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Spatial distribution and seasonal variation characteristics of global atmospheric moisture recycling

Su Tao Lu Zhen-Yu Zhou Jie Hou Wei Li Yue Tu Gang


Spatial distribution and seasonal variation characteristics of global atmospheric moisture recycling

Su Tao, Lu Zhen-Yu, Zhou Jie, Hou Wei, Li Yue, Tu Gang
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  • This paper makes use of new definitions of moisture recycling to study the complete process of global moisture feedback. An accounting procedure based on ERA-Interim reanalysis data is used to calculate moisture recycling ratios. Furthermore, the spatial distribution and seasonal variation characteristics of global moisture recycling are analyzed. Results indicate that: a) Precipitation recycling ratio in different regions show distinct patterns. It is indicated that the dependences of precipitation in different regions on moisture transport are different. b) Spatial distribution of precipitation recycling ratio and evaporation recycling ratio are in good agreement over the lands, but show significant difference over the oceans. c) Seasonal variation characteristics of global moisture recycling ratio are significant, which are stronger in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. d) Main oceanic sources are dominant over continental moisture recycling, and most of the evaporation is transported to other regions by advection. e) Regional moisture recycling ratio not only depends on the factors such as time, location, and shapes of the regions, but also the regional horizontal scale. The moisture recycling ratio curve rises as the regional horizontal scale increases. It is computed that, on the average, precipitation recycling ratio and evaporation recycling ratio of Chinese mainland are respectively about 32.6% and 44.9%; the main source of rainfall in China is moisture evaporated over the South China Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Western Australia Ocean. The atmospheric moisture recycling model in this paper is based on the atmospheric water balance equation, in terms of good mathematical and physical theory, hence the results are credible.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41375078, 41305056, 41175084, 41105055), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2012CB955902, 2013CB430204), and the Special Scientific Research Fund of Meteorological Public Welfare Profession of China (Grant No. GYHY201106016).

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    Feng G L, Yang H W, Zhang S X, Wang K, Shen B Z 2012 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 36 1009 (in Chinese)[封国林, 杨涵洧, 张世轩, 王阔, 沈柏竹2012 大气科学36 1009]


    Gong Z Q, Zhao J H, Feng G L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 099205 (in Chinese)[龚志强, 赵俊虎, 封国林2013 物理学报62 099205]


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    Su T, Zhang S X, Zhi R, Chen L J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 069203 (in Chinese)[苏涛, 张世轩, 支蓉, 陈丽娟2013 物理学报62 069203]


    Shen B Z, Zhang S X, Yang H W, Wang K, Feng G L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 109202 (in Chinese)[沈柏竹, 张世轩, 杨涵洧, 王阔, 封国林2012 物理学报61 109202]


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    Zhang S F, Jia S F, Liu C M, Cao W B, Hao F H, Liu J Y, Yan H Y 2004 Science in China, Ser. E 34 117 (in Chinese)[张士峰, 贾绍凤, 刘昌明, 曹文柄, 郝芳华, 刘九玉, 燕华云2004 中国科学34 117]


    Douville H, Ribes A, Decharme B, Alkama R, Sheffield J 2013 Nature Climate Change 3 59


    Budyko M I 1974 Climate and Life (San Diego: Academic Press) p508


    Eltahir E A B, Bars R L 1994 Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 120 861


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    Kang H W, Gu X Q, Zhu C W, Whitfield P 2004 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 28 892 (in Chinese)[康红文, 谷湘潜, 祝从文, Whitfield P 2004 大气科学28 892]


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    Bosilovich M G, Chern J D 2006 J. Hydrol 7 312


    Szeto K K 2002 Atmosphere-Ocean 40 181


    Huang J P, Yi Y H, Wang S W, Chou J F 1993 Q. J. Meteorol. Soc. 119 547


    Dominguez F, Kumar P, Liang X Z, Ting M F 2006 J. Climate 15 1513


    Van der Ent R J, Savenije H H G, Schaefli B, Steele- Dunne S C 2010 Water Resour. Res. 46W 09525


    Trenberth K E, Fasullo J T, Mackaro J 2011 J. Climate 24 4907


    Shi N, Feng G L, Gu J Q, Gu D J 2007 Journal of Tropical Meteorology 23 326 (in Chinese) [施能, 封国林, 顾骏强, 谷德军2007 热带气象学报23 326]


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    Ren H L, Zhang P Q, Li W J, Gao L 2004 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 62 365


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    Xu X D, Chen L S, Wang X R, Miao Q J, Tao S Y 2003 Chinese Science Bulletin 48 2288 (in Chinese)[徐祥德, 陈联寿, 王秀荣, 苗秋菊, 陶诗言2003 科学通报48 2288]


    Zhang X W, Zhou S X 2010 Preliminary Study of Air Hydrology(Beijing: Higher Education Press) p18 (in Chinese) [张学文, 周少祥2010 空中水文学初探(北京: 高等教育出版社) 第18 页]


    Ran L K, Gao S T, Cao J 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 019201

  • [1]

    Liu Y B 2011 Hydroclimatology: Perspectives and Applications (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p3 (in Chinese)[刘元波2011 水文气候学-视角与应用(北京: 高等教育出版社) 第3 页]


    Huang X Q, Li H M, Jin B X 2010 Hydrology(Beijing: Higher Education Press) p41 (in Chinese) [黄锡荃, 李惠明, 金伯欣2010 水文学(北京: 高等教育出版社) 第41 页]


