利用NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 19792009年位势高度场、温度场、湿度场和风场逐日再分析资料,采用考虑面积权重的区域多要素最优分割法,对东亚地区大气环流的季节进行划分,并分析了四季起始时间的时空变化特征.研究结果表明:1)东亚地区春季最早始于中高纬地区的平流层和副热带的对流层中下层;夏季最早始于中高纬的平流层和副热带、中纬度地区的对流层中上层;秋、冬季开始最早的地区集中在东亚地区东部和东北部的对流层中低层,以及中高纬的平流层. 2)季节变化与环流形势密切相关,且对流层各个层次的夏季和冬季起始时间的分布均有较好的垂直一致性,平流层与对流层各季节起始时间分布有较大的差异性,平流层中层和下层也并不一致. 3)华北地区四季平均起始时间距平序列的逐年演变特征表明近30年该地区出现了6个四季起始时间异常偏早的年份,与El Nio活跃年份相一致,反映了海温等外强迫对大气环流季节变化的影响.
- 季节划分 /
- 东亚地区 /
- 区域多要素最优分割法
Using the NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 data of air temperature, geopotential height, relative humidity and wind field of 17 pressure levels from 1979 to 2009, and the Multi-factor Fisher optimal dissection method, the seasons of the general atmospheric circulation in East Asia are diuided. The main results are as follows. (1)The seasonal establishment of atmospheric general circulation is initiated from subtropic of the stratosphere in East Asia. In the troposphere the spring and the summer first start from the tropical regions, and then extend into middle latitudes. The autumn and the winter first start from middle latitudes, and then extend into low latitudes. (2) In the troposphere the seasonal establishment of atmospheric general circulation is more consistent, and it is very different from that in the stratosphere. And the seasonal establishments of the middle and the low level of the stratosphere are not very consistent. (3)In the past 30 years, the four seasons have started much earlier in about 6 years, in which years some stronger El Nio phenomena just happened. That implies that the El Nio phenomenon causes abnormal seasonal variation.[1] Zeng Q C, Zhang B L 1998 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 22 805 (in Chinese) [曾庆存、 张邦林 1998 大气科学 22 805]
[2] [3] Ye D Z, Tao S Y, Li M C 1958 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 29 249 (in Chinese) [叶笃正、 陶诗言、 李麦村 1958 气象学报 29 249]
[4] Liu K N, Wu H X 1956 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 27 219 (in Chinese) [刘匡南、 邬鸿勋 1956 气象学报 27 219]
[5] [6] Zhang J J, Sun Z B, Chen S J 1984 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 42 46 (in Chinese) [章基嘉、 孙照渤、 陈松军 1984 气象学报 42 46]
[7] [8] Zeng Q C, Zhang B L 1992 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 16 641 (in Chinese) [曾庆存、 张邦林 1992 大气科学 16 641]
[9] [10] Zhang B L, Zeng Q C 1998 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 22 129 (in Chinese) [张邦林、 曾庆存 1998 大气科学 22 129]
[11] [12] Xue F, Lin Y H, Zeng Q C 2002 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 26 307 (in Chinese) [薛 峰、 林一骅、 曾庆存 2002 大气科学 26 307]
[13] [14] Sun S P, Zhang L, Hou W, Feng G L 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 029201(in press) (in Chinese) [孙树鹏、 张 璐、 侯 威、 封国林 2011(待刊) 物理学报 60 029201]
[15] [16] Zhao J H, Feng G L, Zhang S X, Sun S P 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. (in press) (in Chinese) [赵俊虎、 封国林、 张世轩、 孙树鹏 2011(待刊) 物理学报]
[17] [18] [19] Zhang S X, Zhang L, Sun S P, Feng G L 2011 Plateau Meteor. (in press) (in Chinese) [张世轩、 张 璐、 孙树鹏、 封国林 2011(待刊)高原气象]
[20] Feng G L, Dai X G, Wang A H, Chou J F 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 606 (in Chinese) [封国林、 戴新刚、 王爱慧、 丑纪范 2001 物理学报 50 606]
[21] [22] Feng G L, Dong W J, Jia X J, Cao H X 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 1181 (in Chinese) [封国林、 董文杰、 贾晓静、 曹鸿兴 2002 物理学报 51 1181]
[23] [24] He W P, Feng G L, Dong W J, Li J P 2005 Chin. Phys. 14 21
