本文使用配分函数级数展开法,作出面心立方(fcc)点阵上具有最近邻交换作用-J的Ⅰ型反铁磁系统(Ising自旋1/2)的统计理论,引入了0+的次近邻相互作用以排除基态的简并问题,写出高温无序态的自由能的tanh(J/kT)的幂级数和低温有序态的自由能的exp(-4J/kT)的幂级数,运用求Pad近似式得出两者在温度Tc=1.74J/k处相交,故其顺磁-反铁磁的转变为一阶相变,我们算出了有关的物理量,长程和短程有序度、内能、熵、比热以及磁化率等随温度变化的曲线,它们都在Tc点出现突变,其潜热Q=Tc△S=0.44J,fcc上以CuAuI为典型的合金有序化问题与上述课题虽然是不同的物理对象,但它们的自由能的表式是同一的,因而以上算出的相交特征和相应的物理量对于二者都同样适用,最后我们还解析地证明了Tc-H曲线在H=0点Tc为极大值。The statistical theory of Type I antiferromagnetism of Ising spin 1/2 with the nearest neighbor interaction-J on a face centered cubic lattice has been treated by the method of series expansion. The degeneracy of the ground state is eliminated by introducing a next nearest neighbor interaction ~0+. The free energy function for the lower temperature ordered state is written in a series of exp(-4J/kT) and that for the higher temperature disorder state in a series of tanh (J/kT). Using Pade approximants, we have shown that the free energy curves of the two states cross at Tc = 1.74J/k, which clearly indicates the transition is of the first-order. The related physical quantities such as the long- and short-range order parameter, the internal energy, the entropy, the specific heat as well as the magnetic susceptibility were calculated following the variation of temperature. They all change abruptly at Tc and the latent heat Q = Tc△S = 0.44J. It is-proved that the theory of AB alloy superlattice, typically such as CuAul, may be for-mulated with its free energy similar to that of type I antife rromagnetism. Consequently, the characteristics of the transition and the physical quantities obtained can be naturally applied to the superlattice problem. We have shown analytically that the Tc- H curve exhibits a maximum at H=0.
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