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Analysis of aerosol sources and optical properties based on backward trajectory method over SACOL

Li Xia Zhang Lei


Analysis of aerosol sources and optical properties based on backward trajectory method over SACOL

Li Xia, Zhang Lei
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  • Backward trajectories computed using the NOAA HYSPLIT model and global NOAA-NCEP/NCAR pressure level reanalysis data from November 2007 to October 2010, are used to trace air history and analyze the atmospheric transportation properties over SACOL. The cluster analysis has the advantage of providing highly disaggregated trajectory clusters, from which fifteen significant clusters arriving at the SACOL, which reflect the main feature of air mass trajectories, are obtained during this period. It is found that the air mass trajectories from Sichuan province and Chongqing account for 16% of all trajectories and have the biggest influence, those from local and Shanxi province have the second biggest influence, and those from the Eastern Europe and Bangladesh have the smallest influence. The Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at 870nm and ngstrm exponent acquired by a Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (MFRSR) at SACOL are employed to analyze aerosol optical properties and particle characteristics under the control of different air mass sources. The maximum average AOD of 0.29 0.12 (mean standard deviation of mean) corresponds to the air mass originating from Taklimakan Desert, whereas the minimum average AOD is 0.14 0.02 from Bangladesh. According to ambient conditions of the studied site and the geographical conditions and moved track of air mass, the quantitative contributions of different sources to the three-year average AOD of 0.22 are investigated. The results show that the greatest contribution to the average AOD, accounting for almost 41.1%, came from local and regional sources, an additional important contribution from dust areas is about 28.4% of the average AOD, the contribution from the Central Asia source occupies 17.9%, that from Eastern Europe and Middle East is 12.6%.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41075104), and the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2010CB428604).

    McCormick R A, Ludwig J H 1967 Science 156 1358


    Coakley J A Jr, Cess R D, Yurevich F B 1983 J. Atmos. Sci. 40 116


    Twomey S A, Piepgrass M, Wolfe T L 1984 Tellus B 36 356


    Albrecht B A 1989 Science 245 1227


    Hansen J, Sato M, Ruedy R 1997 J. Geophys. Res. 102 6831


    IPCC 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Climate change 2007: Synthesis Report Valencia, Spain, November 12–17, 2007 p72


    Xia X A, Chen H B, Wang P C, Zong X M, Qiu J H, Philippe G 2005 Tellus B 57 28


    Su F Q, Ren Z H, Gao Q X, Zhang Z G 2004 Res. Environ. Sci. 17 21 (in Chinese) [苏福庆, 任阵海, 高庆先, 张志刚 2004 环境科学研究 17 21]


    Liu W D, Jiang Y H, Li J, Wang Z X, Wang Q 2010 Clim. Envir. Res. 15 152 (in Chinese) [ 刘伟东, 江玉华, 李炬, 王正兴, 王强 2010 气候与环境研究 21 22]


    Li C, Krotkov N A, Dickerson R R, Li Z Q, Yang K, Chin M 2010 J. Geophys. Res. 115 D00K03


    Pierro M D, Jaeglé L, Anderson T L 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 2225


    Wang Y, Chai F H, Liu H F, Wang Y H 2008 Res. Environ. Sci. 21 22 (in Chinese) [王艳, 柴发合, 刘厚风, 王永红 2008 环境科学研究 15 152]


    Zhang G X, Cui C X, Zhao Y M, Li J 2008 J. Desert Res. 28 154 (in Chinese) [张广兴, 崔彩霞, 赵元茂, 李娟 2008 中国沙漠 28 154]


    Markou M T, Kassomenos P 2010 Atmos. Res. 98 438


    Su L, Toon O B 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 3263


    Borge R, Lumbreras J, Vardoulakis S, Kassomenos P, Rodr′?guez E 2007 Atmos. Environ. 41 4434


    Makra L, Matyasovszky I, Guba Z, Karatzas K, Anttila P 2011 Atmos. Environ. 45 2630


    Wang F, Chen D S, Cheng S Y, Li M J 2009 Res. Environ. Sci. 22 637 (in Chinese) [王芳, 陈东升, 程水源, 李明君 2009 环境科学研究22 637]


