In this paper we investigate a coupled system of an initially excited two-level atom coupled to a monomode cavity,and compute spontaneous emission spectrum and mean population density emitted by the atom and the cavity using the quantum theory that accounts for theoretical derviation and numerical calculation.The spectra emitted separately by the atom and the cavity in of strong coupling region are dramatically different from those in weak coupling region at resonance.The cavity spectrum line splitting in the strong coupling region,however,a hole exists in the atomic spectrum in the weak coupling region.We study systematically the emission spectra when the atom and the cavity are detuned,and the results show that if the cavity linewidth is much smaller than the atomic linewidth(good cavity regime),photons are emitted at the cavity frequency even if the atom and the cavity are strongly detuned,and provide theoretic foundation for the apparently puzzling feature observed in the recent experiment.In this paper we computate the atomic and the cavity mean population densities each as a function of time and their relation to the luminous intensity, and offer a new insight into civity induced transparency effect.
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[94] [95] Laussy F P, Valle E D, Tejedor C 2009 Phys.Rev. B 79 235325
[96] Laussy F P,Valle E D, Tejedor C 2008 Phys.Rev.Lett. 101 083601
[97] -
[1] Purcell E M 1946 Phys.Rev.69 681
[2] Zhang J 2008 Ph.D. Thesis(Shanxi University) (in Chinese) [张 静 2008 博士学位论文(山西大学)]
[3] [4] [5] Feher G,Gordon J P,Buehler E,Gere E A,Thurmond C D 1958 Phys.Rev. 109 221
[6] Drexhage K H 1974 Progress in Optics XII (New York:Morth-Holland)
[7] [8] Thompson R J, Rempe G,Kimble H J 1992 Phys.Rev.Lett.68 1132
[9] [10] [11] Boca A,Miller R,Birnbaum K M,Boozer A D,McKeever J,Kimble H J 2004 Phys.Rev.Lett.93 233603
[12] Maunz P,Puppe T,Schuster I,Syassen N,Pinkse P W H, Rempe G 2005 Phys.Rev.Lett.94 033002
[13] [14] Auffeves A,Besga B,Grard J M,Poizat J P 2008 Phys.Rev.A 77 063833
[15] [16] Meschede D,Walther H,Mller G 1985 Phys.Rev.Lett.54 551
[17] [18] [19] Rempe G,Klein N,Walther H 1987 Phys.Rev.Lett.58 353
[20] [21] Rempe G,Kaler F S,Walther H1990 Phys.Rev.Lett.64 2783
[22] [23] Brune M,Raimond J M,Goy P,Davidovich L,Haroche S 1987 Phys.Rev.Lett.59 1899
[24] Bernardot F,Nussenzveig D,Brune M,Raimond J M,Haroche S 1992 Europhys.Lett.17 33
[25] [26] [27] Reithmaier J P,Sek G,Loffler A,Hofmann C,Kuhn S,Reitzenstein S, Keldysh L V,Kulakovskii V D,Reinecke T L,Forchel A 2004 Nature 432 197
[28] Yoshie T,Scherer A,Hendrickson J,Khitrova G,Gibbs H M,Rupper G,Ell C, Shchekin O B, Deppe D G 2004 Nature 432 200
[29] [30] [31] Peter E,Senellart P,Martrou D,Lematre A,Hours J,Grard J M,Bloch J 2005 Phys.Rev.Lett.2005 95 067401
