本文旨在探讨拓展傅里叶幅度敏感性检验(EFAST)在陆面参数敏感性分析中的应用. 基于2008年吉林通榆观测值站的退化草地观测资料,针对通用陆面过程模式(CoLM)的关键陆面参数, 使用地表感热通量、潜热通量作为检验变量,尝试将EFAST方法运用到陆面过程模式参数敏感性试验中. 在充分考虑单个参数敏感性的基础上,将参数间的耦合作用考虑进来, 研究了相互影响制约下的多参数变化对非线性系统的影响,并且对这种非线性影响进行了定量分析. 敏感性分析结果表明:土壤砂土比例、最小水分透过孔隙度为影响地表感热通量与潜热通量的关键参数, 验证了EFAST方法在陆面过程模式参数敏感性分析方面的可行性.本项研究对于外场观测试验的设计 和发展陆面模式物理过程参数化方案具有积极的指导意义.In this paper, we explore the application of extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (EFAST) to land surface parameter sensitivity analysis. Based on observations of Tongyu site (Jilin province) at a degraded grassland in 2008, the EFAST method is verified and applied. The sensible heat flux and latent heat flux are used as the test variables. With the full consideration of the sensitivity of individual parameters, the coupling between the parameters is taken into account. We explore the influence on the nonlinear system under the constraints of the interaction of multiple land surface parameters with a quantitative analysis. The results show that sand content in the soil (sand) and minimal porosity of permeable water are the key factors which affect the heat sensible flux and latent heat flux significantly, which is consistent with the existing result. The sensitivity result confirms the feasibility of the EFAST method. The results of this paper are expected to guide people in designing the field observation and development of parameterization schemes in land surface model.
- land surface model /
- land surface parameter /
- EFAST method /
- Parameter sensitivity
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[3] Henderson-Sellers A 2006 Global and Planetary Change 51 3
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[5] Henderson-Sellers A, Irranejad P, Sharmeen S, Phillips T J, McGuffie K, Zhang H 2003 GEWEX News 3-6
[6] Irranejad P, Henderson-Sellers A, Sharmeen S 2003 Geophysical Research Letters 30 17 1904
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[9] Song Y M, Guo W D, Zhang Y C 2009 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 26 319
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[11] Li H Q, Gou W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C, Fu C B 2011 Advan. in Atmos. Sci.
[12] Li H Q, Gou W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese) [李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存 2011 物理学报 60 019201 ]
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[15] Song Y M 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University) (in Chinese) [宋耀明 2008 博士学位论文 (南京:南京大学大气科学学院)]
[16] Wilson M, Henderson-Sellers A, Dickinson R, Kennedy P 1987 J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol 26
[17] Pitman A 1994 Journal of Climate 7 1856
[18] Dolinski K 1983 Structural Safety 1 211
[19] Errico R M 1997 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 782577
[20] Jackson C, Xia Y, Sen M K, Stoffa P 2003 J. Geophys. Res. 108 (D18) 4583
[21] Noura B, David C W, Mohamed H B, Mohamed M E 2012 Ecological Indicators 15 271
[22] Cai F, Zhou G S, Li R P, Ming H Q 2011 Advances in earth science 26 300
[23] Saltelli A, Tarantola S, Chan K P S 1999 Technometrics 41 39
[24] Saltelli A, Tarantola S, Campolongo F 2000 Statistical Science 15 377
[25] Ceccato P, Gobron N, Flasse S, Pinty B, Tarantola S 2002 Remote Sensing of Environment 82 188
[26] Crosetto M, Tarantola S, Saltelli A 2000 Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 81 71
[27] Matsushita B, Xu M, Chen J, Kameyama S, Tamura M 2004 Ecological modelling 178371
[28] Tang J, Zhuang Q 2009 Journal of Geophysical Research 114 724
[29] Tang Y, Reed P, Van Werkhoven K, Wagener T 2007 Water Resources Research 43 6415
[30] Wu J, Xu F S, Chen Z X, Chen J 2009 Transactions of the CSAE 25 136 (in Chinese) [吴锦, 余福水, 陈仲新, 陈晋 2009 农业工程学报 25 136]
[31] Xiao S Q, Xie G F 2010 Acta Physica Sinica 59 4808 (in Chinese) [肖松青, 谢国锋 2010 物理学报 59 4808]
[32] Cukier R, Fortuin C, Shuler K E, Petschek A, Schaibly J 1973 The Journal of Chemical Physics 593873
[33] Sobol I M 1990 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 2 112
[34] Saltelli A, Tarantola S, Chan K P S 1999 American Statistical Association and the American Society for Quality Technometrics
[35] Yan P C, Hou W, Qian Z H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 139202 (in Chinese) [颜鹏程, 侯威, 钱忠华 2012 物理学报 61 139202]
[36] Hao C Q, Wang J, Deng B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 148901 (in Chinese) [郝崇清, 王江, 邓斌 2012 物理学报 61 148901]
[37] Joint Research Centre of the European Commission http: // simlab.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
