Acoustic field characteristics of an ultrasonic linear phased array are studied under the condition of an interface. The issue about a phased array transducer with a wedge is reasonably simplified into a liquid-solid interface problem. According to ray acoustics theory, the acoustic field produced by a single element on the liquid-solid interface is computed. Then focus laws are derived and the expressions of the sound field and the displacement of the ultrasonic linear array with a liquid-solid interface are obtained. Simulations are carried out for a phased array transducer mounted on a wedge. The focusing-generated effects on axial and horizontal acoustic field of transducer are discussed. It is shown that the focusing can enhance sensitivity and resolution, but degrades the performance of beams beyond the focal region. So focusing should be reasonably used in actual testing.
- ultrasonic phased array /
- interface /
- acoustic field /
- focusing
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[1] Zhong Z M, Mei D S 2002 Nondestr. Test. 24 69(in Chinese)[钟志民、 梅德松 2002 无损检测 24 69]
[2] R/D Tech 2004 Introduction to phased array ultrasonic technology applications(Canada: R/D Tech) p4
[3] Hang J, Zhang Z G, Que P W, Jin J H 2004 Piezoel. & Acoustoopt. 26 506(in Chinese)[黄 晶、 张志钢、 阙沛文、 金建华 2004 压电与声光 26 506]
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[6] Lemon D K, Posakony G J 1980 Mater. Eval. 38 34
[7] Azar L, Shi Y, Wooh S C 2000 NDT&E Int. 33 189
[8] Wooh S C, Shi Y 1999 Wave Mot. 29 245
[9] Wooh S C, Shi Y 1999 J. Nondestr. Eval. 18 39
[10] Wooh S C, Shi Y 1998 Ultrasonics 36 737
[11] Song J S, Kim C H 2002 Ultrasonics 40 519
[12] Huang R, Schmerr L W 2009 Ultrasonics 49 219
[13] Zhang H L 2007 Theoretical Acoustics (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p270 (in Chinese) [张海澜 2007 理论声学(北京:高等教育出版社) 第270页]
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