The evolution of non-equilibrium dynamic for many-body systems is one of the most challenging problems in physics. Ultra-cold quantum atomic Fermi gas provide an test-bed for studying many-body non-equilibrium dynamics due to its high freedom of controllability, which can be used to simulate and understand the dynamics of the early universe after the Big Bang, quark-gluon produced in heavy ion collisions and nuclear physics. Generally, the evolution of many-body systems is very complex, and usually needs to be studied by symmetry. Feshbach resonance can be used to prepare scale invariant atomic Fermi gases: non-interacting and unitary Fermi gases. When far away from equilibrium state, universal exponents and functions can be used to characterize the dynamics of the system, which can be identified by scaling the temporal and spatial evolution of the system. In this review, the recent developments in the expansion dynamics of strongly interacting ultracold Fermi gases are introduced, including the anisotropic expansion of atomic gases, scaling dynamics and Efimovian expansion dynamics.
- strongly-interacting ultracold Fermi gas /
- Feshbach resonance /
- anisotropic expansions /
- scale invariance /
- Efimovian expansion dynamics
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图 1 (a)强相互作用超冷费米气体的各向异性膨胀吸收成像图; (b)原子团不同方向的非平衡动力学膨胀行为; (c)不同相互作用下原子团的纵横比大小演化图[2]
Figure 1. (a)The absorption image of the anisotropic expansion dynamics in strongly interacting Fermi gas; (b) the non-equilibrium dynamical expansion behavior in different directions; (c) the evolution for the aspect ratio of the atomic cloud under different interaction regime[2].
图 4 Efimovian膨胀动力学示意图 (a), (b)原子气体所处谐振子阱频率的变化过程; (c)Efimovian 膨胀动力学的理论预测; (d), (e)分别代表无相互作用费米气体和强相互作用费米气体的Efimovian 膨胀动力学的实验观测结果[16]
Figure 4. The Efimovian expansion dynamics: (a) and (b) are the evolution of the harmonic trap frequency; (c) the prediction of the Efimovian expansion dynamics; (d) and (e) are the experimental observation of the Efimovian expansion in non-interacting Fermi gas and unitary Fermi gas respectively[16].
图 5 Efimovian膨胀动力学的普适性 (a) Efimovian 膨胀动力学与原子间相互作用的关系; (b) Efimovian 膨胀动力学与原子数目、温度间的关系; (c), (d)无量纲化后的普适Efimovian 动力学膨胀图[16]
Figure 5. The universality of the Efimovian expansion dynamics: (a) The Efimovian expansion with different interaction regime; (b) the Efimovian expansion with different atoms' number and temperature; (c) and (d) are the universal dimensionless Efimovian expansions[16].
图 6 超级Efimovian 膨胀动力学实验结果 (a)和(c)分别表示幺正费米气体和无相互作用费米气体的超级Efimov 动力学效应; (b)和(d)表示在时间双对数标度下相应原子团大小的振荡行为[42]
Figure 6. The experimental observation of dynamical super Efimovian expansion. (a), (b) and (c), (d) are the mean axial cloud size versus the expansion time and the dimensionless axial mean square cloud size versus the dimensionless time in the unitary Fermi gas and ideal Fermi gas, respectively[42].
[1] DeMarco B, Jin D S 1999 Science 285 1703Google Scholar
[2] O’Hara K M, Hemmer S L, Gehm M E, Granade S R, Thomas J E 2002 Science 298 2179Google Scholar
[3] Kinast J, Hemmer S L, Gehm M E, Turlapov A, Thomas J E 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 150402Google Scholar
[4] Bartenstein M, Altmeyer A, Riedl S, Jochim S, Chin C, Denschlag J H, Grimm R 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 203201Google Scholar
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[6] Partridge G B, Strecker K E, Kamar R I, Jack M W, Hulet R G 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 020404Google Scholar
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[47] Zhang L, Wen W, Ma X D, Wang Y 2018 Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 32 1850230Google Scholar
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