Lithium-rich manganese-based ternary cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, Li1.208Ni0.333Co0.042Mn0.417O2, has excellent structural stability and electrochemical stability due to its high Ni content. In order to understand the physical properties of this lithium-rich material, its crystal structure, electronic structure and defect properties are calculated by employing the first-principles method based on the density functional theory. The obtained electronic structure shows that Li1.208Ni0.333Co0.042Mn0.417O2 is a magnetic semiconductor with a direct band gap of 0.47 eV. The analysis of the electronic state suggests that the electronic state at the valence band maximum (VBM) is the hybridization of px, py, pz orbitals of oxygen and the dxy, dyz, dxz orbitals of Ni-atom. The electronic state at the conduction band minimum has similar characteristics to those at the VBM, however, part of Ni-
${3{\rm{d}}}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}$ and Mn-${3{\rm{d}}}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}$ , and Mn-${3{\rm{d}}}_{yz}$ also contribute to the electronic hybridizations. The charge density difference calculations indicate that the bonding between O and transition metal atoms are through the mixture of covalent bond with ionic bond. The vacancy formation of a single metal atom is also calculated. The results show that the volumes of the defect systems containing metal vacancies are all reduced in comparison with the volume of perfect lattice. The volume change is the largest for the formation of Mn-vacancy, while the volume is almost unchanged with Co atoms extracted. The vacancy formation energies of the metals are Ef (Mn) > Ef (Co) > Ef (Ni), and the vacancy formation energy of Mn is significantly higher than those of Ni and Co, indicating that the presence of Mn provides a major structural stability for the material. The calculated charge density differences also show that the formation of metal vacancies influences only the charge distribution of the oxygen atoms around the vacancy, showing the local character of the vacancy effect. Since the formation of metal vacancy breaks the bonding between the metal and the surrounding oxygen atoms, the O-2p states near the Fermi surface are significantly increased as shown in the calculated electronic density of states. Such a picture suggests that the electrons on oxygen atoms in vicinity of the metal vacancies become freer.-
- Li-rich Mn-based ternary material /
- electronic structures /
- defect properties /
- first principles calculations
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图 3 (a) Li1.208Ni0.333Co0.042Mn0.417O2材料的总态密度和各原子分态密度; (b)—(d) 金属空位形成前后材料中空位周围的6个氧原子的2p电子态密度和, 分别用黑色和红色实线表示
Figure 3. (a) Total and atomic-decomposed partial density of states for Li1.208Ni0.333Co0.042Mn0.417O2; (b)–(d) sum of the density of states of 2p electronic states of the six oxygen atoms around the M-vacancy before and after the formation of M vacancy, respectively. Black and red solid lines represent DOSs before and after the vacancy formation, respectively.
图 4 材料中三种过渡金属差分电荷密度对比 (a)—(c) 空位形成前; (d)—(f) 空位形成后. 所画的平面是金属附近4个O所在的平面. 图中实线和虚线分别表示电荷聚集
$ (\Delta \rho > 0) $ 与电荷移出$ (\Delta \rho < 0) $ Figure 4. Contour plots of the charge density differences: (a)–(c) Before the M-vacancy formation; (d)–(f) after the M-vacancy formation. The solid lines and the dot lines represent the charge accumulation (∆ρ > 0) and the charge depletion (∆ρ < 0), respectively.
表 1 空位形成前后Li1.208Ni0.333Co0.042Mn0.417O2的晶格常数, 原胞体积和空位形成能的计算值
Table 1. Computational lattice constants, unit cell volume and vacancy formation energies of Li1.208Ni0.333Co0.042Mn0.417O2 before and after the defect formations.
材料体系 晶格常数 体积/Å3 体积变化量(Vvac – V0)/V0 空位形成能$ /\mathrm{e}\mathrm{V} $ a/Å b/Å c/Å 无空位时 5.786 11.552 14.302 822.285 — — 含Ni空位 5.778 11.492 14.268 815.131 –0.87% 5.31 含Co空位 5.796 11.434 14.343 821.290 –0.12% 6.52 含Mn空位 5.732 11.523 14.231 811.067 –1.36% 8.27 表 2 各原子的电子轨道对价带顶和导带底上电子态的贡献
Table 2. Contribution of electronic orbital of various types of atoms for the electronic states at VBM and CBM.