    Zhao H, Wang T J, Jiang F, Xie M 2009 J. Trop. Meteor. 25 181 (in Chinese) [赵恒, 王体健, 江飞, 谢旻 2009 热带气象学报 25 181]


    Ma J J, Gao X Q 2006 Plat. Mete. 25 893 (in Chinese) [马京津, 高晓清 2006 高原气象 25 893]


    Strong M, Sharp Z D, Gutzler D S 2007 Geophys. Res. Lett. 34 L03404


    Huang J P, Zhang W, Zuo J Q, Bi J R, Shi J S, Wang X, Chang Z L, Huang Z W, Yang S, Zhang B D, Wang G Y, Feng G H, Yuan J Y, Zhang L, Zuo H C, Wang S G, Fu C B, Chou J F 2008 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 25 906


    Harrison L C, Michalsky J J, Berndt J 1994 Appl. Opt. 33 5118


    Harrison L C, Michalsky J J, Berndt J 1994 Appl. Opt. 33 5126


    Michalsky J J, Liljegren J C, Harrison L C 1995 J. Geophys. Res. 100 995


    Alexandrov M D, Lacis A A, Carlson B E, Cairns B 2002 J. Atmos. Sci. 59 524


    Alexandrov M D, Kiedron P, Michalsky J J, Hodges G, Flynn C J, Lacis A A 2007 Appl. Opt. 46 8027


    Zuo H Y, Yang J G 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6132 (in Chinese) [左浩毅, 杨经国 2007 物理学报 56 6132]


    Han Y, Wang T J, Rao R Z, Wang Y J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7396 (in Chinese) [韩永, 王体健, 饶瑞中, 王英俭 2008 物理学报 57 7396]


    Schmid B, Michalsky J J, Halthore R N, Beauharnois M, Harrison L C, Livingston J M, Russell P B, Holben B N, Eck T F, Smirnov A 1999 Geophys. Res. Lett. 26 2725


    Michalsky J J, Anderson G P, Barnard J C, Delamere J S, Gueymard C A, Kato S, Kiedron P W, McComiskey A, Ricchiazzi P 2006 J. Geophys. Res. 111 D14S90


    Draxler R R, Hess G D 1998 Aust. Meteor. Mag. 47 295


    Draxler R R 1999 NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-230 1


    Stohl A 1998 Atmos. Environ. 32 947


    Matthias V, Balis D, Bösenberg J, Eixmann R, Iarlori M, Komguem L, Mattis I, Papayannis A, Pappalardo G, Perrone M R, Wang X 2004 J. Geophys. Res. 109 D18201


    Gerasopoulos E, Amiridis V, Kazadzis S, Kokkalis P, Eleftheratos K, Andreae M O, Andreae T W, El-Askary H, and Zerefos C S 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 2145


    Xia X A, Chen H B, Zhang W 2007 Atmos. Environ. 41 7739


    Zhu Q G, Lin J R, Shou S W, Tang D S 2008 Principles and methods of synoptic meteorology 4 (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) pp273—292 (in Chinese) [朱乾根, 林锦瑞, 寿绍文, 唐东昇 2008 天气学原理和方法 4 (北京: 气象出版社) 第273—292页]


    Li X, Zhang L, Cao X J 2010 J. Lanzhou Univ. (Natural Sciences) 46 56 (in Chinese) [李霞, 张镭, 曹贤洁 2010 兰州大学学报 (自然科学版) 46 56]


    Fang X M, Han Y X, Ma J H, Song L C, Yang S L, Zhang X Y 2004 Chin. Sci. Bull. 49 1084 (in Chinese) [方小敏, 韩永翔, 马金辉, 宋连春, 杨胜利, 张小曳 2004 科学通报 49 1084]


    Han Y X, Xi X X, Song L C, Ye Y H, Li Y H 2004 J. Desert Res. 24 588 (in Chinese) [韩永翔, 奚晓霞, 宋连春, 叶燕华, 李耀辉 2004 中国沙漠 24 588]


    Yan H, Zhang J H, Zhao Y P, Zhang G P, Li C X 2006 J. Desert Res. 2 932 (in Chinese) [延昊, 张佳华, 赵一平, 张国平, 李才兴 2006 中国沙漠 2 932]


