According to the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) theory, a prediction method of support vector machine (SVM) is proposed based on particle swarm optimization. The ensemble EMD method is used to decompose the signal into some intrinsic mode function components which are taken as the input of the SVM to predict the data. All the predicted values are combined, and the weak signals submerged in chaos background, including the transient signal and periodic signal, are detected from the prediction error. Lorenz attractor and the data from the McMaster IPIX radar sea clutter database are used in the simulation. The results show that the proposed method can effectively detect the weak target from chaotic signal. When the signal-to-noise ratio is 102.8225 dB in the chaotic noise background, by using the new method the root mean square error can be reduced by five orders of magnitude, reaching 0.00000033092, while the conventional SVM can reach only 0.049 under the condition of -54.60 dB and the weak target detected in sea clutter has the harmonic characteristics, which shows the prediction model has a lower threshold and error.
- particle swarm optimization /
- support vector machine /
- chaotic sea clutter /
- weak target detection
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[1] Fradkov A L, Evans R J 2005 Annu. Rev. Control 29 33
[2] Vicha T, Dohnal M 2008 Chaos Soliton. Fract. 38 70
[3] Koh C L, Ushio T 1997 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I 44 383
[4] Haykin S, Li X B 1995 Proc. IEEE 83 95
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[6] Ma X Y, Huang X B, Zhang X D 2003 Acta Electron. Sin. 31 907 (in Chinese) [马晓岩, 黄晓斌, 张贤达 2003 电子学报 31 907]
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[8] Xue B W, Zhang Z F, Cong W 2010 IEEE the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering Singapore City, Singapore, February 26-28, 2010 p466
[9] Huang N E 1998 Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 45 903
[10] Cortes C,Vapnik V 1995 Mach. Learn. 20 273
[11] Birx D L, Pipenberg S J 1992 IEEE International Joint Conference on Networks Baltimore, USA, June 7-11, 1992 p886
[12] Leung H 1998 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I 45 314
[13] Cui W Z, Zhu C C, Bao W X, Liu J H 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3303 (in Chinese) [崔万照, 朱长纯, 保文星, 刘君华 2004 物理学报 53 3303]
[14] Gao F, Tong H Q 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3307 (in Chinese) [高飞, 童恒庆 2006 物理学报 55 3307]
[15] Xing H Y, Xu W 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3771 (in Chinese) [行鸿彦, 徐伟 2007 物理学报 56 3771]
[16] Xing H Y, Hou J Y 2009 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics Tianjin, China, October 17-19, 2009 p3
[17] Xing H Y, Cheng Y Y, Xu W, Gong P 2013 IET International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies Beijing, China, April 27-29, 2013 p333
[18] Hu A J, Sun J J, Xiang L 2011 J. Vib. Meas. Diagn. 31 432 (in Chinese) [胡爱军, 孙敬敬, 向玲 2011振动·测试与诊断 31 432]
[19] Wu Z, Huang N E 2009 Adv. Adapt. Data Anal. 1 20
[20] Meng Q F, Chen Y H, Peng Y H 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2194
[21] Tanaka T, Toumiya T, Suzuki T 1997 Renew. Energ. 12 387
[22] Lu J, Wang H B, Sun G C 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 1598
[23] Eberhart R C, Kennedy J 1995 Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science Washington, USA, October 4-6, 1995 p40
[24] Parsopoulos K E, Vrahatis M N 2002 Nat. Comput. 1 247
[25] Gao F, Li Z Q, Tong H Q 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 11967
[26] Wang F Y, Yuan G N, Xie Y J, Qiao X W 2009 Radar Sci. Technol. 7 53 (in Chinese) [王福友, 袁赣南, 谢燕军, 乔相伟 2009 雷达科学与技术7 53]
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