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First-principles study of magnetic ground state of quantum paraelectric EuTiO3 material

Li Cheng-Di Zhao Jing-Long Zhong Chong-Gui Dong Zheng-Chao Fang Jing-Huai


First-principles study of magnetic ground state of quantum paraelectric EuTiO3 material

Li Cheng-Di, Zhao Jing-Long, Zhong Chong-Gui, Dong Zheng-Chao, Fang Jing-Huai
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  • Magnetic ground state of perovskite structure quantum paraelectric EuTiO3 has been known to have a planar anisotropic G-type antiferromagnet structure according to the experimental study. In this paper, based on density functional theory, first-principles computations are performed to investigate the magnetic properties and spin-exchange interaction of EuTiO3 in both of the quantum paraelectric phase and ferroelectric tetragonal phase under stress. By analyzing the energies of different magnetic structures and paths of spin exchange coupling as well as the effect of stress on the magnetic exchange paths change, it is found that when the system of EuTiO3 is free, it has a G-type antiferromagnetic structure with uniaxial anisotropic spin along [110] direction. Furthermore, in this structure, Eu 4f electron spin achieves antiferromagnetic super-exchange coupling via O 2p state at face-centered position. However, in the ferroelectric tetragonal phase structure induced by applied stress field, Eu 4f electron spin achieves ferromagnetic exchange coupling in [110] direction due to the variation of Eu-O-Eu bond angle in spin exchange path.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10974104, 50832002), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. BK2012655), the Qing Lan Project of the Education Department of Jiangsu Province, China, and the Initializing Funds for Scientific Research of Doctors in Nantong University, China.

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    Lee J H, Fang L, Vlahos E, Ke X, Jung Y W, Kourkoutis L F, Kim J W, Ryan P J, Heeg T, Roeckrath M, Goian V, Bernhagen M, Uecker R, Hammel P C, Rabe K M, Kamba S, Schubert J, Freeland J W, Muller D A, Fennie C J, Schiffer P, Gopalan V, Johnston-Halperin E, Schiom D G 2010 Nature 466 954


    Fennie C J, Rabe K M 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 267602


    Zhou W L, Xia K, Xu D, Zhong C G, Dong Z C, Fang J H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 097702 (in Chinese) [周文亮, 夏坤, 许达, 仲崇贵, 董正超, 方靖淮 2012 物理学报 61 097702]


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    Petrović A P, Kato Y, Sunku S S, Ito T, Sengupta P, Spalek L, Shimuta M, Katsufuji T, Batista C D, Saxena S S, Panagopoulos C 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 064103


    Chen C L, De Benedetti S, Barros F, De S 1974 Phys. Rev. B 10 3913


    Akamatsu H, Kumagai Y, Oba F, Fujita K, Murakami H, Tanaka K, Tanaka I 2011 Phys. Rev. B 83 214421


    Wu T, Cao H 2012 J. Soochow Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.) 28 75

  • [1]

    Ramesh R, Spaldin N A 2007 Nat. Mater. 6 21


    Wang K F, Liu J M, Ren Z F 2009 Adv. Phys. 58 321


    Ma J, Hu J M, Li Z, Nan C W 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 1062


    Zhong C G, Chen Q, Dong Z C, Fang J H 2011 J. Nantong Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.) 10 58


    Yao C D, Geng F F, Gao H, Xu Y L, Zhang A M, Tang C M, Zhu W H, Gong J F 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5332 (in Chinese) [姚长达, 耿芳芳, 高虹, 徐云玲, 张爱梅, 唐春梅, 朱卫华, 巩江峰 2010 物理学报 59 5332]


    Zhu H W, Jiang P, Wang S L, Tang W H, Mao L F 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5710 (in Chinese) [朱晖文, 姜平, 王顺利, 唐为华, 毛凌峰 2010 物理学报 59 5710]


    Zhong C G, Jiang Q, Fang J H, Jiang X F, Luo L J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7227 (in Chinese) [仲崇贵, 蒋青, 方靖淮, 江学范, 罗礼进 2009 物理学报 58 7227]


    Katsufuji T, Takagi H 2001 Phys. Rev. B 64 054415


    Jiang Q, Wu H 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 2121


    Jiang Q, Wu H 2002 Chin. Phys. 11 1303


    Shvartsman V V, Borisov P, Kleemann W, Kamba S, Katsufuji T 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 064426


    Kamba S, Nuzhnyy D, Vanek P, Savinov M, Knize K, Shen Z, Santava E, Maca K, Sadowski M, Petzelt J 2007 Europhys. Lett. 80 27002


    Kugimiya K, Fujita K, Tanaka K, Hirao K 2007 J. Magn.Magn. Mater. 310 2268


    Sushkov A O, Eckel S, Lamoreaux S K 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 022104


    Rushchanskii K Z, Kamba S, Goian V, Vanek P, Savinov M, Prokleska J, Nuzhnyy D, Kn\izek K, Laufek F, Eckel S, Lamoreaux S K, Sushkov A O, Lezaic M, Spaldin N A 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 649


    McGuire T R, Shafer M W, Joenk R J, Alperin H A, Pickart S J 1966 J. Appl. Phys. 31 981


    Lee J H, Fang L, Vlahos E, Ke X, Jung Y W, Kourkoutis L F, Kim J W, Ryan P J, Heeg T, Roeckrath M, Goian V, Bernhagen M, Uecker R, Hammel P C, Rabe K M, Kamba S, Schubert J, Freeland J W, Muller D A, Fennie C J, Schiffer P, Gopalan V, Johnston-Halperin E, Schiom D G 2010 Nature 466 954


    Fennie C J, Rabe K M 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 267602


    Zhou W L, Xia K, Xu D, Zhong C G, Dong Z C, Fang J H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 097702 (in Chinese) [周文亮, 夏坤, 许达, 仲崇贵, 董正超, 方靖淮 2012 物理学报 61 097702]


    Allieta M, Scavini M 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 184107


    Scagnoli V, Allieta M, Walker H, Scavini M, Katsufuji T, Sagarna L, Zaharko O, Mazzoli C 2012 Phys. Rev. B 86 094432


    Ravindran P, Kjekshus A, Fjellvg H, Delin A Eriksson 2002 Phys. Rev. B 65 06445


    Snden R, Ravindran P, Stonlen S, Grande T M 2006 Phys. Rev. B 74 144102


    Blochl P E 1994 Phys. Rev. B 50 17953


    Kresse G, Joubert D 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 1758


    Perdew J P, Burke K, Ernzerhof M 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3865


    Ranjan R, Nabi H S, Pentcheva R 2007 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 406217


    Petrović A P, Kato Y, Sunku S S, Ito T, Sengupta P, Spalek L, Shimuta M, Katsufuji T, Batista C D, Saxena S S, Panagopoulos C 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 064103


    Chen C L, De Benedetti S, Barros F, De S 1974 Phys. Rev. B 10 3913


    Akamatsu H, Kumagai Y, Oba F, Fujita K, Murakami H, Tanaka K, Tanaka I 2011 Phys. Rev. B 83 214421


    Wu T, Cao H 2012 J. Soochow Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.) 28 75

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  • Received Date:  06 November 2013
  • Accepted Date:  22 January 2014
  • Published Online:  05 April 2014