    Wang B J, Huang Y X, He J H,Wang L J 2004 Plat. Mete. 23 912 (in Chinese) [王宝鉴, 黄玉霞, 何金海, 王黎娟 2004 高原气象 23 912]


    Chen D D, Dai Y J 2009 Sci. Atmos. Sin. 33 1247 (in Chinese) [陈冬冬, 戴永久 2009 大气科学 33 1247]


    Tsaia Y I, Chen C-L 2006 Atmos. Environ. 40 4734


    Fu P J, Huang J P, Li C W, Zhong S R 2008 Atmos. Environ. 42 5896


    Zhao C G, Liu H Z 2004 J. Appl. Meteor. Sci. 15 245 (in Chinese) [赵翠光, 刘还珠 2004 应用气象学报 15 245]

  • [1]

    McCormick R A, Ludwig J H 1967 Science 156 1358


    Coakley J A Jr, Cess R D, Yurevich F B 1983 J. Atmos. Sci. 40 116


    Twomey S A, Piepgrass M, Wolfe T L 1984 Tellus B 36 356


    Albrecht B A 1989 Science 245 1227


    Hansen J, Sato M, Ruedy R 1997 J. Geophys. Res. 102 6831


    IPCC 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Climate change 2007: Synthesis Report Valencia, Spain, November 12–17, 2007 p72


    Xia X A, Chen H B, Wang P C, Zong X M, Qiu J H, Philippe G 2005 Tellus B 57 28


    Su F Q, Ren Z H, Gao Q X, Zhang Z G 2004 Res. Environ. Sci. 17 21 (in Chinese) [苏福庆, 任阵海, 高庆先, 张志刚 2004 环境科学研究 17 21]


    Liu W D, Jiang Y H, Li J, Wang Z X, Wang Q 2010 Clim. Envir. Res. 15 152 (in Chinese) [ 刘伟东, 江玉华, 李炬, 王正兴, 王强 2010 气候与环境研究 21 22]


    Li C, Krotkov N A, Dickerson R R, Li Z Q, Yang K, Chin M 2010 J. Geophys. Res. 115 D00K03


    Pierro M D, Jaeglé L, Anderson T L 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 2225


    Wang Y, Chai F H, Liu H F, Wang Y H 2008 Res. Environ. Sci. 21 22 (in Chinese) [王艳, 柴发合, 刘厚风, 王永红 2008 环境科学研究 15 152]


    Zhang G X, Cui C X, Zhao Y M, Li J 2008 J. Desert Res. 28 154 (in Chinese) [张广兴, 崔彩霞, 赵元茂, 李娟 2008 中国沙漠 28 154]


    Markou M T, Kassomenos P 2010 Atmos. Res. 98 438


    Su L, Toon O B 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 3263


    Borge R, Lumbreras J, Vardoulakis S, Kassomenos P, Rodr′?guez E 2007 Atmos. Environ. 41 4434


    Makra L, Matyasovszky I, Guba Z, Karatzas K, Anttila P 2011 Atmos. Environ. 45 2630


    Wang F, Chen D S, Cheng S Y, Li M J 2009 Res. Environ. Sci. 22 637 (in Chinese) [王芳, 陈东升, 程水源, 李明君 2009 环境科学研究22 637]


    Zhao H, Wang T J, Jiang F, Xie M 2009 J. Trop. Meteor. 25 181 (in Chinese) [赵恒, 王体健, 江飞, 谢旻 2009 热带气象学报 25 181]


    Ma J J, Gao X Q 2006 Plat. Mete. 25 893 (in Chinese) [马京津, 高晓清 2006 高原气象 25 893]


    Strong M, Sharp Z D, Gutzler D S 2007 Geophys. Res. Lett. 34 L03404


    Huang J P, Zhang W, Zuo J Q, Bi J R, Shi J S, Wang X, Chang Z L, Huang Z W, Yang S, Zhang B D, Wang G Y, Feng G H, Yuan J Y, Zhang L, Zuo H C, Wang S G, Fu C B, Chou J F 2008 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 25 906


