探讨了随机平衡傅里叶振幅敏感性分析方法(RBD-FAST)和扩展傅里叶振幅敏感性分析方法(EFAST)在陆面过程模式参数敏感性研究中的应用. 试验中使用通用陆面过程模式(CoLM)和通榆退化草地2008年夏季观测资料, 针对陆气相互作用中重要的要素: 感热通量(SH)、潜热通量(LH)、地表温度(ST), 2 m气温(T2m)和2 m湿度(Q2m), 分析了11 个参数(土深、1–5层黏土比率、孔隙度、最大露水厚度、50%植物根深、地表空气粗糙度和冠层下土壤拖曳系数)的敏感性大小. 结果表明, RBD-FAST和EFAST对参数的一阶敏感性检验结果较为一致且与之前的研究结果类似, EFAST方法还可以得到考虑了参数间相互作用的整体敏感性. RBD-FAST的优势主要表现为在极大地减少了计算消耗机的同时, 一次取样即可计算所有参数的一阶敏感性, 而EFAST的优势则在于通盘考虑了参数之间的相互影响, 可以得到更为合理的整体敏感性序列. 针对不同需求, 选择使用这两种敏感性分析方法, 有助于提高陆面过程模式参数化方案的改进效率.
- 参数敏感性分析 /
- 陆面过程模式 /
- 随机平衡设计傅里叶振幅敏感性分析方法 /
- 拓展傅里叶振幅敏感性分析方法
In this paper, we discuss the applications of random balance design Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (RBD-FAST) and extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (EFAST) in the parameter sensitivity analysis of land surface process model. We use the common land model and data of Tongyu station, which is a reference site of CEOP in the semi-arid regions, use five model outputs (sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, surface temperature, temperature of air at 2 m over surface, moisture of air at 2 m over surface) as focus output, and use 11 model parameter (soil depth, the soil proportion of 1-5 layers of soil, the porosity of soil, the max dew depth, the roughness of the air between surface and the canopy, and the drag coefficient under the canopy) as the parameters to be analyzed. After the 10 RBD-FAST experiments, we obtain the first-order sensitivity results, and we gain not only first-order sensitivity but also the total sensitivity after the EFAST experiment. The first-order results of two methods show their consistency. The RBD-FAST takes less computing time and is easy to implemente, while the EFAST also has a more comprehensive and reasonable total sensitivity result. All results above illustrate the applications of both RBD-FAST and EFAST in the parameter sensitivity analysis of land surface model. Researchers can choose the suitable one to solve the different problems.-
- sensitivity analysis /
- land surface process model /
- random balance design Fourier amplitude sensitivity test /
- extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test
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[1] Sun S F 2005 Biophysical and Biochemical Mechanisms and Their Parameterization in Context of Land Surface Process ( Vol. 1 ) (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) pp1-20 (in Chinese) [孙菽芬 2005 陆面过程的物理、生化机理和参数化模型 (北京: 气象出版社) 第1–20页]
[2] Batidas L A, Hogure T S, Sorooshian S, Gupta H V, Shuttleworth W J 2006 J. Geophys. Res.: Atoms. 111 D2101
[3] Sun S F 2002 Bimonthly of Xinjiang Meteorology 25 1 (in Chinese) [孙菽芬 2002 新疆气象 25 1]
[4] Xue G Y, Zhou S Q, Sun Z B, Chen G Y, Yang Y C, Chen H M 2005 Bull. Sci. Technol. 21 378 (in Chinese) [薛根元, 周锁栓, 孙照渤, 陈国勇, 杨煜灿, 陈红梅 2005 科技通报 21 378]
[5] Wang Y P, Baldocchi D, Leunig R, Flage E, Vesala T 2006 Global Change Biology 12 1
[6] Park S J, Park S U, Ho C H 2010 Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. 21 5
[7] Satltelli A, Ratto M, Andres T, Campolongo F, Cariboni J, Gatelli D, Saisana M, Tarantola S 2008 Global Sensitivity Anaysis the Primer (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd)
[8] Li H Q, Guo W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C, Fu C B 2011 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 28 1056
[9] Li H Q, Guo W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese) [李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存 2011 物理学报 60 019201]
[10] Li H Q 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University) (in Chinese) [李红祺 2010 博士学位论文(南京: 南京大学大气科学学院)]
[11] Saltelli A, Ratto M, Tarantola S, Campolongo F 2005 Chem. Rev. 105 2811
[12] Koda M, McRae G J, Seinfeld J H 1979 Int J. Chem. Kinet. 11 427
[13] Cukier R I, Schaibly J H, Shuler K E 1975 J. Chem. Phys. 63 1140
[14] Cukier R I, Levine H B, Shuler K E 1978 J. Comput. Phys. 26 1
[15] Cukier R I, Levine H B, Shuler K E J 1977 Phys. Chem. 81 2365
[16] McRae G J, Tilden J W, Seinfeld J H 1982 Comput. Chem. Eng. 6 15
[17] Schaibly J H, Shuler K E 1973 J. Chem. Phys. 59 3879
[18] Cukier R I, Fortuin C M, Shuler K E, Petschek A G, Schaibly J H 1973 J. Chem. Phys. 59 3873
[19] Saltelli A, Tarantola S, Chan K P S 1999 Technometrics 41 39
[20] Xu C G, Gertner G Z 2008 Reliab. Eng. Syst. Safety 93 1060
[21] Wang J D, Guo W D, Li H Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 050202 (in Chinese) [王建栋, 郭维栋, 李红祺 2013 物理学报 62 050202]
[22] Tarantola S, Gatelli D, Mara T A 2006 Reliab. Eng. Syst. Safety 91 717
[23] Sobol' I M 1993 Math. Model. Comput. Exp. 1 407
[24] Dai Y J, Zeng X B, Dickinson R E 2001 Common. Land. Model. (Technical Documentation and User's Guide) User's Guide
[25] Dai Y J 2003 Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 84 1013
[26] Dai Y J 2005 The Common Land Model (CoLM) User's Guide
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