[38] Dai Y J, Zeng X B, Dickinson R E 2001 Common Land Model (Technical Documentation and User's Guide) User's Guide
[39] Dai Y J 2005 School of geography Beijing Normal University
[40] Liu H Z, Dong W J, Fu C B 2004 Climatic and Enviromental Research 9 378 (in Chinese) [刘辉志, 董文杰, 符淙斌 2004 气候与环境研究 9 378]
[41] Li H Q 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University) (in Chinese) [李红祺 2010 博士学位论文南京:南京大学大气科学院]
[1] Houghton J T 1996 Climate change 1995: the science of climate change (Cambridge Univ Pr) p572
[2] Crossley J, Polcher J, Cox P, Gedney N, Planton S 2000 Climate Dynamics 16 949
[3] Henderson-Sellers A 2006 Global and Planetary Change 51 3
[4] Liang X, Guo J 2003 Journal of Hydrology 279 182
[5] Henderson-Sellers A, Irranejad P, Sharmeen S, Phillips T J, McGuffie K, Zhang H 2003 GEWEX News 3-6
[6] Irranejad P, Henderson-Sellers A, Sharmeen S 2003 Geophysical Research Letters 30 17 1904
[7] Song Y M, Guo W D, Zhang Y C 2009 Climate and Environmental Research 14 229 (in Chinese) [宋耀明, 郭维栋, 张耀存 气候与环境研究 2009 14 229]
[8] Song Y M, Guo W D, Zhang Y C 2009 Climate and Environmental Research 14 243 (in Chinese) [宋耀明, 郭维栋, 张耀存 气候与环境研究 2009 14 243]
[9] Song Y M, Guo W D, Zhang Y C 2009 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 26 319
[10] Liu J, Arndt C, Hertel T W 2004 Journal of Economic Integration 19 626
[11] Li H Q, Gou W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C, Fu C B 2011 Advan. in Atmos. Sci.
[12] Li H Q, Gou W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese) [李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存 2011 物理学报 60 019201 ]
[13] McCuen R H, Snyder W M 1986 Hydrologic modeling: statistical methods and applications (Prentice-Hall) p568
[14] Zhu D Q 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [朱德琴 2007 博士学位论文(北京:中国科学院大气物理研究所)]
[15] Song Y M 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University) (in Chinese) [宋耀明 2008 博士学位论文 (南京:南京大学大气科学学院)]
[16] Wilson M, Henderson-Sellers A, Dickinson R, Kennedy P 1987 J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol 26
[17] Pitman A 1994 Journal of Climate 7 1856
[18] Dolinski K 1983 Structural Safety 1 211
[19] Errico R M 1997 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 782577
[20] Jackson C, Xia Y, Sen M K, Stoffa P 2003 J. Geophys. Res. 108 (D18) 4583
[21] Noura B, David C W, Mohamed H B, Mohamed M E 2012 Ecological Indicators 15 271
[22] Cai F, Zhou G S, Li R P, Ming H Q 2011 Advances in earth science 26 300
[23] Saltelli A, Tarantola S, Chan K P S 1999 Technometrics 41 39
[24] Saltelli A, Tarantola S, Campolongo F 2000 Statistical Science 15 377
[25] Ceccato P, Gobron N, Flasse S, Pinty B, Tarantola S 2002 Remote Sensing of Environment 82 188
[26] Crosetto M, Tarantola S, Saltelli A 2000 Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 81 71
[27] Matsushita B, Xu M, Chen J, Kameyama S, Tamura M 2004 Ecological modelling 178371
[28] Tang J, Zhuang Q 2009 Journal of Geophysical Research 114 724
[29] Tang Y, Reed P, Van Werkhoven K, Wagener T 2007 Water Resources Research 43 6415
[30] Wu J, Xu F S, Chen Z X, Chen J 2009 Transactions of the CSAE 25 136 (in Chinese) [吴锦, 余福水, 陈仲新, 陈晋 2009 农业工程学报 25 136]
[31] Xiao S Q, Xie G F 2010 Acta Physica Sinica 59 4808 (in Chinese) [肖松青, 谢国锋 2010 物理学报 59 4808]
[32] Cukier R, Fortuin C, Shuler K E, Petschek A, Schaibly J 1973 The Journal of Chemical Physics 593873
[33] Sobol I M 1990 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 2 112
[34] Saltelli A, Tarantola S, Chan K P S 1999 American Statistical Association and the American Society for Quality Technometrics
[35] Yan P C, Hou W, Qian Z H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 139202 (in Chinese) [颜鹏程, 侯威, 钱忠华 2012 物理学报 61 139202]
[36] Hao C Q, Wang J, Deng B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 148901 (in Chinese) [郝崇清, 王江, 邓斌 2012 物理学报 61 148901]
[37] Joint Research Centre of the European Commission http: // simlab.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
[38] Dai Y J, Zeng X B, Dickinson R E 2001 Common Land Model (Technical Documentation and User's Guide) User's Guide
[39] Dai Y J 2005 School of geography Beijing Normal University
[40] Liu H Z, Dong W J, Fu C B 2004 Climatic and Enviromental Research 9 378 (in Chinese) [刘辉志, 董文杰, 符淙斌 2004 气候与环境研究 9 378]
[41] Li H Q 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University) (in Chinese) [李红祺 2010 博士学位论文南京:南京大学大气科学院]
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