使用全相对论组态相互作用方法, 能级-能级细致计算了0.1 EI ≤ kTe≤ 10 EI (EI是类钠离子基态的第一电离能) 温度范围内类氖离子基态双电子复合(DR)速率系数, 双激发自电离能级考虑了(2s2p)73ln'l', (2s2p)74l4l' 以及(2s2p)74l5l'组态. 对于(2s2p)73ln'l'双激发自电离组态, 轨道角量子数l' >8 的(2s2p)73ln'l'双激发自电离态对双电子复合速率系数的贡献可以忽略不计; (2s2p)73ln'l'双激发自电离组态的高里德堡态对双电子复合速率系数的贡献满足 n'-3组态-组态外推法, 并且核电荷数越大, 趋于n'-3标度的n'值越小; 对细致能级计算得到的类氖离子基态的总DR速率系数进行了拟合, 得到类氖离子基态的总DR速率系数随核电荷数 Z和电子温度变化的经验公式, 该拟合公式与细致计算结果的偏差在2%以内, 能较准确的计算任意核电荷数Z的类氖离子在0.1EI ≤ kTe ≤ 10EI电子温度范围的DR速率系数. Burgess-Merts(BM)近似公式不适用于估算低温(kTeEI)类氖离子的DR速率系数, 在高温(kTe>2EI)时, 类氖离子的DR速率系数可以用BM近似公式表示.The dielectronic recombination (DR) rate coefficients for Ne-like isoelectronic sequence ions in the ground state 2s22p6 are calculated by using relativistic configuration interaction (RCI) method over a wide temperature ranging from 0.1EI to 10EI where EI is the ionization energy of corresponding Na-like ion. The (2s2p)73ln'l', (2s2p)74l4l' and (2s2p)74l5l' complexes are considered as autoionizing doubly excited states of Ne-like ions in the calculation. The contribution of (2s2p)73ln'l' complex with l' >8 is found to be negligible. The contribution of high Rydberg states of (2s2p)73ln'l' complex obeys the complex-complex n'-3 extrapolation, and the larger the nuclear charge, the smaller the value of n' is. On the basis of the detailed level-by-level results, a general analytic formula for the total DR rate coefficient for all the ions along the Ne-like isoelectronic sequence is constructed. This formula can generally reproduce the calculated DR rate coefficients within 2% for electron temperature between 0.1EI and 10EI. Burgess-Merts semiempirical formula is found to be inadequate for predicting the DR rates of Ne-like ions at low electron temperatures (kTeEI) and may be used for high electron temperatures (kTe > 2EI).
- relativistic configuration interaction(RCI) /
- dielectronic recombination(DR) /
- Ne-like isoelectronic sequence ions /
- rate coefficient
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[1] Schneider M B, Knapp D A, Chen M H, Scofield J H, Beiersdorfer P, Bennett C L, Henderson J R, Levine M A, Marrs R E 1992 Phys. Rev. A 45 R1291
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[3] Knapp D A 1990 Conference: 5 international conference on the physics of highly charged ions Giessen (Germany, F.R.) September 10-14, 1990 E91001757
[4] Biedermann C, Radtke R, Seidel R, Behar E 2009 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 163 12034
[5] Watanabe H, Nakamura N, Kato D, Nakano T, Ohtani S 2007 Plasma and Fusion Research 2 27
[6] Yang J H, Cheng X L, Deng B L 2010 Phys. Scr. 81 15304
[7] Wu H, Yang J H, Zhang J P, Zhu L 2012 Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition) 49 843 (in Chinese) [吴华, 杨建会, 张建平, 朱林 2012 四川大学学报 (自然科学版) 49 843 ]
[8] Gu M F 2004 Phys. Rev. A 70 62704
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[11] Yang J H, Zhang H, Cheng X L 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 63201
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[15] Burgess A 1965 Astrophys. J. 141 1588
[16] Behar E, Mandelbaum P, Schwob J L 1999 Phys. Rev. A 59 2787
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