    Feng G L, Hou W, Zhi R, Yang P, Zhang D Q, Gong Z Q, Wan S Q 2012 Detection, Diagnosis and Predictability Research of Extreme Climate Events(Beijing: Science Press) p137 (in Chinese) [封国林, 侯威, 支蓉, 杨萍, 章大全, 龚志强, 万仕全2012 极端气候事件的检测, 诊断与可预测性研究(北京: 科学出版社) 第137 页]


    Feng G L, Yang H W, Zhang S X, Wang K, Shen B Z 2012 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 36 1009 (in Chinese)[封国林, 杨涵洧, 张世轩, 王阔, 沈柏竹2012 大气科学36 1009]


    Gong Z Q, Zhao J H, Feng G L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 099205 (in Chinese)[龚志强, 赵俊虎, 封国林2013 物理学报62 099205]


    Feng G L, Dong W J, Cao H X 2005 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 19 429


    Su T, Zhang S X, Zhi R, Chen L J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 069203 (in Chinese)[苏涛, 张世轩, 支蓉, 陈丽娟2013 物理学报62 069203]


    Shen B Z, Zhang S X, Yang H W, Wang K, Feng G L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 109202 (in Chinese)[沈柏竹, 张世轩, 杨涵洧, 王阔, 封国林2012 物理学报61 109202]


    Dai X G, Zhang K J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 199201 (in Chinese)[戴新刚, 张凯静2012 物理学报61 199201]


    Wu Y P, Wang C H, Shen Y P 2010 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 32 1074 (in Chinese)[吴永萍, 王澄海, 沈永平2010 冰川冻土32 1074]


    Zhang S F, Jia S F, Liu C M, Cao W B, Hao F H, Liu J Y, Yan H Y 2004 Science in China, Ser. E 34 117 (in Chinese)[张士峰, 贾绍凤, 刘昌明, 曹文柄, 郝芳华, 刘九玉, 燕华云2004 中国科学34 117]


    Douville H, Ribes A, Decharme B, Alkama R, Sheffield J 2013 Nature Climate Change 3 59


    Budyko M I 1974 Climate and Life (San Diego: Academic Press) p508


    Eltahir E A B, Bars R L 1994 Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 120 861


    Yi L, Tao S Y 1997 Advances In Water Science 8 205 (in Chinese) [伊兰, 陶诗言1997 水科学进展8 205]


    Kang H W, Gu X Q, Fu X, Xu X D 2005 Journal of Applied Meteorological Science 16 139 (in Chinese) [康红文, 谷湘潜, 付翔, 徐祥德2005 应用气象学报16 139]


    Kang H W, Gu X Q, Zhu C W, Whitfield P 2004 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 28 892 (in Chinese)[康红文, 谷湘潜, 祝从文, Whitfield P 2004 大气科学28 892]


    Yi L 1996 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [伊兰1996 博士学位论文(北京: 中国科学院大气物理研究所)]


    Trenberth K E 1999 J. Climate 12 1368


    Burde G I, Zangvil A 2001 J. Climate 14 2497


    Bosilovich M G, Chern J D 2006 J. Hydrol 7 312


    Szeto K K 2002 Atmosphere-Ocean 40 181


    Huang J P, Yi Y H, Wang S W, Chou J F 1993 Q. J. Meteorol. Soc. 119 547


    Dominguez F, Kumar P, Liang X Z, Ting M F 2006 J. Climate 15 1513


    Van der Ent R J, Savenije H H G, Schaefli B, Steele- Dunne S C 2010 Water Resour. Res. 46W 09525


    Trenberth K E, Fasullo J T, Mackaro J 2011 J. Climate 24 4907


    Shi N, Feng G L, Gu J Q, Gu D J 2007 Journal of Tropical Meteorology 23 326 (in Chinese) [施能, 封国林, 顾骏强, 谷德军2007 热带气象学报23 326]


    Wang H J, Xue F 2003 Chinese Journal of Geophysics 46 18 (in Chinese)[王会军, 薛峰2003 地球物理学报46 18]


    Xu X D, Tao S Y, Wang J Z, Chen L S, Zhou L, Wang X R 2002 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 60 257 (in Chinese)[徐祥德, 陶诗言, 王继志, 陈联寿, 周丽, 王秀荣2002 气象学报60 257]


    Ren H L, Zhang P Q, Li W J, Gao L 2004 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 62 365


    Zhou T J, Zhang X H, Wang S W 1999 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 57 264 (in Chinese)[周天军, 张学洪, 王绍武 1999 气象学报57 264]


    Xu X D, Chen L S, Wang X R, Miao Q J, Tao S Y 2003 Chinese Science Bulletin 48 2288 (in Chinese)[徐祥德, 陈联寿, 王秀荣, 苗秋菊, 陶诗言2003 科学通报48 2288]


    Zhang X W, Zhou S X 2010 Preliminary Study of Air Hydrology(Beijing: Higher Education Press) p18 (in Chinese) [张学文, 周少祥2010 空中水文学初探(北京: 高等教育出版社) 第18 页]


    Ran L K, Gao S T, Cao J 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 019201

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  • Received Date:  20 December 2013
  • Accepted Date:  25 January 2014
  • Published Online:  05 May 2014

