本文通过设计一个新型的含分数阶滑模面的滑模控制器,应用主动控制原理和滑模控制原理,实现了一个新分数阶超混沌系统和分数阶超混沌Chen系统的投影同步.应用Lyapunov理论,分数阶系统稳定理论和分数阶非线性系统性质定理对该控制器的存在性和稳定性分别进行了分析,并得到了异结构分数阶超混沌系统达到投影同步的稳定性判据.数值仿真采用分数阶超混沌Chen 系统和一个新分数阶超混沌系统的投影同步,仿真结果验证了方法的有效性.
- 分数阶滑模面滑模控制器 /
- 稳定性分析 /
- 分数阶超混沌系统 /
- 投影同步
In this paper, a sliding mode controller with fractional sliding surface is designed for projective synchronization (PS) of fractional hyperchaotic systems via active control theory and sliding mode theory. The existence and the stability of PS between two fractional hyperchaotic systems are studied based on Lyapunov theory, fractional stability theory and the theory of fractional calculus. The criterions for the practical stability of the PS error system are presented also. Numerical simulation of PS between fractional Chen system and a new hyperchaotic system shows the effectiveness of the proposed controller law.-
- sliding mode controller with fractional sliding surface /
- stability analysis /
- fractional hyperchaotic system /
- projective synchronization
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[1] Zhang H G, Zhao Y, Yu W, Yang D S 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 4056
[2] Pecora L M, Carroll T L 1990 Phys. Rev. Lett. 64 821
[3] Zhang H G, Ma T D, Fu J, Tong S C 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3742
[4] Mohammad S T, Mohammad H 2008 Physica A 387 57
[5] Yang D S, Zhang H G, Li A P, Meng Z Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3121 (in Chinese)[杨东升、张化光、李爱平、孟子怡 2007 物理学报 56 3121]
[6] Zhang H G, Ma T D, Fu J, Tong S C 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3751
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[10] Wang X Y, Wu X J 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1988 (in Chinese)[王兴元、武相军 2007 物理学报 56 1988]
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[15] Li C G, Chen G R 2004 Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 22 549
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[17] Liu J, Li X J IEEE, 2008 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation Chongqing, People R China) 2008 p4653
[18] Si-Ammour A, Djennoune S, Bettayeb M 2009 Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 14 2310
[19] Hartley T T, Lorenzo C F, Qammer H K 1995 IEEE Trans. CAS-I 42 485
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