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Concentration and size measurements of sprays with global rainbow technique

Wu Ying-Chun Wu Xue-Cheng Sawitree Saengkaewi Jiang Hao-Yu Hong Qiao-Qiao Gérard Gréhan Cen Ke-Fa


Concentration and size measurements of sprays with global rainbow technique

Wu Ying-Chun, Wu Xue-Cheng, Sawitree Saengkaewi, Jiang Hao-Yu, Hong Qiao-Qiao, Gérard Gréhan, Cen Ke-Fa
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  • Simultaneous measurement of the concentration and size of spray droplets plays an important role in understanding sprays. The global rainbow technique is applied to measure the concentration and size of bi-component droplets. Based on the modified Nussenzweig theory, the refractive index and size distribution are optimally evaluated, and then the concentration is retrieved with prior relationship between the refractive index and concentration. The inverse algorithm is verified by the simulated global rainbow signals; results shows that it can accurately retrieve the refractive index and size distribution of the droplets with an unimodal or bimodal particle size distribution. Sprays of water-ethanol solution with volume concentration from 0% to 100% are measured. Results show that the measured refractive indices agree well with the exact values, and the size distribution is stable. The global rainbow technique shows great potential in concentration measurement of spray droplets.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51176162), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB219802), the National Key Technology RD Program of China (Grant No. 2012BAB18B03), and the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to University (Grant No. B08026).

    Du R J, Xie W J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 114302 (in Chinese) [杜人君, 解文军 2011 物理学报 60 114302]


    Lan Z, Zhu X, Peng B L, Lin M, Ma X H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 150508 (in Chinese) [兰忠, 朱霞, 彭本利, 林勐, 马学虎 2012 物理学报 61 150508]


    Al brecht H E, Damaschke N, Borys M, Tropea C 2002 Laser Doppler and phase Doppler measurement techniques (1st Ed.) (Springer)


    Tropea C 2011 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 43 399


    Adrian R J, Westerweel J 2010 Particle image velocimetry (Cambridge Univ. Pr.)


    Roth N, Anders K, Frohn A 1991 Appl. Opt. 30 4960


    Van Beeck J, Giannoulis D, Zimmer L, Riethmuller M 1999 Opt. Lett. 24 1696


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2003 Optical Technology and Image Processing for Fluids and Solids Diagnostics (SPIE) 5058 16


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2004 Appl. Opt. 43 3600


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 658


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    Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L, Lavergne G, Biscos Y, Atthasit A 2001 Optical Diagnostics for Fluids, Solids, and Combustion (SPIE) 251


    Van Beeck J, Giannoulis D, Zimmer L, Riethmuller M 2002 10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (Lisbon)


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2005 Appl. Opt. 44 7275


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2003 Proceedings of Photonics in Mechanical and Industrial Processes (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)


    Vetrano M R, van Beeck J 2003 9th ICLASS (Sorrento, Italy, Ed. Ragucci) July 13-17


    Yildiz D, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2002 11th International Symposium of Application of Laser Technique to Fluid Mechanics (Lisboa Portugal) July 8-11


    Vetrano M R 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Universitá degli Studi di Napoli 'Federico II')


    Saengkaew S, Charinpanikul T, Laurent C, Biscos Y, Lavergne G, Gouesbet G, Grehan G 2010 Exp. Fluids 48 111


    Saengkaew S, Charinpanitkul T, Vanisri H, Tanthapanichakoon W, Biscos Y, Garcia N, Lavergne G, Mees L, Gouesbet G, Grehan G 2007 Exp. Fluids 43 595


    Lemaitre P, Porcheron E, Grehan G, Bouilloux L 2006 Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 1299


    Wilms J, Weigand B 2007 Appl. Opt. 46 2109


    Bodoc V, Moreau F, Biscos Y, Basile R, Lavergne G 2009 11th Triennial International Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Vail, Colorado USA)


    Song F H, Xu C L, Wang S M 2012 Proceedings of the CSEE 2 110 (in Chinese) [宋飞虎, 许传龙, 王式民 2012 中国电机工程学报 2 110]


    Pan Q, Wang S M 2009 Chinese Journal of Lasers 3 736 (in Chinese) [潘琦, 王式民 2009 中国激光 3 736]


    Wang J J, GreHan G, Han Y P, Saengkaew S, Gouesbet G 2011 Experiments in Fluids 51 149


    Shi Y 2009 M. S. Dissertation (Xi'an: Xi Dian University) (in Chinese) [史莹 2009 硕士学位论文 (西安:西安电子科技大学)]


