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Influences of quadratic spectral phase on characteristics of two crystal cross-polarized generation with femtosecond pulses

Geng Yi-Xing Li Rong-Feng Zhao Yan-Ying Wang Da-Hui Lu Hai-Yang Yan Xue-Qing


Influences of quadratic spectral phase on characteristics of two crystal cross-polarized generation with femtosecond pulses

Geng Yi-Xing, Li Rong-Feng, Zhao Yan-Ying, Wang Da-Hui, Lu Hai-Yang, Yan Xue-Qing
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  • The rapid developments of ultra-intense and ultra-short laser offer the possibility to study laser driven ion acceleration with using solid density target. However, the prepulse and amplified spontaneous emission generated in the amplification can create preplasma at the target front by heating, melting and evaporating a portion of a solid density. The main pulse then interacts with the preplasma, which would be harmful to laser ion acceleration. Therefore, many methods have been developed to enhance the temporal contrast of high power laser system, such as saturable absorber, cross polarized wave generation (XPW) and plasma mirror. With many advantages, such as high conversion efficiency, introducing neither spatial nor spectral distortions, and easy setup compared with other mechanisms, XPW has been used to clean the femtosecond laser system. Besides that, the spectrum of the XPW pulse could be broadened by 3 times under the best condition compared with the initial spectrum. It can solve the spectrum narrowing problem during the laser amplification to obtain ultra-short femtosecond laser pulse. Here, we experimentally investigate the output power, spectrum bandwidth and center wavelength shift of the generated cross-polarized wave according to the input pulse quadratic spectral phase. The femtosecond laser pulse in compact laser plasma accelerator system at Peking University is used to investigate the role of quadratic spectral phase in characterizing the two crystal cross-polarized generation. The Ti:Sapphire-based laser system has a central wavelength of 798 nm and bandwidth of 35.5 nm which allows the pulse to be compressed down to 40 fs duration (FWHM). Typical the input pulse energy of XPW is 150 upJ and the laser system operates well at 1 kHz repetition rate. The quadratic spectral phase can be increased by changing the position of compressor grating. The conversion efficiency, spectrum bandwidth and the central wavelength shift by changing the quadratic spectral phase are measured. The conversion efficiency is 17% when quadratic spectral phase 2=0, and decreases as quadratic spectral phase increases. The rapid decrease is caused by negative quadratic spectral phase. The spectrum bandwidth is 62 nm under the optimum condition, and the broadening effect exists when quadratic spectral phase is in a range of -280 fs2 2 1400 fs2. It is slowly blue-shifted when 20 and stays at 772 nm when 21000 fs2. It starts to be red-shifted when 20 and stays at 806 nm finally. In conclusion, with the increase of quadratic spectral phase, we observe the effects of conversion efficiency and spectrum bandwidth and the shift of central wavelength. Moreover, the influences of positive and negative quadratic spectral phase on characteristics of XPW are different. Our result shows that the negative quadratic spectral phaseis more effective at reducing the conversion efficiency and spectrum bandwidth than the positive one.
      Corresponding author: Zhao Yan-Ying,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11504009) and the National Grand Instrument Project,China (Grant No.2012YQ030142).

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    Ricci A, Jullien A, Rousseau J P, Liu Y, Houard A, Ramirez P, Papadopoulos D, Pellegrina A, Georges P, Druon F, Forget N, Lopez-Martens R 2013 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 043106


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    Yan X Q, Lin C, Lu H Y, Zhu K, Zou Y B, Wang H Y, Liu B, Zhao S, Zhu J, Geng Y X, Fu H Zh, Shang Y, Cao C, Shou Y R, Song W, Lu Y R, Yuan Z X, Guo Z Y, He X T, Chen J E 2013 Front. Phys. 8 577

  • [1]

    Strickland D, Mourou G 1985 Opt. Commun. 55 447


    Macchi A, Borghesi M, Passoni M 2013 Rev. Mod. Phys. 85 751


    Hiroyuki D, Nishiuchi M, Pirozhkov A S 2012 Rep. Prog. Phys. 75 056401


    Corde S, TaPhuoc K, Lambert G, Fitour R, Malka V, Rousse A, Beck A, Lefebvre E 2013 Rev. Mod. Phys. 85 1


    Ivanov V V, Maksimchuk A, Mourou G 2003 Appl. Opt. 42 7231


    Culfa O, Tallents G J, Wagenaars E, Ridgers C P, Dance R J, Rossall A K, Gray R J, McKenna P, Brown C D R, James S F, Hoarty D J, Booth N, Robinson A P L, Lancaster K L, Pikuz S A, Faenov Y A, Kampfer T, Schulze K S, Uschmann I, Woolsey N C 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 043106


