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Quantum pseudocritical point in the unbounded quasiperiodic transverse field Ising chain

Zhang Zhen-Jun Li Wen-Juan Zhu Xuan Xiong Ye Tong Pei-Qing


Quantum pseudocritical point in the unbounded quasiperiodic transverse field Ising chain

Zhang Zhen-Jun, Li Wen-Juan, Zhu Xuan, Xiong Ye, Tong Pei-Qing
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  • We study the quantum pseudocritical points in the unbounded quasiperiodic transverse field Ising chain of finite-size systematically. Firstly, we study the derivatives of averaged magnetic moment and the averaged concurrence with transverse fields. Both of them show two visible peaks, with are nearly not raised when the length of chain is increased. Moreover, the places where the peaks occur in the transverse field are obviously different from that of the quantum phase transition point in the thermodynamic limit. These results are very different from those of the bounded quasiperiodic transverse field Ising chain and the disordered transverse field Ising chain. Then, we analyze the origin of the two visible peaks. For that we study the derivative of magnetic moment for each spin with transverse field. For all spins, the single magnetic moment only show one peak. However, the places where the peaks occur are not random. The peaks always occur in two regions. Thus, the derivatives of averaged magnetic moment reveal two peaks. Furthermore, we study the probability distribution of the pseudocritical points through finding out the peaks of the single magnetic moment in 1000 samples. The distribution is not Guassian. This result is obviously different from that of the disordered case. Besides, the pseudocritical points nearly do not occur at the quantum phase transition point. Finally, we analyze the origin of the pseudocritical points. For that we study the relationship between the spin places and the corresponding places of pseudocritical points. It is found that the pseudocritical points are caused by the two groups that exist in the nearest neighboring interactions of the unbounded quasiperiodic structure. When a spin is in one group, this group will decide the probable place of the pseudocritical point. Through this study, we find that although the quantum phase transition behaviors of the unbounded quasiperiodic transverse field Ising chain and the disordered transverse field Ising chain belong to the same universal class in the thermodynamic limit, the thermodynamic behaviors of the two Ising chains are very different as in finite sizes. The differences are caused by the special structure in the unbounded quasiperiodic system.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Zhen-Jun,; ; Tong Pei-Qing,;
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11175087,11305045), the National Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China(Grant No.2015JJ6006), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Grant No. 2013B00414).

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  • Received Date:  26 March 2015
  • Accepted Date:  15 May 2015
  • Published Online:  05 October 2015