    Harrison L C, Michalsky J J, Berndt J 1994 Appl. Opt. 33 5118


    Harrison L C, Michalsky J J, Berndt J 1994 Appl. Opt. 33 5126


    Michalsky J J, Liljegren J C, Harrison L C 1995 J. Geophys. Res. 100 995


    Alexandrov M D, Lacis A A, Carlson B E, Cairns B 2002 J. Atmos. Sci. 59 524


    Alexandrov M D, Kiedron P, Michalsky J J, Hodges G, Flynn C J, Lacis A A 2007 Appl. Opt. 46 8027


    Zuo H Y, Yang J G 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6132 (in Chinese) [左浩毅, 杨经国 2007 物理学报 56 6132]


    Han Y, Wang T J, Rao R Z, Wang Y J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7396 (in Chinese) [韩永, 王体健, 饶瑞中, 王英俭 2008 物理学报 57 7396]


    Schmid B, Michalsky J J, Halthore R N, Beauharnois M, Harrison L C, Livingston J M, Russell P B, Holben B N, Eck T F, Smirnov A 1999 Geophys. Res. Lett. 26 2725


    Michalsky J J, Anderson G P, Barnard J C, Delamere J S, Gueymard C A, Kato S, Kiedron P W, McComiskey A, Ricchiazzi P 2006 J. Geophys. Res. 111 D14S90


    Draxler R R, Hess G D 1998 Aust. Meteor. Mag. 47 295


    Draxler R R 1999 NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-230 1


    Stohl A 1998 Atmos. Environ. 32 947


    Matthias V, Balis D, Bösenberg J, Eixmann R, Iarlori M, Komguem L, Mattis I, Papayannis A, Pappalardo G, Perrone M R, Wang X 2004 J. Geophys. Res. 109 D18201


    Gerasopoulos E, Amiridis V, Kazadzis S, Kokkalis P, Eleftheratos K, Andreae M O, Andreae T W, El-Askary H, and Zerefos C S 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 2145


    Xia X A, Chen H B, Zhang W 2007 Atmos. Environ. 41 7739


    Zhu Q G, Lin J R, Shou S W, Tang D S 2008 Principles and methods of synoptic meteorology 4 (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) pp273—292 (in Chinese) [朱乾根, 林锦瑞, 寿绍文, 唐东昇 2008 天气学原理和方法 4 (北京: 气象出版社) 第273—292页]


    Li X, Zhang L, Cao X J 2010 J. Lanzhou Univ. (Natural Sciences) 46 56 (in Chinese) [李霞, 张镭, 曹贤洁 2010 兰州大学学报 (自然科学版) 46 56]


    Fang X M, Han Y X, Ma J H, Song L C, Yang S L, Zhang X Y 2004 Chin. Sci. Bull. 49 1084 (in Chinese) [方小敏, 韩永翔, 马金辉, 宋连春, 杨胜利, 张小曳 2004 科学通报 49 1084]


    Han Y X, Xi X X, Song L C, Ye Y H, Li Y H 2004 J. Desert Res. 24 588 (in Chinese) [韩永翔, 奚晓霞, 宋连春, 叶燕华, 李耀辉 2004 中国沙漠 24 588]


    Yan H, Zhang J H, Zhao Y P, Zhang G P, Li C X 2006 J. Desert Res. 2 932 (in Chinese) [延昊, 张佳华, 赵一平, 张国平, 李才兴 2006 中国沙漠 2 932]


    Wang B J, Huang Y X, He J H,Wang L J 2004 Plat. Mete. 23 912 (in Chinese) [王宝鉴, 黄玉霞, 何金海, 王黎娟 2004 高原气象 23 912]


    Chen D D, Dai Y J 2009 Sci. Atmos. Sin. 33 1247 (in Chinese) [陈冬冬, 戴永久 2009 大气科学 33 1247]


    Tsaia Y I, Chen C-L 2006 Atmos. Environ. 40 4734


    Fu P J, Huang J P, Li C W, Zhong S R 2008 Atmos. Environ. 42 5896


    Zhao C G, Liu H Z 2004 J. Appl. Meteor. Sci. 15 245 (in Chinese) [赵翠光, 刘还珠 2004 应用气象学报 15 245]

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  • Received Date:  07 August 2011
  • Accepted Date:  18 September 2011
  • Published Online:  05 January 2012