$ {\mathrm{p}}_{y} $ $ {\mathrm{p}}_{z} $ $ {\mathrm{p}}_{x} $ $ {\mathrm{d}}_{xy} $ $ {\mathrm{d}}_{yz} $ $ {\mathrm{d}}_{{z}^{2}} $ $ {\mathrm{d}}_{xz} $ $ {\mathrm{d}}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}} $ VBM-O 0.138 0.206 0.268 0 0 0 0 0 CBM-O 0.134 0.164 0.097 0 0 0 0 0 VBM-Ni 0 0 0 0.048 0.029 0.004 0.095 0.01 CBM-Ni 0 0 0 0.028 0.141 0 0.068 0.102 CBM-Mn 0 0 0 0.003 0.015 0.007 0.003 0.034 -
[1] Whittingham M S 2004 Chem. Rev. 104 4271Google Scholar
[2] Hong J, Gwon H, Jung S K, Ku K, Kang K 2015 J. Electrochem. Soc. 162 A2447Google Scholar
[3] He P, Yu H J, Li D, Zhou H S 2012 J. Mater. Chem. 22 3680Google Scholar
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[5] Deng Y W, Feng C L, Jiaqiang E, Wei K X, Zhang B, Zhang Z Q, Han D D, Zhao X H, Xu W W 2019 Energy 183 869Google Scholar
[6] Cano Z P, Banham D, Ye S Y, Hintennach A, Lu J, Fowler M, Chen Z W 2018 Nat. Energy 3 279Google Scholar
[7] Zeng X Q, Li M, Abd El-Hady D, Alshitari W, Al-Bogami A S, Lu J, Amine K 2019 Adv. Energy Mater. 9 1900161Google Scholar
[8] Goodenough J B, Park K S 2013 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 1167Google Scholar
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[16] Lu Z H, MacNeil D D, Dahn J R 2001 Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 4 A200Google Scholar
[17] Thackeray M M, David W I F, Bruce P G, Goodenough J B 1983 Mater. Res. Bull. 18 461Google Scholar
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[19] Padhi A K, Nanjundaswamy K S, Goodenough J B 1997 J. Electrochem. Soc. 144 1188Google Scholar
[20] Yuan L X, Wang Z H, Zhang W X, Hu X L, Chen J T, Huang Y H, Goodenough J B 2011 Energy Environ. Sci. 4 269Google Scholar
[21] Nyten A, Kamali S, Haggstrom L, Gustafsson T, Thomas J O 2006 J. Mater. Chem. 16 2266Google Scholar
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[24] Wang J, He X, Paillard E, Laszczynski N, Li J, Passerini S 2016 Adv. Energy Mater. 6 1600906Google Scholar
[25] Zheng H, Hu Z, Liu P, Xu W, Xie Q, He W, Luo Q, Wang L, Gu D, Qu B 2020 Energy Storage Mater. 25 76Google Scholar
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[27] Gu M, Belharouak I, Genc A, Wang Z G, Wang D P, Amine K, Gao F, Zhou G W, Thevuthasan S, Baer D R, Zhang J G, Browning N D, Liu J, Wang C M 2012 Nano Lett. 12 5186Google Scholar
[28] Kresse G, Furthmuller J 1996 Comput. Mater. Sci. 6 15Google Scholar
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[34] Monkhorst H J, Pack J D 1976 Phys. Rev. B 13 5188Google Scholar
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[38] Sun G, Yu F D, Que L F, Deng L, Wang M J, Jiang Y S, Shao G, Wang Z B 2019 Nano Energy 66 104102Google Scholar
[39] Wu S Q, Cai N L, Zhu Z Z, Yang Y 2008 Electrochim. Acta 53 7915Google Scholar
[40] Hu C H, Yang Y, Zhu Z Z 2010 Solid State Commun. 150 669Google Scholar
[41] Turner D E, Zhu Z Z, Chan C T, Mo K M 1997 Phys. Rev. B 55 13842Google Scholar
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