本文用液态簧振动力学谱(RMS-L)方法, 对典型蛋白质水凝胶鸡蛋清的脱水变性过程进行了测量, 结果表明, 随水含量的减少, 鸡蛋清至少存在4个力学谱的显著变化过程. 基于此结果并结合力学谱的理论分析, 作者推测, 随水含量的减少, 鸡蛋清可能依次存在下述4个状态: 1) 类体水(bulk-likewater) 的蛋白质水凝胶态; 2) 键合水 (bond water) 的蛋白质水凝胶态; 3) 键合水和键合蛋白质(bonding protein) 的混合态; 4) 键合蛋白质态. 而蛋白质的空间构型(spatial configuration)转变即变性, 主要发生在拥有键合水的蛋白质通过失水向键合蛋白质转变的混合态. 这表明RMS-L对鸡蛋清脱水变性过程的检测是有效的, 所得结果对蛋白质变性机理、以及蛋白质水凝胶态的深入研究也应具有参考价值.Protein denaturation is not only one of the basic problems in biophysics and biochemistry, but also a practical one in applications. It is undoubtedly useful to explore new methods for detecting protein denaturation because they will surely provide some new information from new angles of view. For the first time, Sofar as we know we apply the reed-vibration mechanical spectroscopy for liquids (RMS-L) to measure the dehydration and denaturation process of egg white, one of typical protein hydrogels, in this work. The results show that there exist at least 4 remarkable processes of mechanical spectra with the reduction of water content. Based on the experiments and the analyses according to the relevant mechanical spectrum theories, the authors inferred that, with the water content reduction egg white may undergo the following 4 states successively: 1) bulk-like water protein hydrogel state; 2) bond water protein hydrogel state; 3) bond water and bonding protein mixed state; 4) bonding protein state. And the spatial configuration change of protein, namely degeneration, happens mainly in the mixed state in which the protein with bond water transforms to binding protein by losing the water. This means that the detection of dehydration and denaturation of egg white by RMS-L is effective, and we think the conclusions would also be reference materials for the deep studies of protein denaturation mechanisms and protein hydrogel states.
- mechanical spectrum /
- protein hydrogel /
- protein denaturation
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[37] Huang Y N, Wang C J, Riande E 2001 J. Chem. Phys. 22 144502
[1] Li L X, Chi Y J, Yu B 2008 Food Science 29 46 (in Chinese) [李俐鑫, 迟玉杰, 于滨 2008 食品科学 29 46]
[2] Xu G H 2010 Bulletin of Biology 45 23 (in Chinese) [徐国恒 2010 生物学通报 45 23]
[3] Chen L J, Cao X J 2006 China Biotechnology 27 75 (in Chinese) [陈霖杰, 曹学君 2006 中国生物工程杂志 27 75]
[4] Huang H 2002 Food and Machinery 88 6 (in Chinese) [黄海 2002 食品与机械 88 6]
[5] Lin A H, Sun X M, Li B H 2002 Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (Nat. Sci. Edition) 21 21 (in Chinese) [林爱华, 孙小梅, 李步海 2002 中南民族大学学报 (自然科学版) 21 21]
[6] Sa C E F, Luo L F 2002 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Natural Science Edition) 31 2630 (in Chinese) [萨楚尔夫, 罗辽复 2003 内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学(汉文)版) 31 2630]
[7] Lu Y, Li X R 2005 Progress in Chemistry 17 905 (in Chinese) [卢雁, 李向荣 2005 化学进展 17 905]
[8] Liu L, Yang C, Guo Q X 2000 Chinese Science Bulletin 45 918 (in Chinese) [刘磊, 杨超, 郭庆祥 2000 科学通报 45 918]
[9] Liu Z J, Hua Z Z 2000 Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics 21 263 (in Chinese) [刘占杰, 华泽钊 2000 中国生化药物杂志 21 263]
[10] He Y, Yao K, Jia T Y, He Q 2007 Amino Acids & Biotic Resources 29 36 (in Chinese) [何芸, 姚开, 贾冬英, 何强 2007 氨基酸和生物资源 29 36]
[11] Guo Y Y, Kong B H 2011 Food Science 32 335 (in Chinese) [郭园园, 孔保华 2011 食品科学 32 335]
[12] Pan J F, Shen H X, Song Y L, You J, Luo Y K 2009 Meat Research 124 9 (in Chinese) [潘锦锋, 沈彗星, 宋永令, 尤娟, 罗永康 2009 肉类研究 124 9]
