本文将Eshelby等人关于无限各向异性介质中静止位错弹性理论加以推广,并结合运用Green张量函数积分法提出计算半无限各向异性介质中在自由表面附近运动位错弹性场的处理方案,作为示例,以γ-Fe/自由空间系统进行数值计算,计算结果显示出位错运动对弹性场的影响,当位错运动速度v→0时,与静止位错的情况一致,离自由表面越近的场点处表面效应越显著,位错所受的“像力”表示自由表面对运动位错有“吸引”作用,本文所提出的简单理论和方法可适用于任意各向异性介质中运动位错的弹性场及所受“像力”的计算,这对研究介质的一些力In this paper, the Eshelby theory of static dislocation in infinite anisotropic medium is extended, and combining the integration method with Green tensor function, to treat a dislocation moving uniformly near free surface. We take the system of γ-Fe/free space as an example to perform numerical calculation, the result shows the influence of dislocation motion on its elastic fields. As the velocity of dislocation v→0, the result coincide with that of static disloca-tion. On field point more close to the surface, the influence of the surface becomes more significant. The calculated "image force" acting on the dislocation shows that the action of the surface is attractive in nature. The simple theory and method suggested in this paper can be applied to calculate the elastic field of and "image force" on moving dislocation in any anisotropic medium, and would be significant in investigation of mechanical properties of the me dium.
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