[32] Hennessy K,Badolato A,Winger M,Gerace D,Atature M,Gulde S,Falt S, Hu E L, Imamoglu A 2007 Nature 445 896
[33] [34] Press D,Gotzinger S,Reitzenstein S,Hofmann C,Loffler A,Kamp M, Forche A,Yamamoto Y 2007 Phys.Rev.Lett.98 117402
[35] [36] [37] Englund D,Faraon A,Fushman I,Stoltz N,Petroff P,Vuckovic J 2007 Nature 450 06234
[38] Braginsky V B,Khalili F Y,Thorne K S 1992 Quantum Measurement (Cambridge: Cambridge Universty)
[39] [40] [41] Pellizzari T,Gardiner S A,Cirac J I,Zoller P 1995 Phys.Rev.Lett.75 3788
[42] [43] Turchette Q A,Hood C J,Lange W,Mabuchi H,Kimble H J 1995 Phys.Rev. Lett.75 4710
[44] [45] Parkins A S,Marte P,Zoller P, Kimble H J 1993 Phys.Rev.Lett.71 3095
[46] [47] Law C K,Kimble H J 1997 J. Mod.Opt.44 2067
[48] [49] Cirac J I,Zoller P,Kimble H J,Mabuchi H 1997 Phys.Rev.Lett. 78 3221
[50] [51] Van Enk S J,Cirac J I,Zoller P,Mabuchi H, Kimble H J 1997 J. Mod.Opt. 44 1727
[52] [53] Boozer A D,Boca A,Miller R,Northup T E,Kimble H J 2007 Phys.Rev.Lett. 98 193601
[54] [55] Puppe T,Schuster I,Grothe A,Kubanek A,Murr K,Pinkse P W H,Rempe G 2007 Phys.Rev.Lett.99 013002
[56] [57] Wilk T,Webster S C,Kuhn A,Rempe G 2007 Science 317 488
[58] Wilk T,Webster S C,Specht H P,Rempe G,Kuhn A 2007 Phys.Rev.Lett.98 063601
[59] [60] Gleyzes S, Kuhr S, Guerlin C,Bernu J,Deloglise S, Hoff U B, Brune M, Raimond J M,Haroche S 2007 Nature 446 297
[61] [62] [63] Sandoghdar V,Treussart F,Hare J,Seguin V L,Raimond J M,Haroche S 1996 Phys.Rev. A 54 1777
[64] [65] Armani D K,Kippenberg T J,Spillane S M,Vahala K J 2003 Nature 421 925
[66] [67] Reitzenstein S,Hofmann C,Gorbunov A,Strauss M,Kwon S H, Schneider C, Lffler A, Hffling S,Kamp M,Forchel A 2007 Appl.Phys.Lett.90 251109
[68] Srivanasan K,Borselli M,Johnson T J,Barclay P E,Painter O,Stintz A,Krishna S 2004 Appl.Phys.Lett.85 3693
[69] [70] [71] Weidner E,Combrie S,Rossi A D,Tran N V Q,Cassette S 2007 Appl.Phys.Lett.90 101118
[72] [73] Mondragon J J S,Narozhny N B,Eberly J H 1983 Phys.Rev.Lett.51 550
[74] Agarwal G S,Puri R R 1986 Phys.Rev.A 33 1757
[75] [76] [77] Carmichael H J,Brecha R J,Raizen M G,Kimble H J,Rice P R 1989 Phys. Rev.A 40 5516
[78] Rice P R,Brecha R J 1996 Optics Communications 126 230
[79] [80] Hechenblaikner G,Gangl M,Horak P,Ritsch H 1998 Phys.Rev. A 58 3030
[81] [82] Zippilli S,Morigi G 2005 Phys.Rev.Lett.95 143001
[83] [84] [85] Bienert M,Torres J M,Zippilli S,Morigi G 2007 Phys.Rev.A 76 013410
[86] Wang L,Song H Z 2006 Acta Phys.Sin.55 830(in Chinese)[王 丽、宋海珍 2006 物理学报 55 830]
[87] [88] Garnier A A,Simon C,Gerard J M,Poizat J P 2007 Phys.Rev.A 75 053823
[89] [90] [91] Daniel J M, Joel M H 1986 Phys.Rev.A 34 124829
[92] [93] Li T C,Xu Z Y 1978 Acta Phys.Sin. 27 175(in Chinese)[李铁诚、许政一 1978 物理学报 27 175]
[94] [95] Laussy F P, Valle E D, Tejedor C 2009 Phys.Rev. B 79 235325
[96] Laussy F P,Valle E D, Tejedor C 2008 Phys.Rev.Lett. 101 083601
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