Topological semimetal represents a novel quantum phase of matter, which exhibits a variety of fascinating quantum phenomena. This class of materials not only have potential applications in electronic devices, but also represent one of the hottest topics in the field of quantum materials. According to the band structure of these materials in the three-dimensional momentum space, topological semimetals can be classified into Dirac semimetals, Weyl semimetals and nodal-line semimetals. Extensive studies on these materials have been conducted using various techniques. For example, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has directly observed the Fermi arc that connects two Weyl points with opposite chiralities in the surface states of Weyl semimetals; the Dirac points, Weyl points as well as the Dirac nodal line in the bulk states have also been revealed by soft X-ray ARPES; the observation of negative magnetoresistance in transport measurements has been taken as the evidence for the chiral anomaly in Weyl and Dirac semimetals; the chirality of the Weyl fermions have been detected by measuring the photocurrent in response of circularly polarized light; in addition, strong second harmonic generation and THz emission have been observed, indicating strong non-linear effects of Weyl semimetals. Infrared spectroscopy is a bulk-sensitive technique, which not only covers a very broad energy range (meV to several eV), but also has very high energy resolution (dozens of µeV). Investigations into the optical response of these materials not only help understand the physics of the topological phase and explore novel quantum phenomena, but also pave the way for future studies and applications in optics. In this article, we introduce the optical studies on several topological semimetals, including Dirac, Weyl and nodal-line semimetals.
- Infrared spectroscopy /
- Dirac semimetal /
- Weyl semimetal /
- Nodal-Line semimetal
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图 6 (a) ZrTe5在8 K时的光电导谱. 红色虚线对应为数据的线性拟合. (b)波数和场强平方根标度下的相对反射率. 虚线对应为峰值的线性拟合[31,33]
Figure 6. (a) The optical conductivity of ZrTe5 at 8 K. The red dotted line is the linear fitting of
$\sigma_1(\omega)$ . (b) The pseudocolor photograph of the and relative reflectivity$R(B)/R(0)$ as functions of wave number and$\sqrt{B}$ . The dashed lines are linear fittings of the peak energies dependent on$\sqrt{B}$ [31,33].图 9 TaAs在5 K时的光电导谱. 蓝线和红线代表两个不同能量范围内的线性. 插图是对应的频率依赖的谱重, 如蓝色虚线所示, 它遵循频率的平方依赖关系[32]
Figure 9. Optical conductivity for TaAs at 5 K. The blue and black solid lines through the data are linear guides to the eye. The inset shows the spectral weight as a function of frequency at 5 K (red solid curve), which follows an
$\omega^2$ behavior (blue dashed line)[32].图 11 (a)不同温度下的
$A_1$ 声子线型. 黑线是对应的Fano拟合结果. (b) Fano参数$1/q^2$ 的温度依赖关系. 红线是基于模型的拟合结果. (c) Weyl节点附近的能带结构. 红色箭头代表为声子能量大小的带间跃迁[45]Figure 11. (a) Line shape of the
$A_1$ phonon at different temperatures. The black solid lines through the data denote the Fano fitting results. (b) Temperature dependence of the Fano parameter$1/q^2$ . The red solid line through the data represents the modelling result. (c) Band structure near the Weyl points W1 in TaAs. The red arrows represent the electronic transitions at the energy of the$A_1$ mode$\hbar \omega_0$ [45].图 12 YbMnSb2在7 K时的光电导谱. 红色实线示意了恒定光电导. 插图为随频率变化的光电导谱重, 其中红色虚线表明谱重在200—500 cm–1范围内随
$\omega$ 线性增加[64]Figure 12.
$\sigma_{1}(\omega)$ for YbMnSb2 at 7 K. The red dashed line through the data is constant guide to the eye. The blue solid curve in the inset displays the spectral weight as a function of frequency at 7 K, which follows an$\omega$ behavior (red dashed line)[64]图 13 (a)为考虑G型反铁磁序和自旋轨道耦合的作用下计算得出的YbMnSb2能带分布图. 红色部分主要是Sb1原子的
$p_{x/y}$ 轨道电子. (b)和(c)分别为从$\Gamma$ 到任意两个点$X_1$ 和$X_2$ ($M$ -$X$ 上)的电子态分布. (d)为YbMnSb2在Dirac nodal line部分的三维能带分布示意图[64]Figure 13. (a) Calculated band structure of YbMnSb2 with spin-orbital coupling in the G-type antiferromagnetic order. The red color denotes the
$p_{x/y}$ orbitals of Sb1 atom. The electronic structure from$\Gamma$ to the two representative points$X_{1}$ (b) and$X_{2}$ (c) along$M\sim X$ . (d) The sketch shows three-dimensional band structures of YbMnSb2 for the Dirac nodal-line[64] -
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