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Research on tritium and helium-3 content distributions in steel wall of spherical pressure vessel under general boundary condition

Liu Yuan-Dong Yin Yi-Hui Tan Yun


Research on tritium and helium-3 content distributions in steel wall of spherical pressure vessel under general boundary condition

Liu Yuan-Dong, Yin Yi-Hui, Tan Yun
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  • In order to understand the changes of mechanical properties of the wall materials and the carrying capacity of vessel which contains high pressure tritium, the spatiotemporal changes of tritium and helium-3 content in the wall should be studied during tritium storage. Taking into consideration the case that the outer surface of the vessel is with general mass transfer boundary condition and the tritium inside the vessel is van der Waals gas, and also taking into account both decay and permeation of tritium inside the vessel and decay and diffusion of tritium in the wall material, the analytical theoretical models of tritium and helium-3 content in the wall are developed and solved, and relevant theoretical formulas are deduced. Through analytical calculations, the curves of tritium and helium-3 content in the wall versus mass transfer coefficient of the outer surface, storage time and the spatial positions are plotted. Through analysis, a law called 21+2/2 time law of helium-3 content is put forward, where 1 and 2 are the coefficients which are related to van der Waals constant of tritium. The law is proposed: helium-3 content in the wall of the spherical high pressure vessel storing tritium which is in an open space rises along the radius from outer to inner, and the content radial gradient increases with storage time. If storage time is long enough, the helium-3 content at any point will approach to its final value, that is, a maximal value at a relevant point. The ratio of the maximum helium-3 content to the related initial tritium content is 21 + 2/2 at the inner surface. The obtained formulas and understandings can be used as a premise of the safety assessment of tritium stored vessel.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science and Technology Development Fundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. 2008A0301010).

    Marchi C S, Somerday B, Robinson S 2007 WSRC-STI 00579


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  • [1]

    Marchi C S, Somerday B, Robinson S 2007 WSRC-STI 00579


    Wang X L 2009 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry 31 64 (in Chinese) [汪小琳 2009 核化学与放射化学 31 64]


    Ma L M, Li Y Y 1988 Acta Metallurgica Sinica 24 B432


    Fedov V V, Pokhmursky V I , Dyomina E V , Prusakova M D, Vinogradova N A 1995 Fusion Technology 28 1153


    Shiraishi T ,Nishikawa M , Tamaguchi T, Kenmotsu K 1999 J. Nucl. Mater. 273 60


    Chen C A, Wu S, Ni R F, Bo C M 2000 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry 22 144 (in Chinese) [陈长安, 武胜, 倪然夫, 柏朝茂 2000 核化学与放射化学 22 144]


    Chen C A, Wu S, Ni R F 2000 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 35 20 (in Chinese) [陈长安, 武胜, 倪然夫 2000 原子能科学技术 35 20]


    Wang L B, Lu M Q, Li Y Y 2003 Acta Metallurgica Sinica 39 449 (in Chinese) [王隆保, 吕曼祺, 李依依 2003 金属学报 39 449]


    Xie B, WENG K P 2009 Journal of Molecular Science 25 352 (in Chinese) [谢波, 翁葵平 2009 分子科学学报 25 352]


    Xie C, Hou Q, Wang J, Sun T Y, Long X G, Luo S Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5159 (in Chinese) [谢朝, 侯氢, 汪俊, 孙铁英, 龙兴贵, 罗顺忠 2008 物理学报 57 5159]


    Zhang B L, Wang J, Hou Q 2011 China. Phys. B 20 036105


    Liu Y D, Yin Y H, Tan Y, Sun Y, Mei J 2011 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 54 1521


    Wang P X, Song J S 2002 Helium in Materials and the Permeation of Tritium (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p53 (in Chinese) [王佩璇, 宋家树 2002 材料中的氦及氚渗透 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第53页]


    Hu X, Lv R D, Liu G J, Hei E C 2007 Physical Chemistry (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p11 (in Chinese) [胡英, 吕瑞东, 刘国杰, 黑恩成 2007 物理化学 (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第11页]


    Jiang Y M, Xie H B, Guo F, Liu P, Li J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5769 (in Chinese) [蒋益明, 谢亨博, 郭峰, 刘平, 李劲 2005 物理学报 54 5769]


    Chen C A 2003 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mianyang: China Academy of Engineering Physics) (in Chinese) [陈长安 2003 博士学位论文 (绵阳: 中国工程物理研究院)]

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  • Received Date:  20 October 2011
  • Accepted Date:  04 January 2012
  • Published Online:  05 August 2012