    Wu X C, Wu C, Saengkaew S, Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S, Grehan G, Chen L H, Cen K F 2012 Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 125302


    Wu X C, Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S, Wu Y C, Saengkaew S, Lebrun D, Brunel M, Chen L H, Coetmellec S, Cen K, Grehan G 2012 Opt. Commun. 285 3013


    Jiménez Riobóo R, Philipp M, Ramos M, Krüger J 2009 Eur. Phys. J. E 30 19


    Herráez J, Belda R 2006 J. Solut. Chem. 35 1315

  • [1]

    Du R J, Xie W J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 114302 (in Chinese) [杜人君, 解文军 2011 物理学报 60 114302]


    Lan Z, Zhu X, Peng B L, Lin M, Ma X H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 150508 (in Chinese) [兰忠, 朱霞, 彭本利, 林勐, 马学虎 2012 物理学报 61 150508]


    Al brecht H E, Damaschke N, Borys M, Tropea C 2002 Laser Doppler and phase Doppler measurement techniques (1st Ed.) (Springer)


    Tropea C 2011 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 43 399


    Adrian R J, Westerweel J 2010 Particle image velocimetry (Cambridge Univ. Pr.)


    Roth N, Anders K, Frohn A 1991 Appl. Opt. 30 4960


    Van Beeck J, Giannoulis D, Zimmer L, Riethmuller M 1999 Opt. Lett. 24 1696


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2003 Optical Technology and Image Processing for Fluids and Solids Diagnostics (SPIE) 5058 16


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2004 Appl. Opt. 43 3600


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 658


    Vetrano M R, Gauthier S, Van Beeck J, Boulet P, Buchlin J M 2006 Exp. Fluids 40 15


    Van Beeck J, Zimmer L, Riethmuller M L 2001 Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 18 196


    Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L, Lavergne G, Biscos Y, Atthasit A 2001 Optical Diagnostics for Fluids, Solids, and Combustion (SPIE) 251


    Van Beeck J, Giannoulis D, Zimmer L, Riethmuller M 2002 10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (Lisbon)


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2005 Appl. Opt. 44 7275


    Vetrano M R, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2003 Proceedings of Photonics in Mechanical and Industrial Processes (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)


    Vetrano M R, van Beeck J 2003 9th ICLASS (Sorrento, Italy, Ed. Ragucci) July 13-17


    Yildiz D, Van Beeck J, Riethmuller M L 2002 11th International Symposium of Application of Laser Technique to Fluid Mechanics (Lisboa Portugal) July 8-11


    Vetrano M R 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Universitá degli Studi di Napoli 'Federico II')


    Saengkaew S, Charinpanikul T, Laurent C, Biscos Y, Lavergne G, Gouesbet G, Grehan G 2010 Exp. Fluids 48 111


    Saengkaew S, Charinpanitkul T, Vanisri H, Tanthapanichakoon W, Biscos Y, Garcia N, Lavergne G, Mees L, Gouesbet G, Grehan G 2007 Exp. Fluids 43 595


    Lemaitre P, Porcheron E, Grehan G, Bouilloux L 2006 Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 1299


    Wilms J, Weigand B 2007 Appl. Opt. 46 2109


    Bodoc V, Moreau F, Biscos Y, Basile R, Lavergne G 2009 11th Triennial International Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Vail, Colorado USA)


    Song F H, Xu C L, Wang S M 2012 Proceedings of the CSEE 2 110 (in Chinese) [宋飞虎, 许传龙, 王式民 2012 中国电机工程学报 2 110]


    Pan Q, Wang S M 2009 Chinese Journal of Lasers 3 736 (in Chinese) [潘琦, 王式民 2009 中国激光 3 736]


    Wang J J, GreHan G, Han Y P, Saengkaew S, Gouesbet G 2011 Experiments in Fluids 51 149


    Shi Y 2009 M. S. Dissertation (Xi'an: Xi Dian University) (in Chinese) [史莹 2009 硕士学位论文 (西安:西安电子科技大学)]


    Wu X C, Wu C, Saengkaew S, Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S, Grehan G, Chen L H, Cen K F 2012 Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 125302


    Wu X C, Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel S, Wu Y C, Saengkaew S, Lebrun D, Brunel M, Chen L H, Coetmellec S, Cen K, Grehan G 2012 Opt. Commun. 285 3013


    Jiménez Riobóo R, Philipp M, Ramos M, Krüger J 2009 Eur. Phys. J. E 30 19


    Herráez J, Belda R 2006 J. Solut. Chem. 35 1315

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  • Received Date:  08 November 2012
  • Accepted Date:  04 December 2012
  • Published Online:  05 May 2013

