Photo-generated current is important in solar cell current equation. The value of photo-generated current cannot be labeled in the conventional single origin coordinate system, and a novel dual-origin coordinate system is designed. This article provides a process in how to mark the Kirchhoff's law in a dual-origin coordinate system; besides, the current items (photo-generated current, diode current, shunt resistance current) and the voltage items (diode voltage, series resistance voltage) are also shown. A dual-origin coordinate system clearly points out that the difference between photo-generated current and short-circuit current will increase with increasing short-circuit current. This difference can be ignored only in low light, but it must be considered in high light. The proportions of output power and internal friction power may change with photo-generated current. Assuming that the output power is greater than the internal friction power, the solar cell should not be used to work under high light. A dual-origin coordinate system can provide an adaptation for solar cell study.
- dual-origin coordinate system /
- solar cell /
- Kirchhoff' /
- s law
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[1] Kennerud, K L 1969 IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. AES 5 912
[2] Yu S J, He H R 1991 Utilization of Solar Photovaltaic (Hefei: Hefei University of Technology Press) P6 (in Chinese) [余世杰, 何慧若 1991 太阳能的光伏利用(合肥: 合肥工业大学出版社)第6页]
[3] Chen F X, Wang L S, Xu W Y 2013 Phys. B 22 045202
[4] Losurdo M, Giangregorio M M, Bianco G V, Sacchetti A, Capezzuto P, Bruno G 2009 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 93 1749
[5] Chen M B, Cui R Q, Wang R X, Zhang Z W, Lu J F, Chi W Y 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3632 (in Chinese)[陈明波, 崔容强, 王亮兴, 张忠卫, 陆剑锋, 池卫英 2004 物理学报 53 3632]
[6] Zhao Y, Xiong S Z, Zhang X D 2010 Physics 39 314[赵颖, 熊绍珍, 张晓丹 2010 物理 39 314]
[7] Geoff W 2001 Journal of Electrical m& Electronics Engineering 21 49
[8] Wu J Q, Li W J, Xi X, Tang J X, Deng L F, Li P T 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 117107 (in Chinese)[吴甲奇, 李文佳, 席曦, 汤建新, 邓林峰, 黎沛涛 2011 物理学报 60 117107]
[9] Ortiz-Conde A, Sanchez F 2006 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 90 352
[10] Zhai Z T, Cheng X F, Yang Z J 2009 Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 30 1078 (in Chinese) [翟载腾, 程晓舫, 杨臧健 2009 太阳能学报 30 1078]
[11] Zhang Z Z, Cheng X F, Liu J L 2013 Applied Mechanics and Materials 291 38
[12] Yu S J, He H R, Cao R X 1998 Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 19 394 (in Chinese) [余世杰, 何慧若, 曹仁贤 1998 太阳能学报 19 394]
[13] Bai Y M, Chen N F 2007 Physics 36 862 (in Chinese) [白一鸣, 陈诺夫 2007 物理 36 862]
[14] King R R, Law D C, Edmondson K M 2007 Applied Physics Letters 90 183516
[15] Deng J L 2007 PH. D. Principle Study and Technique Application of Explicit Solution for Solar Cell I-V Equation (Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese)丁金磊 2007 太阳电池I-V方程显式求解原理(合肥: 中国科学技术大学)
[16] Martin AG, Keith E 2013 Progress in Photovoltaics 21 1
[17] He Y L, Ding J N, Peng Y C, Gao X N 2008 Physics 37 862 (in Chinese)[何宇亮, 丁建宁, 彭英才, 高晓妮 2008 物理 37 862]
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