pulsed emission of the carbon nanotube(CNT) cathode is investigated on a 2 MeV linear induction accelerator injector by using the quadrupole mass spectrometer. The results show that the cathode has a capability of desorbing gases from the CNT cathode under pulsed high voltage. There are significant CO2, N2(CO) and H2 desorbing gases which play an important role in the formation of the cathode plasma. The mechanism of electron emission of CNT cathode is plasma-induced field emission, rather than explosive field emission, which is proved by analyzing the desorbed gases component.
- carbon nanotube cathode /
- intense pulsed emission /
- mass spectrum analysis /
- plasma-induced field emission
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[1] Xia L S, Wang M, Huang Z P, Zhang K Z, Shi J S, Zhang L W, Deng J J 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3435 (in Chinese) [夏连胜、 王 勐、 黄子平、 张开志、 石金水、 章林文、 邓建军 2004 物理学报 53 3435]
[2] Xia L S, Zhang H, Jiang X G, Yang A M, Li C G, Wang Y, Pang H F, Zhang K Z, Shi J S, Zhang L W, Deng J J 2006 High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys. 30 470 (in Chinese) [夏连胜、 张 篁、 江孝国、 杨安民、 李成刚、 王 远、 潘海峰、 张开 志、 石金水、 章林文、 邓建军 2006 高能物理与核物理 30 470] 〖3] Liao Q L, Zhang Y, Xia L S, Huang Y H, Qi J J, Gao Z J, Zhang H 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 5335 (in Chinese) [廖庆亮、 张 跃、 夏连胜、 黄运华、 齐俊杰、 高战军、 张 篁 2007物理学报 56 5335]
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[17] [18] Zhang Z X, Hou S M, Zhao X Y, Zhang H, Sun J P, Liu W M, Xue Z Q, Shi Z J, Gu Z N 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 434 (in Chinese) [张兆祥、侯士敏、赵兴钰、张 浩、孙建平、刘惟敏、薛增泉、施祖进、顾镇南 2002 物理学报 51 434]
[19] Xu J T 2003 Vac. Electron. 5 77 (in Chinese) [徐江涛 2003 真空电子技术 5 77] 〖12] Xia L S, Zhang L W, Huang Z P, Gao F, Shi J S, Deng J J 2004 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 16 943 (in Chinese) [夏连胜、 章林文、 黄子平、 高 峰、 石金水、 邓建军 2004 强激光与粒子束 16 943]
[20] [21] [22] [23] Liao Q L 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Science and Technology Beijing)(in Chinese) [廖庆亮 2009 博士学位论文 (北京: 北京科技大学)]
[24] Goi J G 1994 Temperature Dependence of the Electron Induced Gas Desorption Yields From 316 L+N Stainless Steel, OFHC Cu and Al Samples (Geneva: CERN)
[25] Shen Y, Xia L S, Zhang H, Liu X G, Liao Q L 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 775 (in Chinese) [谌 怡、 夏连胜、 张 篁、 刘星光、 廖庆亮 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 775]
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