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宋丹 张晓林



宋丹, 张晓林

Study of the multi-system compatible receiver’s frequency selection problem based on fixed point theory and its genetic algorithm realization

Song Dan, Zhang Xiao-Lin
  • 基于不动点理论研究了多系统兼容接收机的频点选择问题,并引入遗传算法解决了这一问题.将Banach不动点理论引入频点空间,提出并证明了频点空间中频点集的遗传进化过程反映了频点空间呈现出的一种不动点物理特性;经过频点空间算子的足够多次的反复遗传进化作用,频点空间中的任一迭代序列源频点集都将最终收敛于唯一不动点目标频点集,而该不动点目标频点集中的目标频点即为该频点选择问题的最优解.完成了遗传算法应用于频点选择问题的理论研究与实现.仿真结果表明,该算法能够有效地解决多系统兼容接收机的频点选择问题.
    The problem of multi-system compatible receiver’s frequency selection is studied based on fixed point theory, and genetic algorithm is applied to resolve the problem. In the frequency space Banach fixed point theory was used to explain the fixed point physical property, which is presented through the evolution of the frequency set in the frequency space. By adequate reciprocal action of the frequency space operator any iterative sequence source frequency set in the frequency space will finally converge to the unique fixed-point object frequency set, the object frequencies of which are the frequency selection problem’s optimal solution. The study of and the solution to the frequency selection problem has been accomplished by a genetic algorithm. Simulation shows that the algorithm can resolve the problem of the multi-system compatible receiver’s frequency selection effectively.
    • 基金项目: 国防科工委民用航天专项基金资助的课题.

    Kovar P,Vejrazka F 2008 17th IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium Monterey,California,May 5—8,2008 p860


    Liu F,Tian M H 2009 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation Zhangjiajie,China,October 10—11,2009 p911


    Bagheri E,Deldari H 2006 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications Pula-Cagliari,Sardinia,Italy,June 26—29,2006 p675


    Manocha A,Sharma A 2009 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference Patiala,India,March 6—7, 2009 p171


    Murphy L,Abdel—Aty-Zohdy H S,Hashem-Sherif M 2005 48th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Cincinnati, Ohio, August 7-10,2005 p1729


    Li J,Jing B,Yang Y X 2009 Acta Electronica Sinica 37 1037(in Chinese) [李剑、景博、杨义先 2009 电子学报 37 1037]


    Gao G,Zhou D F,Zhang J,Huang J J,Li D R 2008 Acta Electronica Sinica 36 1041(in Chinese) [高贵、周蝶飞、张军、黄纪军、李德仁 2009 电子学报 36 1041]


    Zhang W J,Liu Q 2009 9th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems Shenyang,LiaoNing,China,August 12—14,2009 p511


    Xu Z J,Nie Q M,Li P H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2878(in Chinese) [徐志君、聂青苗、李鹏华 2009 物理学报 58 2878]


    Li J L,Lü B D 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3006(in Chinese) [李建龙、吕百达 2008 物理学报 57 3006]


    Forrest S,Hofmeyr S,Somayaji A 2008 24th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference Anaheim, California, December 8—12,2008 p418


    Harper R,Blair A 2006 8th IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation(CEC 2006) Vancouver, Canada, July 16—21,2006 p2638


    Erwin Kreyszig 1978 Introductory functional analysis with applications 1st Edition (New York: John Wiley & Sons. Inc.) p72


    Zhang S S 1984 Fixed Point Theory and applications 1st Edition (Chongqing: Chongqing Press)p8—9(in Chinese)[张石生 1984 不动点理论及应用 第一版(重庆:重庆出版社) 第8—9页]

  • [1]

    Kovar P,Vejrazka F 2008 17th IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium Monterey,California,May 5—8,2008 p860


    Liu F,Tian M H 2009 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation Zhangjiajie,China,October 10—11,2009 p911


    Bagheri E,Deldari H 2006 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications Pula-Cagliari,Sardinia,Italy,June 26—29,2006 p675


    Manocha A,Sharma A 2009 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference Patiala,India,March 6—7, 2009 p171


    Murphy L,Abdel—Aty-Zohdy H S,Hashem-Sherif M 2005 48th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Cincinnati, Ohio, August 7-10,2005 p1729


    Li J,Jing B,Yang Y X 2009 Acta Electronica Sinica 37 1037(in Chinese) [李剑、景博、杨义先 2009 电子学报 37 1037]


    Gao G,Zhou D F,Zhang J,Huang J J,Li D R 2008 Acta Electronica Sinica 36 1041(in Chinese) [高贵、周蝶飞、张军、黄纪军、李德仁 2009 电子学报 36 1041]


    Zhang W J,Liu Q 2009 9th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems Shenyang,LiaoNing,China,August 12—14,2009 p511


    Xu Z J,Nie Q M,Li P H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2878(in Chinese) [徐志君、聂青苗、李鹏华 2009 物理学报 58 2878]


    Li J L,Lü B D 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3006(in Chinese) [李建龙、吕百达 2008 物理学报 57 3006]


    Forrest S,Hofmeyr S,Somayaji A 2008 24th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference Anaheim, California, December 8—12,2008 p418


    Harper R,Blair A 2006 8th IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation(CEC 2006) Vancouver, Canada, July 16—21,2006 p2638


    Erwin Kreyszig 1978 Introductory functional analysis with applications 1st Edition (New York: John Wiley & Sons. Inc.) p72


    Zhang S S 1984 Fixed Point Theory and applications 1st Edition (Chongqing: Chongqing Press)p8—9(in Chinese)[张石生 1984 不动点理论及应用 第一版(重庆:重庆出版社) 第8—9页]

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  • 文章访问数:  8916
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  • 收稿日期:  2009-11-17
  • 修回日期:  2010-04-22
  • 刊出日期:  2010-09-15