[25] [26] Hou W, Feng G L,Gao X Q,Chou J F 2005 Acta. Phys. Sin. 54 2441 (in Chinese) [侯 威、 封国林、 高新全、 丑纪范 2005 物理学报 54 2441]
[27] [28] [29] He W P, Feng G L,Wu Q, Wan S Q, Chou J F 2008 Nonlin. Processes Geophys 15 601
[30] Feng G L, Gong Z Q, Zhi R 2008 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 66 892 (in Chinese) [封国林、 龚志强、 支 蓉 2008 气象学报 66 892]
[31] [32] [33] Huang J Y 1990 Meteorological statistical analysis and prediction (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) p265 (in Chinese) [黄嘉佑 1990气象统计分析与预报方法(北京: 气象出版社)第265页]
[34] [35] Zhang B K 1934 Acta Geog. Sin. 1 1 (in Chinese) [张宝堃 1934 地理学报 1 1]
[36] [37] Zhang J C, Lin Z G 1985 Climate of China (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers) p55 (in Chinese) [张家诚、 林之光 1985 中国气候(上海:上海科学技术出版社) 第55页]
[1] Zeng Q C, Zhang B L 1998 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 22 805 (in Chinese) [曾庆存、 张邦林 1998 大气科学 22 805]
[2] [3] Ye D Z, Tao S Y, Li M C 1958 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 29 249 (in Chinese) [叶笃正、 陶诗言、 李麦村 1958 气象学报 29 249]
[4] Liu K N, Wu H X 1956 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 27 219 (in Chinese) [刘匡南、 邬鸿勋 1956 气象学报 27 219]
[5] [6] Zhang J J, Sun Z B, Chen S J 1984 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 42 46 (in Chinese) [章基嘉、 孙照渤、 陈松军 1984 气象学报 42 46]
[7] [8] Zeng Q C, Zhang B L 1992 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 16 641 (in Chinese) [曾庆存、 张邦林 1992 大气科学 16 641]
[9] [10] Zhang B L, Zeng Q C 1998 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 22 129 (in Chinese) [张邦林、 曾庆存 1998 大气科学 22 129]
[11] [12] Xue F, Lin Y H, Zeng Q C 2002 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 26 307 (in Chinese) [薛 峰、 林一骅、 曾庆存 2002 大气科学 26 307]
[13] [14] Sun S P, Zhang L, Hou W, Feng G L 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 029201(in press) (in Chinese) [孙树鹏、 张 璐、 侯 威、 封国林 2011(待刊) 物理学报 60 029201]
[15] [16] Zhao J H, Feng G L, Zhang S X, Sun S P 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. (in press) (in Chinese) [赵俊虎、 封国林、 张世轩、 孙树鹏 2011(待刊) 物理学报]
[17] [18] [19] Zhang S X, Zhang L, Sun S P, Feng G L 2011 Plateau Meteor. (in press) (in Chinese) [张世轩、 张 璐、 孙树鹏、 封国林 2011(待刊)高原气象]
[20] Feng G L, Dai X G, Wang A H, Chou J F 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 606 (in Chinese) [封国林、 戴新刚、 王爱慧、 丑纪范 2001 物理学报 50 606]
[21] [22] Feng G L, Dong W J, Jia X J, Cao H X 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 1181 (in Chinese) [封国林、 董文杰、 贾晓静、 曹鸿兴 2002 物理学报 51 1181]
[23] [24] He W P, Feng G L, Dong W J, Li J P 2005 Chin. Phys. 14 21
[25] [26] Hou W, Feng G L,Gao X Q,Chou J F 2005 Acta. Phys. Sin. 54 2441 (in Chinese) [侯 威、 封国林、 高新全、 丑纪范 2005 物理学报 54 2441]
[27] [28] [29] He W P, Feng G L,Wu Q, Wan S Q, Chou J F 2008 Nonlin. Processes Geophys 15 601
[30] Feng G L, Gong Z Q, Zhi R 2008 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 66 892 (in Chinese) [封国林、 龚志强、 支 蓉 2008 气象学报 66 892]
[31] [32] [33] Huang J Y 1990 Meteorological statistical analysis and prediction (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) p265 (in Chinese) [黄嘉佑 1990气象统计分析与预报方法(北京: 气象出版社)第265页]
[34] [35] Zhang B K 1934 Acta Geog. Sin. 1 1 (in Chinese) [张宝堃 1934 地理学报 1 1]
[36] [37] Zhang J C, Lin Z G 1985 Climate of China (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers) p55 (in Chinese) [张家诚、 林之光 1985 中国气候(上海:上海科学技术出版社) 第55页]
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