本文探讨了 -Al2O3:C晶态粉体的辐照剂量效应, 使用RisTL/OSL-DA-15 型热释光和光释光仪研究其热释光和光释光特性, 结果发现, 相同粒径的-Al2O3:C晶态粉体具有单一热释光峰, 且随着辐照剂量的增加热释光强度不断增加, 但热释光峰位置保持不变, 符合一级动力学模型; 而在相同的辐照剂量和测试条件下, 随着 -Al2O3:C晶态粉体粒径的减小, 其热释光强度先增强后减弱, 热释光峰却逐渐增加至趋于稳定, 表明粒度为4060 m的 -Al2O3:C晶态粉体具有最佳的热释光效应. 同时 -Al2O3:C晶态粉体的光释光特性的研究发现, 其光释光曲线具有典型的指数衰减特征, 粒径对其光释光强度和衰减速率的影响符合浅电子陷阱能级理论.
- -Al2O3:C晶态粉体 /
- 粒径 /
- 热释光 /
- 光释光
In this work, we first report on the radiation dose effect of -Al2O3:C crystal powder. The thermoluminescence(TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of the powder are investigated by RisTL/OSL-DA-15. The as-grown -Al2O3:C crystal powder of same particle size shows a single TL peak and the TL intensity increases as irradiation dose increases, but no shift of the position of the TL peak is found, which is consistent with first-order recombination kinetics. And in the same radiation dose and test conditions, with the particle size of -Al2O3:C crystal powder decreasing, the TL intensity decreases after first increase and then the TL peak is gradually increases and approaches to a stable value, which shows that the -Al2O3:C crystal powder, 4060 m in diameter, has the best TL effect. The OSL decay curve of -Al2O3:C crystal powder shows the typical exponential decay characteristics, and the relationship between OSL intensity and decay rate with the particle size of -Al2O3:C crystal powder is found to be consistent with the shallow-electronic-trap theory.-
- -Al2O3:C crystal powder /
- particle size /
- thermoluminescence /
- optically stimulated luminescence
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[1] Akselrod M S, Kortov V S, Kravetsky D J, Gotlib V I 1990 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 32 15
[2] Akselrod M S , Kortov V S , Gorelova E A 1993 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 47 159
[3] Akselrod, M S, Kortov, V S, Kravetsky, D J , Gotlib, V I 1990 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 33 119
[4] Li B T, Shi E W, Li S F 2004 Chin. J. Radiol Health 13 219 (in Chinese) [李宝廷, 石二为, 李顺福 2004 中国辐射卫生 13 219]
[5] Yang X B, Xu J, Li H B, Bi Q Y, Su L B, Cheng Y, Tang Q 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 047803
[6] Mckeever S W S 1985 Thermoluminescence of Solids (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p13
[7] Walker F D, Colyott L E, AgersnapLarsen N, McKeever S W S 1996 Radiat. Meas. 26 711
[8] AgersnapLarsen N B, Htter-Jensen L, McKeever S W S 1999 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 84 87
[9] Whitley V H, McKeever S W S 2002 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 100 61
[10] Yukihara E G, Whitley V H, Mckeever S W S, Akselrod A E, Akselrod M S 2004 Radiat. Meas. 38 317
[11] Zhang C X, Lin L B, Leung P L, Tang Q 2004 Acta. Phys. Sin. 53 291 (in Chinese) [张纯祥, 林理彬, 梁宝鎏, 唐强 2004 物理学报 35 291]
[12] Tang Q, Zhang C X, Leung P L, Li M, Luo D L 2005 Acta. Phys. Sin. 54 64 (in Chinese) [唐强, 张纯祥, 梁宝鎏, 李德卉, 罗达玲 2005 物理学报 54 64 ]
[13] Yang X B, Li H B, Xu J, Cheng Y, Su L B, Tang Q 2008 Acta. Phys. Sin. 57 7900 (in Chinese) [杨新波, 李红军, 徐军, 程艳, 苏良碧, 唐强 2008 物理学报 57 7900]
[14] Springis M, Kulis P, Veispals A, Tale I 1995 Radiat. Meas. 24 453
[15] Summers G P 1984 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 8 69
[16] Markey B G, Colyott L E, Mckeever S W S 1995 Radiat. Meas. 24 457
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