    Timur Z E, James K K, Atsushi S, Toshimasa M, Masaharu N, Kei K, Hideo N, Katsunobu N, Akito S, Hideyuki K, Tatsufumi N, Yuji F, Hajime O, Alexander S P, Akifumi Y, Mamiko N, Hiromitsu K, Kiminori K, Masaki K, Sergei V B 2014 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A 745 150


    Yabuuchi T, Mishra R, McGuffey C, Qiao B, Wei M S, Sawada H, Sentoku Y, Ma T, Higginson D P, Akli K U, Batani D, Chen H, Gizzi L A, Key M H, Mackinnon A J, McLean H S, Norreys P A, Patel P K, Stephens R B, Ping Y, Theobald W, Stoeckl C, Beg F N 2013 New J. Phys. 15 015020


    Jeffrey W, Charles G D 2004 Opt. Express 12 1383


    Norihiko N, Atsushi M 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 3516


    Jullien A, Albert O, Burgy F, Hamoniaux G, Rousseau J P, Chambaret J P, Augé-Rochereau F, Chériaux G, Etchepare J 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 8


    Liu C, Wang Z H, Li W C, Liu F, Wei Z Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7036 (in Chinese)[刘成, 王兆华, 李伟昌, 刘峰, 魏志义 2010 物理学报 59 7036]


    Röde C, Heyer M, Behmke M, Kübel M, Jäckel O, Ziegler W, Ehrt D, Kaluza M C, Paulus G G 2011 Appl. Phys. B 103 295


    Anna L, Tiberio C, Pascal D O, Fabrice R, Michel P, Fabien Q, Pascal M, Michel B, Hervé L, Philippe M 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 310


    Jullien A, Albert O, Chériaux G, Etchepare J, Kourtev S, Minkovski N, Saltiel S M 2006 Opt. Express 14 7


    Chvykov V, Rousseau P, Reed S, Kalinchenko G, Yanovsky V 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 1456


    Xu Y, Leng Y X, Guo X Y, Zou X, Li Y Y, Lu X M, Wang C, Liu Y Q, Liang X Y, Li R X, Xu Z Z 2014 Opt. Commun. 313 175


    Lureau F, Laux S, Casagrande O, Radier C, Chalus O, Caradec F, Simon-Boisson C 2012 Proc. SPIE 8235 823513


    Ricci A, Jullien A, Rousseau J P, Liu Y, Houard A, Ramirez P, Papadopoulos D, Pellegrina A, Georges P, Druon F, Forget N, Lopez-Martens R 2013 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 043106


    Lliev M, Meier A K, Greco M, Durfee C G 2015 Appl. Opt. 54 2


    Jullien A, Canova L, Albert O, Boschetto D, Antonucci L, Cha Y H, Rousseau J P, Chaudet P, Chériaux G, Etchepare J, Kourtev S, Minkovski N, Saltiel S M 2007 Appl. Phys. B 87 595


    Li G, Liu H J, Lu F, Wen X L, He Y L, Zhang F Q, Dai Z H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 020602 (in Chinese)[李纲, 刘红杰, 卢峰, 温贤伦, 何颖玲, 张发强, 戴增海 2015 物理学报 64 020602]


    Shang Y, Zhu K, Lin C, Lu H Y, Zou Y B, Zhao Y Y, Shou Y R, Cao C, Zhao S, Geng Y X, Zhu J, Fu H Z, Wang H Y, Lu Y R, Yuan Z X, Guo Z Y, Chen J E, Yan X Q 2013 Sci. Sin.:Phys. Mech. Astron. 43 1282 (in Chinese)[尚勇, 朱昆, 林晨, 卢海洋, 邹宇斌, 赵研英, 寿寅任, 曹超, 赵栓, 耿易新, 祝娇, 符合振, 王洪勇, 陆元荣, 袁忠喜, 郭之虞, 陈佳洱, 颜学庆 2013 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 43 1282]


    Yan X Q, Lin C, Lu H Y, Zhu K, Zou Y B, Wang H Y, Liu B, Zhao S, Zhu J, Geng Y X, Fu H Zh, Shang Y, Cao C, Shou Y R, Song W, Lu Y R, Yuan Z X, Guo Z Y, He X T, Chen J E 2013 Front. Phys. 8 577

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  • Received Date:  13 September 2016
  • Accepted Date:  07 October 2016
  • Published Online:  05 February 2017

