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张鹏 洪延姬 丁小雨 沈双晏 冯喜平



张鹏, 洪延姬, 丁小雨, 沈双晏, 冯喜平

Effect of plasma on boron-based two-phase flow diffusion combustion

Zhang Peng, Hong Yan-Ji, Ding Xiao-Yu, Shen Shuang-Yan, Feng Xi-Ping
  • 为排除来流空气对含硼燃气的掺混效应, 研究等离子体对含硼富燃料推进剂在补燃室二次燃烧过程的影响, 建立了含硼两相流平行进气扩散燃烧物理模型. 利用高速摄影仪拍摄了含硼燃气在补燃室二次燃烧的火焰图像, 分析了该物理模型的扩散燃烧特性和硼颗粒的二次点火距离. 采用硼颗粒的King点火模型、有限速度/涡耗散模型、颗粒轨道模型和RNG k-ε模型以及等离子体模型, 模拟了一定条件下等离子体对含硼两相流扩散燃烧过程的影响. 结果表明, 依据含硼燃气二次燃烧图像得到的硼颗粒二次点火距离, 与数值模拟结果基本一致, 保证了该物理模型和计算方法的可靠性. 含硼两相流经过等离子体区域后, 硼颗粒在运动轨迹上颗粒温度明显增加, 颗粒直径明显减小, B2O3的质量分数分布区域明显扩增, 70%的硼颗粒在到达补燃室2/3尺寸前燃烧效率已达到100%, 硼颗粒充分燃烧释放出更多热量导致中心流线区域温度增加近1/2, 可见等离子体可以明显强化含硼两相流的燃烧过程, 提高硼颗粒的燃烧效率.
    A parallel intake diffusion combustion physical model is designed to study the influence of plasma on the secondary combustion of boron-based gas in the after-burning chamber, with excluding mixing effects of the intake air. The flame images of the diffusion combustion of the boron-based gas in the after-burning chamber are obtained by a high-speed photographic apparatus. The diffusion combustion characteristics of the physical model and the secondary ignition distance of boron particles are analyzed. The King ignition model, finite-rate/eddy-dissipation model, particle-trajectory model, RNG k-ε model, and plasma model are adopted to simulate the influence of plasma on the diffusion combustion of boron-based two-phase flow in a certain condition. The results show that the secondary ignition distance of boron particles, which is based on the boron-based flame image, is consistent well with the numerical simulation result, which verifies the accuracy of the boron-based two-phase flow diffusion combustion numerical model and the calculation method. When the boron-based gas passes through the plasma area, the temperature of the boron particles increases while the diameter decreases significantly on their trajectory. The distribution area of the B2O3 mass fraction increases significantly, and more than 70% boron particles reach a 100% combustion efficiency before they arrive at the area of the two-thirds after-burning chamber. More heat is released by fully burning the boron particles under the influence of plasma, which results in a half increase of the central area. It can be indicated that plasma can obviously enhance the combustion process of the boron-based gas, which improves the combustion efficiency of boron particles and releases more energy.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11372356)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11372356).

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    Aleksandrov N L, Kindysheva S V, Kochetov I V 2014 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 23 015017


    Zhang P, Hong Y J, Sheng S Y, Ding X Y 2014 High Volt. Engin. 40 2125 (in Chinese) [张鹏, 洪延姬, 沈双晏, 丁小雨 2014 高电压技术 40 2125]


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  • [1]

    Beckstead M W, Puduppakkam K, Thakre P, Yang V 2007 Prog. Energ. Combust. 33 497


    Yu D, Kong C D, Zhuo J K, Yao Q, Li S Q 2015 J. Engineer. Thermophys. 36 922 (in Chinese) [于丹, 孔成栋, 卓建坤, 姚强, 李水清 2015 工程热物理学报 36 922]


    Fry R S 2004 J. Propul. Power 20 1


    Jain A, Anthonysamy S, Ananthasivan K 2010 Thermochim. Acta 500 1


    Macek A, Semple J M 1969 Combust. Sci. Technol. 1 181


    Ao W, Yang W J, Han Z J, Liu J Z, Zhou J H, Cen K F 2012 J. Solid Rocket Technol. 35 361 (in Chinese) [敖文, 杨卫娟, 韩志江, 刘建忠, 周俊虎, 岑可法 2012 固体火箭技术 35 361]


    King M K 1982 J. Spacecraft Rockets 19 294


    Young G, Sullivan K, Zachariah M R, Yu K 2009 Combust. Flame 156 322


    Wang Y H, Li B X, Hu S Q 2004 Chin. J. Explos. Propel. 27 44 (in Chinese) [王英红, 李葆萱, 胡松起 2004 火炸药学报 2004 27 44]


    Liu J, Li J X, Feng X P, Zheng Y 2011 J. Propulsion Technol. 32 355 (in Chinese) [刘杰, 李进贤, 冯喜平, 郑亚 2011 推进技术 32 355]


    Hu J X 2006 Ph. D Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology) (in Chinese) [胡建新 2006 博士学位论文(长沙: 国防科技大学)]


    Ju Y 2014 Adv. Mech. 44 20


    Inomata T, Okazaki S, Moriwaki T, Suzuki M 1983 Combust. Flame 50 361


    Starikovskaya S M, Kukaev E N, Kuksin A Y 2004 Combust. Flame 139 177


    Starikovskaia S M, Kosarev I N, Popov N A, Starikovskii A Yu 2009 40th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference San Antonio, June 22-25, 2009 p3595


    Starikovskiy A 2012 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition Nashville Tennessee, 2012 p244


    Andrey S, Nickolay A 2013 Prog. Energ. Combust. 39 61


    Sun W, Won S H, Ombrello T 2013 P. Combust. Inst. 34 847


    Aleksandrov N L, Kindysheva S V, Kochetov I V 2014 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 23 015017


    Zhang P, Hong Y J, Sheng S Y, Ding X Y 2014 High Volt. Engin. 40 2125 (in Chinese) [张鹏, 洪延姬, 沈双晏, 丁小雨 2014 高电压技术 40 2125]


    Lan Y D 2011 Ph. D Dissertation (Xian: Air Force Engineering University) (in Chinese) [兰宇丹 2011 博士学位论文(西安: 空军工程大学)]


    Xie Y S, Zhang X B, Yuan Y X, Zhou Y 2003 J. Propulsion Technol. 24 275 (in Chinese) [谢玉树, 张小兵, 袁亚雄, 周跃 2003 推进技术 24 275]


    Hu J X, Xia Z X, Zhang W H, Fang Z B, Wang D Q, Huang L Y 2012 Int. J. Eng. Sci. 2012 160620


    Hussmann B, Pfitzner M 2010 Combust. Flame 157 803


    Hussmann B, Pfitzner M 2010 Combust. Flame 157 822


    Shumlak U, Loverich J 2003 J. Comput. Phys. 187 620

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-10-09
  • 修回日期:  2015-05-11
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