[13] Tao Z W, Zheng D, Di M L, Shan X J 2010 Drug Evaluation Research 33 148 (in Chinese) [陶遵威, 郑夺, 邸明磊, 单晓菊 2010 药物评价研究 33 148]
[14] Zhang Y L, Xia W S 2007 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 23 116 (in Chinese) [章银良, 夏文水 2007 中国农学通报 23 116]
[15] Guan Z Q, Jiang X Q, Li M, Zhang Z H, Hong B Z 2005 Journal of Fisheries of China 29 837 (in Chinese) [关志强, 蒋小强, 李敏, 章超桦, 洪鹏志 2005 水产学报 29 837]
[16] Ma H J, Wang X, Zhou G H, Xu X L 2004 Science and Technology of Food Industry 25 63 (in Chinese) [马汉军, 王霞, 周光宏, 徐幸莲 2004 食品工业科技 25 63]
[17] Chen H B, Chen T W, Chen S J, Peng B, Wang M Y 2009 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 25 447 (in Chinese) [陈慧斌, 陈团伟, 陈绍军, 彭彪, 王梅英 2009 中国农学通报 25 447]
[18] Sun D P, Yang J Z 2010 The bacterial cellulose functionality materials and their industrial applications (Beijing: Science Press) p35-43 (in Chinese) [孙东平, 杨加志 2010 细菌纤维素功能材料及其工业应用 (北京: 科学出版社) 第35–43页]
[19] Yang H H, Li P J, Kong B H, Liu Q, Li J 2012 Science and Technology of Food Industry 33 400 (in Chinese) [杨赫鸿, 李沛军, 孔保华, 刘骞, 李菁 2012 食品工业科技 33 400]
[20] Yi W, Hu Y Q 2004 Chin. Pharm J. 39 401 (in Chinese) [易薇, 胡一桥 2004 中国药学杂志 39 401]
[21] Lu Y, Zhang W W, Wang G K 2008 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 28 88 (in Chinese) [卢雁, 张玮玮, 王公轲 2008 光谱学与光谱分析 28 88]
[22] Guo X N, Yao H W 2011 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 31 1611 (in China) [郭晓娜, 姚惠源 2011 光谱学与光谱分析 31 1611]
[23] del Pino M M S, Fersht A R 1997 Biochemistry 36 5560
[24] Fang S Q, Lu M, Chen K W, Xu H Y, Geng J P, Wang H L, Liu G R, Liang C Z 2006 Modern Food Science and Technology 22 219 (in Chinese) [方绍庆, 卢闽, 陈克卫, 许红岩, 耿金培, 王洪来, 刘桂荣, 梁成珠 2006 现代食品科技 22 219]
[25] Chen G L, Li R, Li H R 1997 Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities 18 701 (in Chinese) [陈国亮, 李蓉, 李华儒 1997 高等学校化学学报 18 701]
[26] Ying X N, Yuan Y H, Zhang L, Huang Y N, Wang Y N, Wang X L, Zhou D S, Xue G 2006 Rev. Sci. Instru. 77 053902
[27] Wu W H, Zhang J L, Zhou H W, Guo X Z, Huang Y N 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 011918
[28] Zhang J L, Zhang L L, Wu W H, Zhou H W, Guo X Z, Huang Y N 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 131906
[29] Huang Y N, Zhang J L, Ying X N 2006 Prog. Phys. 26 359 (in Chinese) [黄以能, 张晋鲁, 应学农 2006 物理学进展 26 359]
[30] Zhou H W, Zhang J L, Huang Y N, Ying X N, Zhang L, Wu W H, Shen Y F 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6547 (in Chinese) [周恒为, 张晋鲁, 黄以能, 应学农, 张亮, 吴文惠, 沈异凡 2007 物理学报 56 6547]
[31] Guo X Z, Zhou H W, Zhang J L, Wu W H, Zhang J L, Huang Y N 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 417 (in Chinese) [郭秀珍, 周恒为, 张丽丽, 吴文惠, 张晋鲁, 黄以能 2010 物理学报 59 417]
[32] Zhou H W, Wang L N, Guo X Z, Wu N N, Zhang L, Zhang J L, Huang Y N 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2120 (in Chinese) [周恒为, 王丽娜, 郭秀珍, 吴娜娜, 张丽, 张晋鲁, 黄以能 2010 物理学报 59 2120]
[33] Nowick A S, Berry B S 1972 Anelastic Relaxation in Crystalline Solid (New York: Academic) p115-129
[34] Huang Y N, Wang Y N 1992 Phys. Rev. B 46 3290
[35] Huang Y N, Wang Y N, Zhao Z X 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49 1320
[36] Huang Y N, Li X, Ding Y 1997 Phys. Rev. B 55 16159
[37] Huang Y N, Wang C J, Riande E 2001 J. Chem. Phys. 22 144502
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