A novel method was proposed to fabricate double-fishnet structure metamaterials working at visible frequencies. Via template-assisted electrochemical deposition, silver nanonets with different lattices were fabricated, which were used to achieve final double-fishnet structures. It was revealed that the passband of the silver nanonet structure was shift to shorter wavelength when changing the lattice of structure smaller, according to the transmission spectra. Silver nanonet with lattice of 420 nm was used to achieve double-fishnet structure, which has novel effects at 610 nm wavelength, such as enhanced transmission and planar focusing. Furthermore, it is possible to fabricate double-fishnet structure metamaterials working at shorter wavelengths even for blue light when using template with smaller lattice.
- metamaterials /
- double-fishnet structure /
- visible light /
- planar focusing
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[1] Veselago V G 1968 Sov. Hys. Usp. 10 509
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